- Articles
- Effect of Haptic Assistance on Learning Vehicle Reverse Parking Skills
Hirokawa Masakazu; Uesugi Naohisa; Furugori Satoru; Ki...
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON HAPTICS/7(3)/pp.334-344, 2014-07 - 小児らの相互作用行動と集団形成を支援するための光提示インタフェース
三浦 麻希; 鈴木 健嗣
ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌/16(2)/pp.87-96, 2014-05 - Robot Assisted Physiotherapy to Support Rehabilitation of Facial Paralysis
Dushyantha Jayatilake; 伊勢崎 隆司; 寺元洋平; 江口 清; 鈴木 健嗣
IEEE Transactions on Neural System and Rehabilitation Engineering/22(3)/pp.644-653, 2014-05 - Supporting Auditory Awareness of Hearing Impaired People in Group Conversation by Using a Light-emitting Device
金子 佳裕; 鄭 仁豪; 鈴木 健嗣
Journal of Life Support Engineering/26(3)/pp.100-107, 2014 - Targets-Drives-Means: A Declarative Approach to Dynamic Behavior Specification with Higher Usability
Berenz Vincent; Suzuki Kenji
Robotics and Autonomous Systems/62(4)/pp.545-555, 2014-04 - 着用型機器を用いた人々の相互作用行動の計測に基づく社会的交流支援
鈴木 健嗣; 三浦 麻希
行動リハビリテーション/3/pp.2-12, 2014-03 - An Approach to Subjective Computing: a Robot that Learns from Interaction with Humans
Grüneberg Patrick; Suzuki Kenji
IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development/6(1)/pp.5-18, 2014-03 - The Smiles of a Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder During an Animal-assisted Activity May Facilitate Social Positive Behaviors - Quantitative Analysis with Smile-detecting Interface
Funahashi Atsushi; Gruebler Anna; Aoki Takashi; Kadone Hidek...
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders/44(3)/pp.685-693, 2014-03 - Wearable Gait Measurement System with an Instrumented Cane for Exoskeleton Control
Hassan Modar; Kadone Hideki; Suzuki Kenji; Sankai Yoshiyuki
Sensors/14(1)/pp.1705-1722, 2014-01 - A Haptic Instruction Based Assisted Driving System for Training the Reverse Parking
廣川 暢一; 上杉 直久; 古郡 了; 北川 朋子; 鈴木 健嗣
Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers/49(6)/pp.602-611, 2013-06 - 運動訓練のための実時間脈波検出と装着型提示デバイスへの応用
鈴木 健嗣; 下柿元智也; 鮎澤 聡
情報処理学会論文誌/54(4)/pp.1480-1488, 2013-04 - A Wearable Light-emitting Sensor Suit for Supporting the Lower-limb Motion Perception
五十嵐 直人; 鈴木 健嗣; 河本 浩明; 山海 嘉之
IPSJ Journal/53(4)/pp.1360-1371, 2012-04 - A Card-Playing Humanoid Playmate for Human Behavioral Analysis
Kim; M.; Suzuki; K.; +鈴木 健嗣
Entertainment Computing, 2012-01 - Online Continuous Scale Estimation of Hand Gestures
KIM Woosuk; KUZUOKA Hideaki; SUZUKI Kenji
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems/95(10)/pp.2447-2455, 2012-01 - Emotionally Assisted Human-Robot Interaction Using a Wearable Device for Reading Facial Expressions
Gruebler Anna; Berenz Vincent; Suzuki Kenji
ADVANCED ROBOTICS/26(10:::SI)/pp.1143-1159, 2012-01 - Modular Devices to Create a Flexible Sensing Space
飯田 一樹; 池内 隼生; 内山 俊朗; 鈴木 健嗣
Transactions of Information Processing Society of Japan/52(4)/pp.1527-1536, 2011-04 - Autonomous Battery Management for Mobile Robots based on Risk and Gain Assessment
Berenz Vincent; Tanaka Fumihide; Suzuki Kenji
Artificial Intelligence Review/37(3)/pp.217-237, 2011 - Interface Development for Socio-Musical Interaction
内山 俊朗; 鎌谷 崇広; 京谷 実穂; 鈴木 彩乃; 鈴木 健嗣
Annual design review of Japanese Society for the Science of Design/0(16)/pp.30-33 - Robot Assisted Facial Expressions with Segmented Shape Memory Alloy Actuators
Jayatilake; D.; Suzuki; K.; +鈴木 健嗣
International Journal of Mechatronics and Automation/1((3/4))/p.224–235, 2011-01 - 教示者による学習支援に基づくエージェントのオンライン行動学習
廣川 暢一; 鈴木健嗣
人工知能学会論文誌/25(6)/pp.694-702, 2010-09 - Online Bahavior Aquisition of an Agent based on Coaching as Learning Assistance
廣川 暢一; 鈴木 健嗣
Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence/25(6)/pp.694-702, 2010-01 - A similarity-based neural network for facial expression analysis
Suzuki Kenji; Yamada Hiroshi; Hashimoto Shuji
PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS/28(9)/pp.1104-1111, 2007-07 - Reinforcement Learning with temperature distribution based on likelihood function
小堀 訓成; 鈴木 健嗣; ハルトノ ピトヨ; 橋本 周司
Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence/20(0)/pp.297-305, 2005-11 - Robotic Interface for Embodied Interaction via Dance And Musical Performance
Kenji Suzuki; Shuji Hashimoto
The Proceedings of the IEEE/92(4)/p.656-671, 2004-04 - Creating a New Service on the Web
Hiroshi Yamaguchi; Yukiko Hoshino; Kenji Suzuki; and Chi...
International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools/13(3)/p.487-510, 2004-03 - more...
- Effect of Haptic Assistance on Learning Vehicle Reverse Parking Skills