KAWAI Masamichi

Researcher's full information

  • Rate-Dependent Off-Axis Nonlinear Behavior of Cross-Ply Laminate and Its Modeling
    河井 昌道; 益子 誉一
    複合材料シンポジウム講演要旨集/28(0)/pp.51-52, 2003-10
  • Off-Axis Fatigue Behavior of Plain Woven Carbon/Epoxy Laminates at Room and High Temperatures and Fatigue Damage Mechanical Modeling
    河井 昌道; 谷口 竜雄
    複合材料シンポジウム講演要旨集/28(0)/pp.131-132, 2003-10
  • Creep Behavior of Symmetric Angle-Ply Laminates of CFRP at High Temperature and Numerical Simulation
    河井 昌道; 益子 誉一
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. A/69(686)/pp.1473-1481, 2003-10
  • Stress Relaxation Behavior of Symmetric Angle-ply Laminates of CFRP at High Temperature and Numerical Simulation
    益子 誉一; 河井 昌道
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. A/69(688)/pp.1678-1685, 2003-12
  • Influences of Stress Ratio on the Fatigue Strength of Unidirectional Hybrid Composite GFRP/Al
    河井 昌道; 加藤 謙一
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. A/69(688)/pp.1686-1694, 2003-12
  • 537 Multi-Scale Creep Analysis of Unidirectional CFRP Laminates at High Temperature
    福田 悠一; 松田 哲也; 河井 昌道
    M&M材料力学カンファレンス/2007(0)/pp.409-410, 2007-10
  • 541 Tension-compression asymmetry in the strain-rate dependent nonlinear behavior of unidirectional CFRPs and its mechanical modeling
    張 剣奇; 河井 昌道; 肖 毅; 八田 博志
    M&M材料力学カンファレンス/2007(0)/pp.417-418, 2007-10
  • A multiaxial fatigue failure criterion based on the principal constant life diagrams for unidirectional carbon/epoxy laminates
    Kawai M.; Teranuma T.
  • 第17回国際複合材料会議報告
    青木 義男; 河井 昌道; 島村 佳伸; 村山 英晶; 横関 智弘; 上田 政人; 小林 訓史; 仲井 朝美; 荻...
    日本複合材料学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Society for Composite Materials/36(2)/pp.55-70, 2010-03
  • Off-Axis Ratcheting Behavior of Unidirectional CFRP Laminate at High Temperature and Its Phenomenological Modeling
    河井 昌道; 木暮 尊志; 鈴木 崇史
    日本複合材料学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Society for Composite Materials/37(2)/pp.46-57, 2011-03
  • Effects of Hygrothermal Environments on Fatigue Strength of Woven Fabric Carbon/Epoxy Quasi-Isotropic Laminate and Applicability of Anisomorphic CFL Diagram
    河井 昌道; 八木橋 泰彦; 星 光; 岩堀 豊
    日本複合材料学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Society for Composite Materials/37(3)/pp.93-102, 2011-05
  • Anisomorphic constant fatigue life diagrams for a woven fabric carbon/epoxy laminate at different temperatures
    Kawai M.; Matsuda Y.
  • 807 Formulation of Off-Axis Notched Strength Model for a Unidirectional CFRP Laminate
    齋藤 慶正; 河井 昌道
    茨城講演会講演論文集 : Ibaraki district conference/2010(18)/pp.223-224, 2010-08
  • 808 Anisomorphic Constant Life Diagram for a woven CFRP Laminate and its Temperature Dependence
    吉村 涼介; 河井 昌道
    茨城講演会講演論文集 : Ibaraki district conference/2010(18)/pp.225-226, 2010-08
  • 809 Identification of the Principal Constant Fatigue Life Diagrams for a Unidirectional CFRP Laminate at Room Temperature
    寺沼 峰人; 河井 昌道
    茨城講演会講演論文集 : Ibaraki district conference/2010(18)/pp.227-228, 2010-08
  • 810 Off-Axis COnstant Fatigue Life Diagram for Cross-Ply CFRP Laminates and Temperature Dependence
    宇戸 基; 河井 昌道
    茨城講演会講演論文集 : Ibaraki district conference/2010(18)/pp.229-230, 2010-08
  • 108 Principal Constant Fatigue Life Diagrams for a Unidirectional CFRP Laminate and Identification of Fatigue Failure Functions for Constituent Fibers and Matrix
    寺沼 峰人; 河井 昌道
    M&M材料力学カンファレンス/2010(0)/pp.689-690, 2010-10
  • OS0605 Analysis of Microscopic Stress Distributions at Interlaminar Areas of CFRP Cross-Ply Laminates
    関根 彬允; 松田 哲也; 河井 昌道
    M&M材料力学カンファレンス/2008(0)/pp.OS0605-1-OS0605-2, 2008-09
  • OS0614 Notched Fatigue Strengths of Cross-Ply CFRP Laminates and Modeling of S-N Relationship
    白土 透; 河井 昌道
    M&M材料力学カンファレンス/2008(0)/pp.OS0614-1-OS0614-2, 2008-09
  • OS0624 Off-Axis Notched Strength of Fiber Metal Laminate Glare-3 and Its Modeling
    河井 昌道; 荒井 優野
    M&M材料力学カンファレンス/2008(0)/pp.OS0624-1-OS0624-2, 2008-09
  • PS23 Multi-Scale Creep Simulation of Unidirectional CFRP Laminates
    福田 悠一; 松田 哲也; 河井 昌道
    M&M材料力学カンファレンス/2008(0)/pp.PS23-1-PS23-2, 2008-09
  • 149 Multi-Scale Creep Analysis of Plain-Woven Laminates : Effects of Laminate Configurations
    松田 哲也; 中田 啓介; 河井 昌道
    The Computational Mechanics Conference/2008(21)/pp.684-685, 2008-11
  • 917 Application of a Homogenization Theory to Periodic Materials with Misalignment of Unit Cell Arrangement
    松田 哲也; 福田 祐三; 河井 昌道
    The Computational Mechanics Conference/2009(22)/pp.639-640, 2009-10
  • J0301-2-1 Off-Axis Ratcheting Behavior of Unidirectional CFRP Laminate and Its Stress Ratio Dependence
    河井 昌道; 木暮 尊志; 鈴木 崇史
    年次大会講演論文集 : JSME annual meeting/2010(6)/pp.263-264, 2010-09
  • Off-Axis Ratcheting Behavior of a Unidirectional Carbon/Epoxy Laminate at High Temperature
    Kawai Masamichi; Kigure Takashi; Suzuki Takafumi; Pecqueu...
    POLYMERS & POLYMER COMPOSITES/19(4-5:::Sp. Iss. SI)/pp.383-389, 2011-01
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