OHTA Yuichi

Researcher's full information

  • Smooth Video Hopping for Surveillance Cameras
    Takahiro Tsuda; Itaru Kitahara; Yoshinari Kameda; Yuich ...
    The 33rd International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (SIGGRAPH2006) Sketches/p.DVD-ROM Publication (1 p, 2006-08
  • Automatic video Capture and Editing for Conversation Scenes
    西崎 隆志; 尾形 涼; 仲村 裕一; 大田 友一
    The IEICE transactions on information and systems (Japanese edetion)/89(7)/pp.1557-1567, 2006-07
  • Visualization methods for outdoor see-through vision
    Tsuda T; Yamamoto H; Kameda Y; Ohta Y
  • Visualization Methods for Outdoor See-Through Vision(Vision and Image,Human Communication II)
    TSUDA Takahiro; YAMAMOTO Haruyoshi; KAMEDA Yoshinari; OHT...
    IEICE transactions on information and systems/E89-D(6)/pp.1781-1789, 2006-06
  • 協調型複合現実空間における顔映像重畳による視線情報の復元
    竹村雅幸; 大田友一
    画像ラボ/17(6)/p.55-59, 2006-06
  • Evaluation of Route Presentation on a See-through HMD for Pedestrians
    田中 晴美; 北原 格; 亀田 能成; 大田 友一
    ITE technical report/30(29)/pp.117-122, 2006-06
  • Evaluation of Route Presentation on a See-through HMD for Pedestrians
    田中 晴美; 北原 格; 亀田 能成; 大田 友一
    Human Interface. Correspondences on human interface/8(3)/pp.117-122, 2006-06
  • A Fast Compensation Method of Inter-reflection for Pattern Projection onto a Non-planar Surface
    Yasuhiro Mukaigawa; Takayuki Kakinuma; Yuichi Ohta
    IEEE International Workshop on Projector-Camera Systems (PROCAMS2006)/p.9-10, 2006-06
  • Evaluation of Route Presentation on a See-through HMD for Pedestrians
    田中 晴美; 北原 格; 亀田 能成; 大田 友一
    Technical report of IEICE. Multimedia and virtual environment/106(91)/pp.117-122, 2006-05
  • Driver's View Assistance Using Surveillance Cameras : Display of Blind Area by Virtual Mirror
    宮本 徹; 北原 格; 亀田 能成; 大田 友一
    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference/2006(2)/p.185, 2006-03
  • Color Reproduciotn based on Memory Color and Its Application for Image Quality Improvement(Image Sensing Technology and Their Applications)
    塚田 正人; 大田 友一
    The journal of the Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers/60(3)/pp.348-357, 2006-03
  • Mixed Reality with Visual and Tactile Texture
    中原 守勇; 北原 格; 亀田 能成; 大田 友一
    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference/2006(2)/p.157, 2006-03
  • A Nested Marker for Mixed Reality
    立野 圭祐; 北原 格; 大田 友一
    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference/2006(2)/p.155, 2006-03
  • Visual Surveillance Using Less ROIs of Multiple Non-Calibrated Cameras
    Takashi Nishizaki; Yoshinari Kameda; Yuichi Ohta
    Proceedings of Asian Conference on Computer Vision 2006 (ACCV 2006)/3851/p.317-327, 2006-01
  • Visualization Methods for Outdoor See-Through Vision
    Takahiro Tsuda; Haruyoshi Yamamoto; Yoshinari Kameda; Yuichi...
    Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence (ICAT2005)/p.1-8, 2005-12
  • Visual Support for Medical Communication by Using Projector-Based Augmented Reality and Thermal Markers
    Jeremy Bluteau; Itaru Kitahara; Yoshinari Kameda; Haruo Noma...
    15th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence (ICAT2005)/p.98-105, 2005-12
  • Adaptive Positioning on Windshield for Information Display
    Akihiko Sato; Yoshinari Kameda; Yuichi Ohta
    Proceedings of 12th World Congress on ITS/p.1-12, 2005-11
  • Abnormality Extraction by Utilizing Video and Audio Sensors toward Human Action Recognition
    服部 傑; 亀田 能成; 大田 友一
    Technical report of IEICE. Multimedia and virtual environment/105(433)/pp.31-36, 2005-11
  • Indoor Event Discrimination by Utilizing Uncalibrated Cameras
    西崎 隆志; 亀田 能成; 大田 友一
    Technical report of IEICE. Multimedia and virtual environment/105(433)/pp.43-48, 2005-11
  • NaviView:Virtual Mirrors for Visual Assistance at Blind Intersection
    Fumihiro Taya; Kazuhiro Kojima; Akihiko Sato; Yoshinari ...
    International Journal of ITS Research/3(1)/p.29-38, 2005-11
  • NaviView: Virtual Slope Visualization of Blind Area at an Intersection
    Fumihiro Taya; Yoshinari Kameda; Yuichi Ohta
    Proceedings of 12th World Congress on ITS/p.1-8, 2005-11
  • Enhanced Eyes for Better Gaze-Awareness in Collaborative Mixed Reality
    Keisuke Tateno; Masayuki Takemura; Yuichi Ohta
    IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR 2005)/p.100-103, 2005-10
  • NaviView: Visual Assistance by Virtual Mirrors at Blind Intersection
    Kazuhiro Kojima; Akihiko Sato; Fumihiro Taya; Yoshinar...
    Proceedings of 8th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC'05)/p.1-6, 2005-09
  • 協調型複合現実空間のための顔映像生成による視線情報の復元
    竹村雅幸; 大田友一
    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌/10(3)/p.313-321, 2005-09
  • 協調型複合現実空間における視線認知特性を考慮した視線提示
    立野圭祐; 竹村雅幸; 大田友一
    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌/10(3)/p.353-361, 2005-09
  • more...