KUSAKA Hiroyuki
- Articles
- Improved Performance of Simulated Japanese Climate with a Multi-Model Ensemble
Ishizaki Noriko N.; Takayabu Izuru; Oh'izumi Mitsuo; Sasa...
JOURNAL OF THE METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN/90(2)/pp.235-254, 2012-04 - An Attempt to Estimate of Probabilistic Regional Climate Analogue in a Warmer Japan
Ishizaki Noriko N.; Shiogama Hideo; Takahashi Kiyoshi; Em...
JOURNAL OF THE METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN/90B/pp.65-74, 2012-03 - Urban Climate Projection by the WRF Model at 3-km Horizontal Grid Increment: Dynamical Downscaling and Predicting Heat Stress in the 2070's August for Tokyo, Osaka, and Nagoya Metropolises
Kusaka Hiroyuki; Hara Masayuki; Takane Yuya
JOURNAL OF THE METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN/90B/pp.47-63, 2012-03 - Numerical Simulation of Urban Heat Island Effect by the WRF Model with 4-km Grid Increment: An Inter-Comparison Study between the Urban Canopy Model and Slab Model
Kusaka Hiroyuki; Chen Fei; Tewari Mukul; Dudhia Jimy; Gil...
JOURNAL OF THE METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN/90B/pp.33-45, 2012-03 - Assessment of Ocean Surface Winds and Tropical Cyclones around Japan by RCMs
Iizuka Satoshi; Dairaku Koji; Sasaki Wataru; Adachi Sach...
JOURNAL OF THE METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN/90B/pp.91-102, 2012-03 - Urban Thermal Environment and Disaster
日下 博幸
計算工学/17(1)/pp.2679-2682, 2012-01 - Urban heat island phenomenon observed in open spaces in Tsukuba city on clear summer days: An evaluation of uncertainty in urban-rural temperature difference.
日下博幸; 高根雄也; 阿部 紫織; 高木 美彩; 重田 祥範; 大橋 唯太; 布和 宝音
日本ヒートアイランンド学会論文集/7/p.1-9, 2012-01 - A Mean Annual Temperature Trend past 100 Years at the Summit of Mt. Tsukuba
中津留 高広; 林 陽生; 上野 健一; 植田 宏昭; 辻村 真貴; 浅沼 順; 日下 博幸
Tenki/58(12)/pp.1055-1061, 2011-12 - Formation Mechanisms of the Extreme High Surface Air Temperature of 40.9 degrees C Observed in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area: Considerations of Dynamic Foehn and Foehnlike Wind
Takane Yuya; Kusaka Hiroyuki
JOURNAL OF APPLIED METEOROLOGY AND CLIMATOLOGY/50(9)/pp.1827-1841, 2011-09 - 気象モデルの高解像度計算のGPU化
二星 義裕; 朴 泰祐; 塙 敏博; 池田 亮作; 日下 博幸; 飯塚 悟
IPSJ SIG Notes/2011(2)/pp.1-6, 2011-09 - Effects of Solar Radiation Amount and Synoptic-scale Wind on the Local Wind "Karakkaze" over the Kanto Plain in Japan
Kusaka Hiroyuki; Miya Yukako; Ikeda Ryosaku
JOURNAL OF THE METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN/89(4)/pp.327-340, 2011-08 - 局地風の数値シミュレーション
気候影響・利用研究会会報/29/p.5-11, 2011-07 - ヒートアイランド気象学事始め(第5回)
日本ヒートアイランド学会誌/6/p.42-45, 2011-07 - A numerical study of interactions between surface forcing and sea breeze circulations and their effects on stagnation in the greater Houston area
Chen Fei; Miao Shiguang; Tewari Mukul; Bao Jian-Wen; Kusa...
JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES/116/pp.0-0, 2011-06 - A LONG-TERM PROJECTION OF A THERMAL ENVIRONMENT IN SUMMER OF THE 2070S Numerical study on thermal environment in the Nagoya metropolitan area by using WRF (Part 2)
飯塚悟; 金原和矢; +日下 博幸; 原政之
日本建築学会環境系論文集/76(662)/p.425-430, 2011-04 - Estimation of mild health disorder caused by urban air temperature ingrease with midpoint-type impact assessment methodology
井原智彦; +日下 博幸; 原政之; 松橋隆治; 吉田好邦
日本建築学会環境系論文集/76(662)/pp.459-467, 2011-04 - Application of a Regional Atmospheric Model WRF to Urban Climate Study and Future Issues
日下 博幸
Journal of Geography (Chigaku Zasshi)/120(2)/pp.285-295, 2011-05 - Report on the 1st International Workshop on Non-hydrostatic Modeling
里村 雄彦; 竹見 哲也; 野田 暁; 三好 建正; 富田 浩之; 斉藤 和雄; 日下 博幸; 重 尚一
Tenki/58(3)/pp.249-256, 2011-03 - The integrated WRF/urban modelling system: development, evaluation, and applications to urban environmental problems
Chen Fei; Kusaka Hiroyuki; Bornstein Robert; Ching Jason...
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY/31/pp.273-288, 2011-02 - The integrated WRF/urban modeling system: development, evaluation, and applications to urban environmental problems
Chen; F.; H. Kusaka; R. Bornstein; J. Ching; C.S.B. Grimmo...
International Journal of Climatology/31(2)/p.273-288, 2011-02 - Effect of global climate change on urban heat island intensity of Tokyo metropolitan area : winter season case
原 政之; 日下 博幸; 木村 富士男; 若月 泰孝
Journal of Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics/29(5)/pp.353-361, 2010-10 - Reproducibility of regional climate in central Japan using the 4-km resolution WRF model
T. Takata; Takane Y.; +日下 博幸
SOLA/6/p.113-116, 2010-09 - Case Study of Local Heavy Rainfall, Focusing on GPS Precipitable Water Vapor : Rainfall Event Observed in Tokyo on July 4, 2000
日下 博幸; 羽入 拓朗; 縄田 恵子
Geographical review of Japan. Series A. Chirigaku hyoron/83(5)/pp.479-492, 2010-09 - Analyses of Southerly Winds along the Kitakami Basin when the Yamase Prevails
川口 純; 日下 博幸; 木村 富士男
Geographical review of Japan. Series A. Chirigaku hyoron/83(4)/pp.375-383, 2010-07 - ヒートアイランド気象学事始め(第4回)
日本ヒートアイランド学会誌/5/p.38-40, 2010-07 - more...
- Improved Performance of Simulated Japanese Climate with a Multi-Model Ensemble