OHTA Yuichi

Researcher's full information

  • Pedestrian Location Estimation by First-Person View Camera
    亀田 能成; 大田 友一
    IEICE technical report. Image engineering/110(26)/pp.67-72, 2010-05
  • Pedestrian Location Estimation by First-Person View Camera
    亀田 能成; 大田 友一
    IEICE technical report./110(28)/pp.67-72, 2010-05
  • D-12-25 Experimental Setup for Micro-Expression Detection
    Polikovsky Senya; Kameda Yoshinari; Ohta Yuichi
    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference/2010(2)/p.136, 2010-03
  • Visualization of Surveillance Camera Information Based on Mixed Reality
    住谷 司; 亀田 能成; 大田 友一
    Technical report of IEICE. HIP/109(471)/pp.287-292, 2010-03
  • Visualization of Surveillance Camera Information Based on Mixed Reality
    住谷 司; 亀田 能成; 大田 友一
    Technical report of IEICE. PRMU/109(470)/pp.287-292, 2010-03
  • An Installation of Privacy-Safe See-Through Vision
    Masayuki Hayashi; Ryo Yoshida; Itaru Kitahara; Yoshinari ...
    Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences/2(1)/p.125-128, 2010-03
  • D-12-63 Simultaneous Motion-Classsification of Multi Objects based on CHLAC Feature and Cone Restricted Subspace Method
    佐藤 竜太; 亀田 能成; 大田 友一
    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference/2010(2)/p.174, 2010-03
  • Relationship between Geometrical Accuracy and Visibility of Mirrored Road-Map on Wind-Shield Display
    川俣 貴也; 北原 格; 亀田 能成; 大田 友一
    Technical report of IEICE. PRMU/109(374)/pp.237-242, 2010-01
  • Relationship between Geometrical Accuracy and Visibility of Mirrored Road-Map on Wind-Shield Display
    川俣 貴也; 北原 格; 亀田 能成; 大田 友一
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. SP, 音声/109(375)/pp.237-242, 2010-01
  • Relationship between Geometrical Accuracy and Visibility of Mirrored Road-Map on Wind-Shield Display
    川俣 貴也; 北原 格; 亀田 能成; 大田 友一
    Technical report of IEICE. Multimedia and virtual environment/109(376)/pp.237-242, 2010-01
  • See-Through Vision : A Visual Augmentation Method for Sensing-Web
    Yuichi Ohta; Yoshinari Kameda; Itaru Kitahara; Masayuki ...
    International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainly in Knowledge-Based Systems (IPMU2010)/p.690-699, 2010
  • Action Classification Based on CHLAC Features and Cone-Restricted Subspace Method
    佐藤 竜太; 亀田 能成; 大田 友一
    IEICE technical report. Speech/109(375)/pp.173-178, 2010-01
  • Image Retrieval of First-Person Vision for Pedestrian Navigation in Urban Area
    Yoshinari Kameda; Yuichi Ohta
    Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2010)/p.364-367, 2010
  • 3D Free-Viewpoint Video Capturing Interface By Using Bimanual Operation
    Tetsuya Watanabe; Itaru Kitahara; Yoshinari Kameda; Yuich...
    Proceedings of 3DTV Conference 2010/p.1-4, 2010-01
  • Action Classification Based on CHLAC Features and Cone-Restricted Subspace Method
    佐藤 竜太; 亀田 能成; 大田 友一
    Technical report of IEICE. Multimedia and virtual environment/109(376)/pp.173-178, 2010-01
  • Action Classification Based on CHLAC Features and Cone-Restricted Subspace Method
    佐藤 竜太; 亀田 能成; 大田 友一
    Technical report of IEICE. PRMU/109(374)/pp.173-178, 2010-01
  • Action Classification Based on CHLAC Features and Cone-Restricted Subspace Method
    佐藤 竜太; 亀田 能成; 大田 友一
    Technical report of IEICE. CQ/109(373)/pp.173-178, 2010-01
  • Facial Micro-Expressions Recognition Using High Speed Camera and 3D-Gradients Descriptor
    Senya Semion Polikovsky; Yoshinari Kameda; and Yuichi Ohta
    3rd International Conference on Imaging for Crime Detection and Prevention (ICDP-09)/p.6 pages, 2009-12
  • 3D Pointing Interface by using Virtual Diorama for Attention Sharing
    Masayuki Hayashi; Itaru Kitahara; Yoshinari Kameda; Yuich...
    Proceedings of "Let's Go Out" Workshop in conjunction with International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality 2009 (ISMAR09)/p.1-2, 2009-10
  • Inconsistency Reduction on Occluding Boundary between a Real Hand and Virtual Objects in Mixed Reality
    田中 康宏; 北原 格; 大田 友一
    Technical report of IEICE. Multimedia and virtual environment/109(215)/pp.47-52, 2009-10
  • 2. To Make Good Problems(Grand Challenges in Pattern Recognition and Media Understanding)
    小川 英光; 大田 友一
    The Journal of the Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers/92(8)/pp.643-646, 2009-08
  • Online Trajectory Estimation of Soccer Players for Genarating Player's View
    糟谷 望; 北原 格; 亀田 能成; 大田 友一
    The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan/38(4)/pp.395-403, 2009-07
  • MR-Mirror: A Complex of Real and Virtual Mirrors
    Hideaki Sato; Itaru Kitahara; Yuichi Ohta
    13th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI International 2009)/p.482-491, 2009-07
  • Automatic Player's View Generation of Real Soccer Scenes Based on Trajectory Tracking
    Nozomu Kasuya; Itaru Kitahara; Yoshinari Kameda; Yuichi ...
    3DTV-CONFERENCE 2009/p.Electronically published, 2009-05
  • D-12-67 Overlapping Area Measurement of View Volume of a Mobile Camera against Surveillance Cameras
    住谷 司; 亀田 能成; 大田 友一
    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference/2009(2)/p.176, 2009-03
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