Researcher's full information

  • Genetics of hybrid inviability and sterility between Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila simulans
    K. Sawamura
    Okazaki Biology Conference/2012-03-21
  • モデル生物「ショウジョウバエ」を利用した種分化の研究
  • Reproductive isolation between Drosophila ananassae and D. pallidosa
    C. Vishalakshi; K. Sawamura
    Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution/2011-07-27
  • Molecular drive and epigenetics in speciation
    K. Sawamura
    Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution/2011-07-27
  • Drosophila as a model organism for the speciation study: genetic mechanisms of reproductive isolation
    K. Sawamura
    VII International Interdisciplinary Scientific Research Conference/2011-06-10
  • Genetics of hybrid inviability and sterility between D. melanogaster and D. simulans
    K. Sawamura
    1st Asia-Pacific Drosophila Research Conference/2011-05-25
  • 核膜孔複合タンパク遺伝子(Nup160)によるショウジョウバエの雑種致死および不妊
    前原一慶; 増野昭太郎; 影沢達夫; 梶原三有希; 松野健治; 高橋文; 高野敏行; 澤村京一
  • キイロショウジョウバエとオナジショウジョウバエを用いた交配後隔離の遺伝学
  • Introgression of D. simulans Nup160 in D. melanogaster alone does not cause inviability but does cause female sterility
    K. Sawamura; K. Maehara; S. Mashino; T. Kagesawa; M. Kaj...
    International BioResource Symposium "Drosophila"/2010-03-17
  • Nuclear pore protein 160 (Nup160) causes hybrid female sterility and hybrid inviability
    K. Sawamura; S. Mashino; K. Maehara
    European Drosophila Reserch Conference/2009-11-21
  • 核膜孔複合タンパク遺伝子(Nup160)はショウジョウバエの雑種雌不妊および雑種致死を引き起こす
    澤村京一; 前原一慶; 増野昭太郎
  • Nucleoporin causes not only hybrid inviability but also female sterility
    K. Sawamura; K. Maehara; S. Mashino; T. Murata
    The 9th Japanese Drosophila Research Conference/2009-07-06
  • アナナスショウジョウバエ類における配偶行動の種特異性についての遺伝学的解析
    小澤恵代; 須永亮; 三澤秀雄; 山田博万; 小熊讓; 澤村京一
  • Chromosomal speciation scenario in the Drosophila ananassae species complex
    K. Sawamura
  • Genetics of hybrid inviability and sterility in Drosophila
    K. Sawamura
    Darwin Lecture/2009-03-27