KUREHA Masaaki
- Articles
- ドイツの観光 (特集 ドイツ)
呉羽 正昭
地理/51(5)/pp.31-39, 2006-05 - 松本市における製糸業の分布
斎藤 功; 呉羽 正昭
松本市史研究/16/pp.60-68, 2006-03 - 茨城県桜川市真壁町における町並み保全活動と地域活性化
淡野 寧彦; 呉羽 正昭
Annals of the Ibaraki Geographical Society/7/pp.21-36, 2006-01 - Development of ski areas in rural mountainous regions in Japan
KUREHA Masaaki
Internationale Skihistoriographie und deutscher Skilauf/pp.137-142, 2005-10 - Japanese tourists in the Alpine Countries
KUREHA Masaaki
Geographical Review of Japan/78/p.325-326, 2005-10 - 下諏訪宿の機能および景観の変化
小島大輔; 中村裕子; 久保倫子; 呉羽 正昭
地域研究年報/27/pp.19-40, 2005-03 - 下諏訪における工業的土地利用の文化層序
斎藤 功; 呉羽 正昭; 藤田 和史
Annals of human and regional geography/0(27)/pp.1-18,図1枚, 2005-03 - アルプス諸国における日本人観光客の特性
呉羽 正昭
Studies in human geography/29(0)/pp.59-70, 2005-01 - Changes in the regional pattern of ski tourism in Japan
KUREHA Masaaki
3rd FIS Ski History Conference/p.61-67, 2004-10 - Changes in outbound tourism from the Visegrad Countries to Austria
KUREHA Masaaki
Geographical Review of Japan/77/p.262-275, 2004-04 - チェコの温泉地カルロヴィ・ヴァリの変容
呉羽 正昭
Tsukuba studies in human geography./(28)/pp.49-76, 2004-03 - Development of summer tourism for training camps in Sugadaira-Kogen as a winter resort
KUREHA MASAAKI; H. Uchikawa; T. Shinto
Ann. Rep., Inst. Geosci., Univ. Tsukuba/29/pp.5-10, 2003-12 - Changes in tourism activities of the people from the Visegrad Countries in Austria
KUREHA Masaaki
Geographical Review of Japan/76/p.398, 2003-10 - Changes in tourism and land use in Sugadaira-Kogen (jointly worked)
新藤多恵子; 内川 啓; 山田 亨; 呉羽 正昭
Area Research Paper/25/pp.19-45, 2003-03 - Grenz?berschreitender Personenverkehr im Saar-Lor-Lux Raum
Tsukuba Studies in Human Geography/27/p.155-170, 2003-03 - Tourism and ski resorts in the Alps
Science Journal Kagaku/72/p.1257-1260, 2002-12 - Influences of air temperature change on leisure industries: case study on ski activities
Fukushima; T.; M. Kureha; N. Ozaki; Y. Fujimori; H. Harasawa
Mitigation and advanced strategies for global change/7/p.173-189, 2002-11 - Changes in the tourist regions in Austria in the 1990s: an analysis of tourist and accommodational facilities
Journal of Ehime Geographical Society/16/p.38-50, 2002-06 - System for the relationship of symbiosis between tourism and agriculture in Hindelang, the German Alps
KUREHA Masaaki
Science reports of the Institute of Geoscience, University of Tsukuba. Section A, Geographical sciences/23A/pp.75-90, 2002-03 - Regional Characteristics of Ski Population in Japan
Tsukuba Studies in Human Geography/26/p.103-123, 2002-03 - System fur die Symbiose zwischen Tourismus und Landwirtschaft in Osttirol in den osterreichischen Alpen
呉羽 正昭
Journal of Geography(Chigaku Zasshi)/110(5)/pp.631-649, 2001-10 - Die strukturelle Veraenderung des Skisports in Norikura-Kogen, Mitteljapan
呉羽 正昭; 佐藤 淳; 豊島健一
The Journal of Japan Society of Ski Science/11(1)/pp.61-72, 2001-07 - Changes of inbound and outbound tourism in the Czech Republic through the Velvet Revolution
Tsukuba Studies in Human Geography/25/p.1-36, 2001-03 - Changes of tourist area in Norikura-Kogen
豊島 健一; 佐藤 淳; 呉羽 正昭
Area Research Paper/(23)/pp.87-98, 2001-03 - 地理学的にみたオーストリアの観光
地理月報/464/p.4-5, 2001-02 - more...
- ドイツの観光 (特集 ドイツ)