WADA Hiroshi
- Articles
- Heterochronic activation of VEGF signaling and the evolution of the skeleton in echinoderm pluteus larvae
Morino Yoshiaki; Hiroyuki Koga; Kazunori Tachibana; Eiichi S...
Evolution and Development/14(5)/pp.428-436, 2012-09 - Comparative morphology and development of extra-ocular muscles in the lamprey and gnathostomes reveal the ancestral state and developmental patterns of the vertebrate head
Suzuki Daichi G; Fukumoto Yuma; Yoshimura Miho; Yamazaki ...
Zoological Letters/2/p.10, 2016-04 - Evolution of the molluscan body plan: the case of the anterior adductor muscle in the bivalve Septifer virgatus.
Wada Hiroshi
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2016 - Lineage tracing of the bivalve shell field with special interest in the descendants of the 2d blastomere.
Mohri Masakuni; Hashimoto Naoki; Wada Hiroshi
Biology Letters/12(3), 2016 - The conserved genetic background for pluteus arm development in brittlestars and sea urchin.
Wada Hiroshi
Evolution and Development, 2016 - The Diversity of Shell Matrix Proteins: Genome-wide Investigation of the Pearl Oyster, Pinctada fucata
Miyamoto Hiroshi; Endo Hirotoshi; Hashimoto Naoki; Iimura Ku...
ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE/30(10)/pp.801-816, 2013-10 - MOLLUSCAN SHELL FORM DIVERSITY AND BMP SIGNALING(Taxonomy and Systematics,Abstracts of papers presented at the 75^ Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
Kakoi Shota; Wada Hiroshi
Zoological science/21(12)/p.1274, 2004-12 - HH SIGNALING IN BIVALVE MOLLUSCAN DEVELOPMENT AND THE ORIGINE OF BIVALVE MOLLUSCAN HINGE(Taxonomy and Systematics,Abstracts of papers presented at the 76^ Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
Kakoi Shota; Wada Hiroshi
Zoological science/22(12)/p.1437, 2005-12 - Evidence for the Heparin-Binding Ability of the Ascidian Xlink Domain and Insight into the Evolution of the Xlink Domain in Chordates
Yoneda Masahiko; Nakamura Toshiya; Murai Miho; Wada Hiroshi
JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR EVOLUTION/71(1)/pp.51-59, 2010-07 - The expression of Ets and Alx and the evolution of spicule in echinoderm
Matsubara Mioko; Akasaka Koji; Komatsu Mieko; Wada Hiroshi
ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE/22(12)/pp.1437-1437, 2005-12 - The Echinoderm Larval Skeleton as a Possible Model System for Experimental Evolutionary Biology.
Koga Hiroyuki; Morino Yoshiaki; Wada Hiroshi
Genesis/52(3:::SI)/pp.186-192, 2014-03 - A novel N-terminal motif is responsible for the evolution of neural crest-specific gene-regulatory activity in vertebrate FoxD3.
Ono Hiroki; Kozmik Zbynek; Yu Jr-Kai; Wada Hiroshi
DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY/385(2)/pp.396-404, 2014-01 - Cleavage pattern and development of isolated D blastomeres in bivalves
Hashimoto Naoki; Kurita Yoshihisa; Murakami Kana; Wada Hiroshi
Journal of Experimental Zoology, Part B Molecular and Developmental Evolution/324(1)/pp.13-21, 2015-01 - A genome-wide survey of genes encoding transcription factors in Japanese pearl oyster Pinctada fucata: II. Tbx, Fox, Ets, HMG, NFκB, bZIP, and C2H2 zinc fingers.
Koga Hiroyuki; Hashimoto Naoki; Suzuki Daichi G.; Ono Hi...
Zoological science/30(10)/pp.858-867, 2013-10 - ワレカラ亜目(甲殻類)の形態進化―付属肢・体節の退化と再獲得のメカニズム―
伊藤 敦; 青木 優和; 八畑 謙介; 和田 洋
Taxa/(35)/pp.16-23, 2013-08 - A genome-wide survey of genes encoding transcription factors in Japanese pearl oyster Pinctada fucata I. Homeobox genes.
Wada Hiroshi
ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE/30/pp.858-867, 2013 - Hemichordate neurulation and the origin of the neural tube.
Miyamoto Norio; 和田 洋
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS/4/p.2713, 2013-11 - Developmental role of dpp in the gastropod shell plate and co-option of the dpp signaling pathway in the evolution of the operculum
Hashimoto Naoki; Kurita Yoshihisa; Wada Hiroshi
DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY/366(2)/pp.367-373, 2012-06 - Embryonic Development and Expression Analysis of Distal-less in Caprella scaura (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Caprellidea)
Ito Atsushi; Aoki Masakazu N.; Yahata Kensuke; Wada Hiroshi
BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN/221(2)/pp.206-214, 2011-10 - Evidence that gastropod torsion is driven by asymmetric cell proliferation activated by TGF-beta signalling
Kurita Yoshihisa; Wada Hiroshi
BIOLOGY LETTERS/7(5)/pp.759-762, 2011-10 - Development of Lamprey Mucocartilage and its Dorsal-Ventral Patterning by Endothelin Signaling, With Insight Into Vertebrate Jaw Evolution
Yao Tuoya; Ohtani Kaoru; Kuratani Shigeru; Wada Hiroshi
JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL ZOOLOGY PART B-MOLECULAR AND DEVELOPMENTAL EVOLUTION/316B(5)/pp.339-346, 2011-07 - Complicated evolution of the Caprellid (Crustacea: Malacostraca: Peracarida: Amphipoda) bodyplan, reacquisition or multiple losses of the thoracic limbs and pleons.
Atsushi Ito; Masakazu N. Aoki; Kensuke Yahata; Hiroshi Wada
Development, Genes and Evolution/221(3)/pp.133-140, 2011-01 - Regeneration of amphioxus oral cirri and its skeletal rods: implications for the origin of the vertebrate skeleton
Satoshi Kaneto; Hiroshi Wada
Journal of Experimental Zoology, Part B Molecular and Developmental Evolution/316(6)/pp.409-417, 2011-09 - The complete mitochondrial genome of Caprella scaura (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Caprellidea), with emphasis on the unique gene order pattern and duplicated control region
Ito Atsushi; Aoki Masakazu N.; Yokobori Shin-ichi; Wada ...
MITOCHONDRIAL DNA/21(5)/pp.183-190, 2010-10 - Repetitive sequences in the lamprey mitochondrial DNA control region and speciation of Lethenteron
Okada Kazunori; Yamazaki Yuji; Yokobori Shinichi; Wada H...
GENE/465(1-2)/pp.45-52, 2010-10 - more...
- Heterochronic activation of VEGF signaling and the evolution of the skeleton in echinoderm pluteus larvae