Researcher's full information

  • Combustion Mechanism of Tetra-ol Glycidyl Azide Polymer and Its Application to Hybrid Rocket
    Y.Wada; Y.Seike; M.Nishioka; N.Tsuboi; T.Shimada; K.Hasegawa; K...
    International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion/8(6)/p.555-570, 2009-01
  • Combustion mechanism of tetra-ol glycidyl azide polymer
    和田 豊; 清家 誉志男; 坪井 伸幸; 長谷川 克也; 小林 清和; 西岡 牧人; 堀 恵一
    Science and technology of energetic materials/69(5)/pp.143-148, 2008-12
  • Combustion mechanism of tetra-ol glycidyl azide polymer
    Wada Yutaka; Seike Yoshio; Tsuboi Nobuyuki; Hasegawa Kat...
  • Combustion Model of Tetra-ol Glycidyl Azide Polymer
    Y. Wada; Y. Seike; N. Tsuboi; K. Hasegawa; K. Kobayashi; ...
    Proceedings of the Combustion Institute/32/p.2005-2012, 2008-01
  • Combustion Mechanism of Tetra-ol Glycidyl Azide Polymer and Its Application to Hybrid Rocket
    Y.Wada; Y.Seike; M.Nishioka; N.Tsuboi; T.Shimada; K.Hasegawa; K...
    Proceedings of 7th International Symposium of Special Topics on Chemical Propulsion/(CD-ROM), 2007-01
  • Homogeneous Ignition and PSR Extinction Characteristics of a Reformed Hydrocarbon Fuel
    I.Oshchepkov; A. Iida; M. Nishioka
    Proceedings of the Sixth Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion/p.84-87, 2007-01
  • Modified Burning Rate Spectrum & Combustion Mechanism of Tera-ol GAP
    S.Togo; K.Kobayashi; Y.Niimi; Y.Seike; M.Nishioka; K.Hori; +西岡 牧人
    International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion/6(2)/p.153-169, 2007-01
  • Combustion Characteristics of Premixed Flames of Carbon Monoxide-Hydrogen-Nitrogen Mixture
    西岡牧人; 山田智子
    Journal of the Combustion Society of Japan/48(146)/pp.379-389, 2006-11
  • Combustion Characteristics of Carbon Monoxide-Hydrogen-Nitrogen Coflow Diffusion Flame
    西岡牧人; 山田智子; 川又大祐; 川口陽子
    Journal of the Combustion Society of Japan/48(143)/pp.136-150, 2006-02
  • NOx Reduction Mechanism of a Methane-Air Smithells Flame
    M. Nishioka; Y. Ishigami; H. Horii; Y. Umeda; Y. Nakamura
    Combustion and Flame/147/p.93-107, 2006-01
  • Effect of Local Flame Stretch at the Tip of the Flame Propagating in a Vortex
    M. Nishioka; T. Hokazono
    Proceedings of the Twentieth International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems/p.(CD-ROM), 2005-01
  • Modified Burning Rate Spectrum & Combustion Mechanism of Tera-ol GAP
    S. Togo; K. Kobayashi; Y. Niimi; Y. Seike; M. Nishioka; K...
    Prcoceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Special Topics in Chemical Propulsion/p.(CD-ROM), 2005-01
  • Effects of vitiated air on hydrogen ignition in a high-speed laminar mixing layer
    Han B; Sung CJ; Nishioka M
    COMBUSTION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY/176(3)/pp.305-330, 2004-03
  • Effects of Vitiated Air on Hydrogen Ignition in a High-Speed Laminar Mixing Layer
    B. Han; C. J. Sung; M. Nishioka
    Combustion Science and Technology/176/p.305-330, 2004-01
  • A Numerical Study on the High-Speed Flame Propagation in a Vortex Tube
    M. Nishioka; R. Ogura
    Proceedings of the Ninteenth International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems/p.(CD-ROM), 2003-01
  • Study on Adopted Chemical Kinetics for Production of NO in Methane-Air Counterflow Flames
    梅山 智貴; 中村 祐二; 朱 学雷; 西岡 牧人; 竹野 忠夫
    Journal of the Combustion Society of Japan/44(128)/pp.103-112, 2002-05
  • Study on Adopted Chemical Kinetics for Production of NO in Methane-Air Counterflow Flames
    梅山智貴; 中村祐二; 朱学雷; 西岡牧人; 竹野忠夫
    Journal of the Combustion Society of Japan/44(128)/p.103-112, 2002-01
  • 窒素酸化物生成の反応素過程
    竹野 忠夫; 西岡 牧人
    Nensho kenkyu/125(0)/pp.45-52, 2001-07
  • Effects of Vitiated Air on Ignition in the Supersonic Hydrogen/Air Laminar Mixing Layer
    B. Han; C. J. Sung; M. Nishioka
    Proceedings of the Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion/p.246-251, 2001-01
  • 解説:窒素酸化物生成の反応素過程
    竹野忠夫; 西岡牧人
    燃焼研究/125/p.45-52, 2001-01
  • Response of Counterflow Diffusion Flame Stabilized on a Methanol Pool to Suppressant Doping
    Y. Saso; H. Joboji; S. Koda; N. Saito; M. Nishioka
    Proceedings of the Combustion Institute/28/p.2947-2955, 2000-01
  • Extinction Mechanism of Swirling Lean Methane-Air Flames
    M. Nishioka; K. Yorimori; T. Takeno; K. N. C. Bray
    Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Scale Modeling/p.(CD-ROM), 2000-01
  • CO Formation Characteristics of Methane-Air Diffusion Flames Doped with Halon Replacements
    Y. Saso; M. Nishioka; T. Takeno
    Proceedings of the Fourth Asia-Oceania Symposium on Fire Science and Technology/p.327-337, 2000-01
  • A Study on PAH and Soot Formation in Counterflow Diffusion Flame
    齋藤 健司; 小森 晃; 朱 学雷; 平岡 直大; 西岡 牧人; 竹野 忠夫
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. B/65(640)/pp.4124-4131, 1999-12
  • Measurement of NO in a Coflow Diffusion Flame by PLIF
    堀江竜太; 安藤千博; 朱学雷; 西岡牧人; 竹野忠夫
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers(B)/65(629)/p.62-70, 1999-01
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