OHTA Yuichi
- Articles
- 実画像をベ-スとした表情を伴う3次元顔画像生成--自然な表情を持った顔画像を生成するためには
向川 康博; 中村 裕一; 大田 友一
画像ラボ/8(12)/pp.11-15, 1997-12 - 3D Image Media and Computer Vision -From CV as Robot Technology to CV as Media Technology-
大田 友一
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics/9(2)/p.92-97, 1997-01 - Image synthesis for 3D display by using camera matrix stereo
菅谷 保之; 北原 格; 佐藤 清秀; 大田 友一
Technical report of IEICE. PRMU/96(436)/pp.67-72, 1996-12 - 3D Image Media and Computer Vision-From CV as Robot Technology to CV as Media Technology
大田 友一
IPSJ Magazine/37(11)/pp.981-986, 1996-11 - 3D Image Display with Motion Parallax Using Camera Matrix Stereo : Evaluating Image Generation Algorithms (Three-Dimensional Image)
北原 格; 佐藤 清秀; 大田 友一
The Journal of the Institute of Television Engineers of Japan/50(9)/pp.1268-1276, 1996-09 - Synthesis of Arbitrarily Oriented Facial Views from Two Images
向川 康博; 中村 裕一; 大田 友一
IPSJ Journal/37(4)/pp.635-644, 1996-04 - Comments on "AI Map-Integration Schemes in Computer Vision" and Their Answers
大田 友一
Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence/11(2)/pp.216-218, 1996-03 - Synthesis of Arbitrarily Oriented Facial Views from Two Images
大田 友一
情報処理学会論文誌/37(4)/p.635-644, 1996-01 - Occlusion Detectable Stereo -Occlusion Patterns in Camera Matrix-「(共著)」
大田 友一
Proc. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision Pattern Recognition'96/p.371-378, 1996-01 - Hand Region Extraction with Adaptive Color Modeling 「(共著)」
大田 友一
Proc. Fourth Int. Conf. on Control Automation Robotics and Vision/p.401-405, 1996-01 - Feature Tracking on Occluding Boundaries for Modeling-by-Videotaping 「(共著)」
大田 友一
Proc. Int. Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia/p.123-128, 1996-01 - Occlusion Detectable Stereo -Systematic Comparison of Detection Algorithms-「(共著)」
大田 友一
Proc. Int. Conference on Pattern Recognition/p.280-286, 1996-01 - Analysis of Detailed Patterns of Contour Shapes using Wavelet Local Extrema 「(共著)」
大田 友一
Proc. Int. Conference on Pattern Recognition/p.335-339, 1996-01 - 3D Image Display with Motion Parallax by Camera Matrix Stereo 「(共著)」
大田 友一
Proc. IEEE Int. Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems/p.349-357, 1996-01 - Knowledge Extraction from Diagram and Text for Media Integration 「(共著)」
大田 友一
Proc. IEEE Int. Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems/p.488-492, 1996-01 - Synthesis of Arbitrarily Oriented Face Views from Two Images
大田 友一
ACCV'95 Second Asian Conference on Computer Vision/(]G0003[)/p.718-722, 1995-01 - Occlusion Detectable Stereo Using A Camera Matrix
大田 友一
ACCV'95 Second Asian Conference on Computer Vision/(]G0002[)/p.331-335, 1995-01 - Human Face Analysis Based on Distributed 2D Appearance Models
角 保志; 大田 友一
The transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers/77(12)/pp.2342-2352, 1994-12 - Recovery of Superquadric Primitives from Range Image by Integrating Multiple Geometric Features
中野 博仁; 大田 友一
IPSJ Journal/35(5)/pp.810-818, 1994-05 - Recovery of Superquadric Primitives from Range Image by Integrating Multiple Geometric Features
大田 友一
情報処理学会論文誌/35(5)/p.810-818, 1994-01 - Human Face Analysis Based on Distributed 2D Appearance Models
大田 友一
電子情報通信学会論文誌/J77-D-II(12)/p.2342-2352, 1994-01 - 3次元画像計測
大田 友一
システム/制御/情報 : システム制御情報学会誌 = Systems, control and information/38(1)/pp.21-27, 1994-01 - Passive Depth Acquisition for 3D Image Displays
大田 友一
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems/E77-D(9)/p.949-957, 1994-01 - Recovery of Illuminant and Surface Colors from Multiple Color Images
大田 友一; 塚田 正人; 林 泰博
The Transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers. A/76(12)/pp.1778-1786, 1993-12 - A Consideration on Hypothesis Evaluation in Topdown Image Understanding
大田 友一
IPSJ Journal/34(10)/pp.2071-2074, 1993-10 - more...
- 実画像をベ-スとした表情を伴う3次元顔画像生成--自然な表情を持った顔画像を生成するためには