IKEDA Atsushi

Researcher's full information

  • Accuracy Assessment of a Topographic Mapping Method with Laser Range Finder and Differential Global Positioning System : A Case Study for a Rock Glacier in the Swiss Alps
    早川 裕弌; 池田 敦
    Transactions, Japanese Geomorphological Union/30(1)/pp.29-38, 2009-01
  • Permafrost and hydrology in the source area of the Yellow River
    松岡 憲知; 池田 敦; 末吉 哲雄
    Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Japan/60(1)/pp.39-57, 2009-01
  • Fast deformation of perennially frozen debris in a warm rock glacier in the Swiss Alps: An effect of liquid water
    Ikeda Atsushi; Matsuoka Norikazu; Kaab Andreas
  • Topographical controls on the distribution and size of rock glaciers in the central Brooks Range, Alaska
    Ikeda A; Yoshikawa K
    Ninth International Conference on Permafrost/p.767-772, 2008-06
  • Sounding ice and soil wedge structures with ground-penetrating radar
    Watanabe T; Matsuoka N; Christiansen H H; Ikeda A
    Ninth International Conference on Permafrost/2/p.1933-1938, 2008-06
  • Recent interannual variations of rock glacier creep in the European Alps
    Delaloye R; Perruchoud E; Avian M; Kaufmann V; Bodin X; Hausma...
    Ninth International Conference on Permafrost/pp.343-348, 2008-06
  • Thermal history of degrading permafrost in the source region of Yellow River, northeastern Tibet
    Sueyoshi T; Ikeda A; Matsuoka N; Ishii T
    Ninth International Conference on Permafrost/p.1733-1738, 2008-06
  • Permafrost Sounding (2003-2005) in the Source Area of the Yellow River, Northeastern Tibet
    IKEDA Atsushi; SUEYOSHI Tetsuo; MATSUOKA Norikazu; ISHII ...
    地理学評論 = Geographical review of Japan/80(5)/pp.259-271, 2007-04
  • 黄河源流域に永久凍土を探す (特集:黄河地下水プロジェクト(その1))
    池田 敦; 末吉 哲雄; 松岡 憲知; 石井武政
    Chishitsu news/(629)/pp.15-20,1〜2, 2007-01
  • Pebbly versus bouldery rock glaciers: Morphology, structure and processes
    Ikeda A; Matsuoka N
    GEOMORPHOLOGY/73(3-4)/pp.279-296, 2006-02
  • Frozen ground monitoring (2004-2006) in the source area of the Yellow River, China
    Matsuoka; Ikeda A; Sueyoshi T; Ishii T
    Tsukuba Geoenvironmental Sciences/2/pp.25-30, 2006-12
  • Comparison of geophysical investigations for detection of massive ground ice (pingo ice)
    Yoshikawa K; Leuschen C; Ikeda A; Harada K; Gogineni P; Hoekst...
    Journal of Geophysical Research/111/p.E06S19, 2006-06
  • Combination of conventional geophysical methods for sounding the composition of rock glaciers in the Swiss Alps
    Ikeda A
    Permafrost and Periglacial Processes/17/p.35-48, 2006-02
  • Monitoring frozen ground (2004-2005) at Madoi in the source area of the Yellow River, China
    Matsuoka N; Ikeda A; Sueyoshi T; Ishii T
    Tsukuba Geoenvironmental Sciences/1/p.39-44, 2005-12
  • Morphometric analysis of solifluction lobes and rock glaciers in the Swiss Alps
    Matsuoka N; Ikeda A; Date T
  • Permafrost survey in the source region of the Yellow River : a preliminary report
    池田 敦; 松岡 憲知; 末吉 哲雄
    Seppyo/66(2)/pp.235-239, 2004-03
  • Permafrost sounding (2003-2004) in the source area of the Yellow River, China
    Matsuoka N; Ikeda A; Sueyoshi T; Ishii T
    Annual Report of the Institute of Geoscience, the University of Tsukuba/30/p.33-38, 2004-12
  • Mountain permafrost in Japan: distribution, landforms and thermal regimes
    Ishikawa M; Fukui K; Aoyama M; Ikeda A; Sawada Y; Matsuoka N
    ZEITSCHRIFT FUR GEOMORPHOLOGIE/47(Suppl. S)/pp.99-116, 2003-03
  • A rapidly moving small rock glacier at the lower limit of the mountain permafrost belt in the Swiss Alps
    Ikeda A; Matsuoka N; Kaab A
    Permafrost - Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Permafrost/p.455-460, 2003-07
  • Intensive cooling through an open-work blocky layer: ground temperature monitoring in the Swiss Alps
    Matsuoka N; Ikeda A
    Annual Report of the Institute of Geoscience, the University of Tsukuba/29/p.21-25, 2003-12
  • Contemporary periglacial processes in the Swiss Alps: seasonal, inter-annual and long-term variations
    Matsuoka N; Ikeda A; Hirakawa K; Watanabe T
    Permafrost - Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Permafrost/p.735-740, 2003-07
  • Degradation of talus-derived rock glaciers in the Upper Engadin, Swiss Alps
    Ikeda A; Matsuoka N
    Permafrost and Periglacial Processes/13/p.145-161, 2002-05
  • Geological control on the distribution and characteristics of talus-derived rock glaciers
    Matsuoka N; Ikeda A
    Annual Report of the Institute of Geoscience, the University of Tsukuba/27/p.11-16, 2001-12
  • Slope Instability in the Mountain Permafrost Belt of the Alps
    松岡 憲知; 平川 一臣; 渡辺 悌ニ; 池田 敦
    Journal of Geography(Chigaku Zasshi)/109(5)/pp.746-752, 2000-10
  • Measurements of bottom temperature of the winter snow cover (BTS) in relation to rock glacier activity, Corviglia, Swiss Alps: a preliminary report
    Ikeda A; Matsuoka N
    Annual Report of the Institute of Geoscience, the University of Tsukuba/25/p.13-17, 1999-12
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