SHIBA Kogiku
- Affiliation
- Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences
- Official title
- Assistant Professor
- +@D<>@JXgcH=>BD96aIHJ@J76a68a?EnH=>76a@D<>@Ja@6XgcJaIHJ@J76a68a?E
- Phone
- 0558-22-1317, 0558-22-6813
- Research fields
Cell biology Animal physiology/Animal behavior - Research keywords
sperm flagella cilia sperm motility analysis fertilization motor protein ascidian sea urchin - Research projects
Elucidating the chemotactic response of sperm in a dioramic environment 2021-09 -- 2026-03 SHIBA Kogiku Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) 115,180,000Yen 精子走化性における鞭毛運動制御機構の解明 2020-09 -- 2021-07 SHIBA Kogiku Narishige Zoological Science Award/Research Grant 600,000Yen Regulation of sperm flagellar motility by Ca2+ and cAMP 2019-04 -- 2022-03 SHIBA Kogiku Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 4,420,000Yen Identification of regulatory factors for sperm flagellar motility by using proteomic analysis and molecular imaging techniques 2016-04 -- 2019-03 SHIBA Kogiku Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 4,940,000Yen Spatiotemporal visualization of intracellular calcium signal for regulation of sperm function 2014-04 -- 2016-03 SHIBA Kogiku Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) 4,030,000Yen 卵因子が制御する精子細胞内シグナルの可視化 2010-04 -- 2012-03 SHIBA Kogiku Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a Proposed Research Area) 8,060,000Yen Regulatory mechanism of flagellar and ciliary movement via calcium signaling 2009 -- 2010 SHIBA Kogiku Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) 4,550,000Yen - Career history
2005-04 -- 2008-03 University of TokyoMisaki Marine Biological StationPostdoctoral Fellow 2008-04 -- 2009-03 University of TokyoMisaki Marine Biological StationPostdoctoral Fellow 2009-04 -- 2009-06 University of TsukubaShimoda Marine Research CenterPostdoctoral Fellow 2009-07 -- (current) University of TsukubaShimoda Marine Research CenterAssistant Professor - Academic background
1996-04 -- 2000-03 Ochanomizu University Faculty of Science Department of Biology 2000-04 -- 2005-03 Ochanomizu University 人間文化研究科 人間環境科学専攻 - Degree
2005-03 博士(理学) Ochanomizu University - Academic societies
2018-03 -- (current) The Molecular Biology Society of Japan 2008 -- (current) THE BIOPHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 2001 -- (current) THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN - Honors & Awards
2018-12 日本動物学会奨励賞 2017-02 お茶の水女子大学賞:第1回 保井コノ賞 2016-06 第18回守田科学研究奨励賞 2014-08 Best Presentation Award 2010-06 11th International Symposium on Spermatology,Best Poster Award - Articles
- Drastic genome reduction driven by parasitic lifestyle: Two complete genomes of endosymbiotic bacteria possibly hosted by a dinoflagellate.
Nakayama Takuro; Harada Ryo; Yabuki Akinori; Nomura M...
Microbes and Environments, 2025-04 - Drastic genome reduction driven by parasitic lifestyle: Two complete genomes of endosymbiotic bacteria possibly hosted by a dinoflagellate.
Nakayama Takuro; Harada Ryo; Yabuki Akinori; Nomura M...
bioRχiv, 2025-01 - X-ray diffraction recording from a small amount of fibrous protein materials oriented by a micro shear-flow cell
Iwamoto Hiroyuki; Oiwa Kazuhiro; Shiba Kogiku; Inaba ...
Biophysics and physicobiology/21(2), 2024-04-01 - Convergent reductive evolution of cyanobacteria in symbiosis with Dinophysiales dinoflagellates.
Nakayama Takuro; Nomura Mami; Yabuki Akinori; Shiba K...
Scientific Reports/14(1)/pp.12774-12774, 2024-06 - Distinct regulation of two flagella by calcium during chemotaxis of male gametes in the brown alga Mutimo cylindricus (Cutleriaceae, Tilopteridales)
Kinoshita-Terauchi Nana; Shiba Kogiku; Umezawa Taiki; ...
