KAWAI Masamichi

Researcher's full information

  • Off-Axis Compressive Strength of a Unidirectional CFRP Laminate at High Temperature and Its Modeling
    河井 昌道; 斎藤 覚
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. A/74(748)/pp.1501-1510, 2008-12
  • Rate-Dependent Nonlinear Behavior of a Unidirectional Carbon/Epoxy Laminate Subjected to Off-Axis Tension and Compression at High Temperature and a Viscoplasticity Formulation
    張 剣奇; 河井 昌道; 斎藤 覚; 肖 毅; 八田 博志
    Journal of the Japan Society for Composite Materials/35(1)/pp.3-14, 2009-01
  • A New Method for Off-Axis Testing of Unidirectional Composites
    肖 毅; 河井 昌道; 八田 博志
    Journal of the Japan Society for Composite Materials/35(2)/pp.64-73, 2009-03
  • Off-Axis Notched Strength of Fiber Metal Laminate and Its Modeling
    河井 昌道; 荒井 優野
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. A/75(754)/pp.709-718, 2009-06
  • OS0502 Off-Axis Creep Strength of Notched Plain Woven CFRP Laminates at High Temperature and Its Modeling
    宮澤 宏慶; 河井 昌道
    M&M材料力学カンファレンス/2009(0)/pp.359-361, 2009-07
  • OS0503 Off-Axis Notched Strength and Sublaminate Thickness Dependence for CFRP Cross-Ply Laminates
    宇戸 基; 河井 昌道
    M&M材料力学カンファレンス/2009(0)/pp.362-364, 2009-07
  • OS0512 A Homogenization Theory for Periodic Materials with Misalignment of Unit Cell Arrangement
    松田 哲也; 福田 祐三; 中田 啓介; 河井 昌道
    M&M材料力学カンファレンス/2009(0)/pp.386-388, 2009-07
  • PS11 Creep analysis of plain-woven GFRP laminates using homogenization theory: Effects of phase shift
    福田 祐三; 松田 哲也; 中田 啓介; 河井 昌道
    M&M材料力学カンファレンス/2009(0)/pp.450-452, 2009-07
  • 201 Off-axis Compressive Notched Strength of Unidirectional CFRP at High Temperature
    齋藤 慶正; 河井 昌道
    茨城講演会講演論文集 : Ibaraki district conference/2009(0)/pp.33-34, 2009-08
  • 202 Off-Axis S-N Relationship for Notched Fiber Metal Laminate and Its Prediction Method
    佐藤 友哉; 河井 昌道
    茨城講演会講演論文集 : Ibaraki district conference/2009(0)/pp.35-36, 2009-08
  • 203 Identification of the Constant Fatigue Life Diagram for a Unidirectional CFRP Laminate Subjected to Off-Axis Fatigue Loading
    伊藤 慎人; 河井 昌道
    茨城講演会講演論文集 : Ibaraki district conference/2009(0)/pp.37-38, 2009-08
  • 204 Effect of Vatiation in Stress Ratio on the Fatigue Strength of a Woven Fabric CFRP Laminate and the Fatigue Life Prediction Using the Anisomorphic CFL Diagram
    梁 慶模; 河井 昌道
    茨城講演会講演論文集 : Ibaraki district conference/2009(0)/pp.39-40, 2009-08
  • 205 Effect of Water Uptake on the Fatigue Behavior of a Quasi-Isotropic Woven Fabric Carbon/Epoxy Laminate at Different Stress Ratios
    八木橋 泰彦; 河井 昌道; 星 光; 岩堀 豊
    茨城講演会講演論文集 : Ibaraki district conference/2009(0)/pp.41-42, 2009-08
  • 206 Off-Axis Creep Strength of Notched Plain Woven CFRP Laminates at High Temperature and Its Modeling
    宮澤 宏慶; 河井 昌道
    茨城講演会講演論文集 : Ibaraki district conference/2009(0)/pp.43-44, 2009-08
  • 207 Application of a Homogenization Theory to Periodic Materials with Misalignment of Unit Cell Arrangement
    福田 祐三; 松田 哲也; 河井 昌道
    茨城講演会講演論文集 : Ibaraki district conference/2009(0)/pp.45-46, 2009-08
  • S0406-1-3 Effect of Stress Ratio and Thickness on Transverse Fatigue Behavior of Unidirectional CFRP
    寺沼 峰人; 河井 昌道
    JSME annual meeting/2009(1)/pp.327-328, 2009-09
  • S0406-2-4 Off-Axis Compressive Notched Strength of Unidirectional CFRP at High Temperature and Its Notch Size Dependence
    齋藤 慶正; 河井 昌道
    JSME annual meeting/2009(1)/pp.337-338, 2009-09
  • Nonlinear Constant Fatigue Life Diagrams for Symmetric Angle-Ply CFRP Laminates at Room Temperature
    河井 昌道; 村田 知哉
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. A/75(760)/pp.1684-1693, 2009-12
  • Nonlinear constant fatigue life diagrams for carbon/epoxy laminates at room temperature
    Kawai M.; Koizumi M.
    COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING/38(11:::Sp. Iss. SI)/pp.2342-2353, 2007-01
  • Three-dimensional microscopic interlaminar analysis of cross-ply laminates based on a homogenization theory
    Matsuda Tetsuya; Okumura Dai; Ohno Nobutada; Kawai Masam...
    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOLIDS AND STRUCTURES/44(25-26)/pp.8274-8284, 2007-12
  • Temperature dependence of off-axis tensile creep rupture behavior of a unidirectional carbon/epoxy laminate
    Kawai M.; Sagawa T.
  • Rate-dependence of off-axis tensile behavior of cross-ply CFRP laminates at elevated temperature and its simulation
    Takeuchi Fumi; Kawai Masamichi; Zhang Jian-Qi; Matsuda T...
    ADVANCED COMPOSITE MATERIALS/17(1)/pp.57-73, 2008-01
  • Off-axis fatigue behavior of a carbon/epoxy cross-ply laminate and predictions considering inelasticity and in situ strength of embedded plies
    Kawai M.; Honda N.
    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FATIGUE/30(10-11)/pp.1743-1755, 2008-10
  • Off-axis strength differential effects in unidirectional carbon/epoxy laminates at different strain rates and predictions of associated failure envelopes
    Kawai M.; Saito S.
  • Off-axis notched strength of fiber-metal laminates and a formula for predicting anisotropic size effect
    Kawai M.; Arai Y.
    COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING/40(12:::Sp. Iss. SI)/pp.1900-1910, 2009-12
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