OHTA Yuichi

Researcher's full information

  • An Interactive Live 3D TV via Network
    大田 友一; 北原 格; 亀田 能成; 古山 孝好
    The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan/36(5)/pp.814-820, 2007-09
  • ネットワークによるライブ配信とインタラクティブ提示が可能な自由視点映像方式(画像電子学会2006年度画像電子技術賞)
    大田友一; 亀田能成; 北原 格; 古山孝好
    画像電子学会誌/36(5)/p.814-820, 2007-09
  • Viewpoint-Dependent Quality Control on Microfacet Billboarding Model for Sport Video
    Hitoshi Furuya; Itaru Kitahara; Yoshinari Kameda; Yuichi ...
    IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME2007)/p.1199-1203, 2007-07
  • Photometric Inconsistency on a Mixed-Reality Face
    竹村 雅幸; 北原 格; 大田 友一
    Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan/12(2)/pp.181-190, 2007-06
  • Automating Viewpoint Decision Method for Generating a 3D Soccer Video
    北原 格; 橋本 浩一郎; 亀田 能成; 大田 友一
    Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan/12(2)/pp.171-179, 2007-06
  • A Background Modeling Method with Simple Operations for 3D Video
    Naobumi Nomura; Itaru Kitahara; Yoshinari Kameda; Yuichi ...
    3DTV-CONFERENCE/p.1-4, 2007-05
  • A Perceptually Correct 3D Model for Live 3D TV
    Yuichi Ohta; Itaru Kitahara; Yoshinari Kameda; Hiroyuki ...
    3DTV-CONFERENCE/p.1-4, 2007-05
  • Color Reproduction Based on Memory Color and its Implementation
    Masato Tsukada; Yuichi Ohta
    The Second International Workshop on Image Media Quality and its Applications 2007/p.47-51, 2007-03
  • Sensory Property in Fusion of Visual/Haptic Cues by Using Mixed Reality
    Morio Nakahara; Itaru Kitahara; Yuichi Ohta
    2nd Joint EuroHaptics Conference and Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems ( World Haptics 2007)/p.565-566, 2007-03
  • A Nested Marker for Augmented Reality
    Keisuke Tateno; Itaru Kitahara; Yuichi Ohta
    IEEE Virtual Reality 2007 Conference (VR2007)/p..259-262, 2007-03
  • D-12-39 A Scale for Distinguishing the Positions of Sound Source with Non-Calibrated Microphones
    小林 智行; 亀田 能成; 大田 友一
    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference/2007(2)/p.155, 2007-03
  • A Compensation Method of Inter-reflection for Pattern Projection onto a Non-planar Surface(Networks in the Ubiquitous Media Environment-CV for intelligence infrastructure)
    向川 康博; 柿沼 孝行; 大田 友一
    情報処理学会論文誌. コンピュータビジョンとイメージメディア/48(1)/pp.98-106, 2007-02
  • 筑波大学画像情報研究室におけるITSへの取り組み
    北原 格; 亀田能成; 大田友一
    ITS Japan NEWS/p.14-19, 2007-01
  • Automating Viewpoint Decision Method for Generating a 3D Soccer Video
    北原 格; 橋本 浩一郎; 亀田 能成; 大田 友一
    Technical report of IEICE. PRMU/106(469)/pp.13-18, 2007-01
  • Floating Virtual Mirrors: Visualization of the Schen Behind a Vehicle
    Touru Miyamoto; Itaru Kitahara; Yoshinari Kameda; Yuichi ...
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Advances in Artificial Reality and Tele-Existence/4282/p.302-313, 2006-12
  • Toward the Realization of Interaction Using Nearby and Far Projection Surfaces with the BOWL ProCam
    蔵田 武志; 酒田 信親; 興梠 正克; 大隈 隆史; 大田 友一
    IPSJ SIG Notes. CVIM/2006(115)/pp.1-8, 2006-11
  • Scene Clustering with Multiple Non-Calibrated Cameras
    Takashi Nishizaki; Kouji Kanari; Yoshinari Kameda; Yuichi...
    First Korea-Japan Workshop on Pattern Recognition (KJPR), 2006-11
  • Human Action Classification by Utilizing Correlation of Observation Data from Massive Sensors
    服部 傑; 小林 智行; 亀田 能成; 大田 友一
    Technical report of IEICE. Multimedia and virtual environment/106(396)/pp.29-34, 2006-11
  • Expansion Area of Outdoor Mixed Reality : Utilization of Surveillance Cameras of Different Properties
    山本 治由; 津田 崇博; 塚田 正人; 北原 格; 亀田 能成; 大田 友一
    Technical report of IEICE. Multimedia and virtual environment/106(396)/pp.23-28, 2006-11
  • Analytical Compensation of Inter-reflection for Pattern Projection
    Yasuhiro Mukaigawa; Takayuki Kakinuma; Yuichi Ohta
    ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST2006)/p.265-268, 2006-11
  • Scene clustering with Multiple Non-Calibrated Cameras(CV)
    NISHIZAKI Takashi; KANAKA Kouji; KAMEDA Yoshinari; OHTA ...
    Technical report of IEICE. PRMU/106(376)/pp.43-48, 2006-11
  • Visual Navigation System on Windshield Head-up Display
    Akihiko Sato; Itaru Kitahara; Yoshinari Kameda; Yuichi Ohta
    13th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, (technical paper)/p.CD-ROM Publication (8 pa, 2006-10
  • Photometric Inconsistency on a Mixed-Reality Face
    Masayuki Takemura; Itaru Kitahara; Yuichi Ohta
    Fifth IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR2006)/p.129-138, 2006-10
  • A Nested Marker for Augmented Reality
    立野 圭祐; 北原 格; 大田 友一
    Technical report of IEICE. Multimedia and virtual environment/106(234)/pp.19-24, 2006-09
  • Floating Virtual Mirrors : Visualization of the Scene behind a Vehicle
    宮本 徹; 北原 格; 亀田 能成; 大田 友一
    Technical report of IEICE. Multimedia and virtual environment/106(234)/pp.13-18, 2006-09
  • more...