ISOBE Daigoro
- Professional activities
2017-12 -- 2018-06 8th Japan-Korea Workshop on Computational Mechanics Chairman 2017-12 -- 2018-03 防衛省 鋼構造物の施設防護技術調査検討評価委員会 委員長 2016-10 -- 2017-03 4th Japanese-German Workshop on Computational Mechanics Chairman 2014-07 -- 2015-10 3rd International Workshops on Advances in Computational Mechanics (IWACOM-III) Conference Chairman 2016-04 -- 2020-03 (一社)日本建築学会 空間構造における連成・接触問題小委員会委員 2015-05 -- (current) (一社)日本計算工学会 多元災害シミュレーション研究会委員 2014-10 -- 2015-04 the 7th Korea-Japan Workshop on Computational Mechanics Organizer 2014-10 -- 2015-03 the 3rd German-Japanese Workshop on Computational Mechanics Organizer 2014-04 -- 2014-12 International Journal of High-Rise Buildings Guest Editor 2012-10 -- 2014-04 COMPSAFE2014実行委員会事務局長 more...