Researcher's full information

Conference, etc.
  • 都市地理学方法論の発展-GISの貢献-
    村山 祐司
  • Person Trip Data Browser, Analyzer and Space-Time Visualizer
    Lwin Ko Ko; Murayama Yuji
    Proceedings Second IEEE International Conference on Spatial Data Mining and Geographical Knowledge Services (ICSDM)/2015-07-08--2015-07-10
  • Geospatial analysis of urban landscape patterns in four hill stations of Southeast Asia.
    Estoque R.C. and Murayama Y.
    Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU) Meeting/2015-05-24--2015-05-28
  • A WebGIS platform for repository, processing and disseminating urban land-use/cover maps.
    Siriwardana M.H. Murayama Y. and Estoque R.C.
    Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU) Meeting/2015-05-24--2015-05-28
  • Remote sensing and Web-GIS for visualizing and analyzing urban land-use/cover changes.
    Estoque R.C. Lwin K.K. and Murayama Y.
    International Symposium on Cartography in Internet and Ubiquitous Environments/2015-03-17--2015-03-19
  • SpatiotemUrban heat islands effect in micro scale area by using VHR RS-based mobile surveying: An empirical study of a university campus
    Gong H. Kusaka H. Murayama Y. and Okada M.
    CSIS DAYS 2014/2014-11-21--2014-11-22
  • Spatiotemporal analysis of urban land changes in the major cities of Southeast Asia
    Estoque R.C. and Murayama Y.
    CSIS DAYS 2014/2014-11-21--2014-11-22
  • Asia cities person trip data browser and analyzer
    Lwin K.K. and Murayama Y.
    CSIS DAYS 2014/2014-11-21--2014-11-22
  • WebGISによる人の動きの可視化と時空間分析
  • Comparative analysis of urban land changes in the major cities of Southeast Asia
    Estoque R.C. and Murayama Y.
  • Mobility and Urban Structure: A Case Study of Four Asian Capital Cities
    Greger K. and Murayama Y.
  • Person Trips Data Browser and Space-Time Visualizer
    Lwin K.K. and Murayama Y.
    Geospatial World Forum 2014/2014-5-5--2014-5-9
  • 非集計パーソントリップデータをWeb-GISでハンドリングする
  • LIDARデータを用いた筑波大学構内自転車道の傾斜分析
    周 軼飛 Lwin Koko 村山 祐司
  • GeSpatio-Temporal Analysis of Bicycle Commuting Behavior in the Greater Tokyo Area Using a Micro-Scale Persontrip Database
    Greger K. and Murayama Y.
  • Geospatial analysis of land changes in the megacities of Southeast Asia
    Estoque R.C. and Murayama Y.
  • 日本地理学の国際化
    村山 祐司
  • 通学路の不安箇所のマッピングとその空間的特徴-つくば市N小学校の事例-
  • つくば市における小学校区単位での不安箇所データベースの構築と空間的特徴の分析
    CSIS Days 2013/2013-11-22--2013-11-23
  • 位置情報付きのビッグデータ(パーソントリップデータ)をWeb-GISでハンドリングする
    村山 祐司ほか
    CSIS Days 2013/2013-11-22--2013-11-23
  • Pixel-based and hybrid pixel/object-based land use/cover classification techniques: A comparative study. In Research Abstracts on Spatial Information Science
    Estoque R.C. and Murayama Y.
    CSIS Days 2013/2013-11-22--2013
  • Identification of sidewalk steepness from LIDAR data for Tsukuba University Campus bicycle riders.
    Yifei Z. Lwin K.K. and Murayama Y.
    CSIS Days 2013/2013-11-22--2013-11-23
  • Handling spatial big data (Person Trip Survey) with Web-GIS.
    Murayama Y. Lwin K.K. Greger K. Estoque R.C. and K...
    CSIS Days 2013/2013-11-22--2013-11-23
  • Spatial-temporal analysis of bycicle commuting behavior in the greater Tokyo area
    Greger K.. And Murayama Y.
    CSIS Days 2013/2013-11-22--2013-11-23
  • GIS-based monitoring of potential changes in the ecosystem service value of Baguio city - the summer capital of the Philippines
    Estoque R.C. and Murayama Y.
    Ecosystem Services Partnership Conference 2013,/2013-8-26--2013-8-30
  • more...