ISHIDA Ken-ichiro
- Professional activities
2004 -- 2006 THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF PHYCOLOGY 英文誌(Phycological Research) 編集委員 2000 -- 2005 THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF PHYCOLOGY 和文紙編集実行委員 2012 -- 2014 International Phycological Society Phycologia associate editor 2005 -- 2014 International Phycological Society International Organizing Commitee 2010 -- 2012 International Society for Evolutionary Protistology President 2008 -- 2010 International Society for Evolutionary Protistology President elect 2004 -- 2008 International Society for Evolutionary Protistology Councilor at large 2004 -- (current) International Society of Endocytobiology Secretary 2012-09 -- 2012-09 サイエンス・カフェ「藻類から探る進化の謎」 2012-11 -- 2012-11 つくば科学フェスティバル出展(プランクトンを見てみよう) more...