JOURNAL OF PHYCOLOGY/60(2)/pp.409-417, 2024-04-01 - The Role of Soluble Adenylyl Cyclase in the Regulation of Flagellar Motility in Ascidian Sperm
Shiba Kogiku; Inaba Kazuo
BIOMOLECULES/13(11), 2023-11 - Regulatory mechanisms for sperm chemotaxis and flagellar motility
Shiba Kogiku
GENESIS/61(6:SI), 2023-11 - Convergent reductive evolution of cyanobacteria in symbiosis with Dinophysiales dinoflagellates.
Nakayama Takuro; Nomura Mami; Yabuki Akinori; Kogiku ...
bioRχiv, 2024-01 - Positive selection on ADAM10 builds species recognition in the synchronous spawning coral Acropora
Morita Masaya; Kitanobo Seiya; Ohki Shun; Shiba Kogik...
FRONTIERS IN CELL AND DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY/11, 2023-04-20 - Calaxin is required for asymmetric bend initiation and propagation in sperm flagella
Shiba Kogiku; Baba Shjoji; Fujiwara Eiji; Inaba Kazuo
Front Cell Dev Biol./11, 2023-03 - Spawning-Induced pH Increase Activates Sperm Attraction and Fertilization Abilities in Eggs of the Ascidian, Phallusia philippinensis and Ciona intestinalis
Sensui Noburu; Itoh Yosinori; Okura Nobuhiko; Shiba K...
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES/24(3), 2023-02 - Fertilization modes and the evolution of sperm characteristics in marine fishes: Paired comparisons of externally and internally fertilizing species
Ito Takeshi; Morita Masaya; Okuno Seiya; Inaba Kazuo; ...
ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION/12(12)/p.e9562, 2022-12-01 - Two distinct compartments of a ctenophore comb plate provide structural and functional integrity for the motility of giant multicilia
Jokura Kei; Sato Yu; Shiba Kogiku; Inaba Kazuo
CURRENT BIOLOGY/32(23)/p.5144, 2022-12-05 - Morphological differences in tardigrade spermatozoa induce variation in gamete motility.
Sugiura Kenta; Shiba Kogiku; Inaba Kazuo; Matsumoto Midori
BMC Zoology/7(1), 2022-01 - The Roles of Two CNG Channels in the Regulation of Ascidian Sperm Chemotaxis
Shiba Kogiku; Inaba Kazuo
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES/23(3), 2022-01-31 - Axonemal Growth and Alignment During Paraspermatogenesis in the Marine Gastropod Strombus luhuanus
Shibata Daisuke; Morita Masaya; Sato Yu; Shiba Kogiku; Ki...
FRONTIERS IN CELL AND DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY/10, 2022-04-01 - Mass spectrometry of short peptides reveals common features of metazoan peptidergic neurons
Hayakawa Eisuke; Guzman Christine; Horiguchi Osamu; Ka...
NATURE ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION/6(10)/pp.1438-+, 2022-08-08 - A dynein-associated photoreceptor protein prevents ciliary acclimation to blue light
Kutomi Osamu; Yamamoto Ryosuke; Hirose Keiko; Mizuno Kat...
Science advances/7(9), 2021-02 - Flagellar motility during sperm chemotaxis and phototaxis in fucalean algae
Kinoshita-Terauchi Nana; Bellgrove Alecia; Shiba Kogik...
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYCOLOGY/Epub, 2020-06 - Nexin-Dynein regulatory complex component DRC7 but not FBXL13 is required for sperm flagellum formation and male fertility in mice
Morohoshi Akane; Miyata Haruhiko; Shimada Keisuke; Noz...
PLOS GENETICS/16(1), 2020-01 - High potassium seawater inhibits ascidian sperm chemotaxis, but does not affect the male gamete chemotaxis of a brown alga
Kinoshita-Terauchi Nana; Shiba Kogiku; Terauchi Makoto...
Zygote (Cambridge, England)/27(4)/pp.225-231, 2019-08 - CTENO64 Is Required for Coordinated Paddling of Ciliary Comb Plate in Ctenophores
Jokura Kei; Shibata Daisuke; Yamaguchi Katsushi; Shiba K...
Current biology : CB/29(20)/p.3510-3516.e4, 2019-10 - Calaxin is required for cilia-driven determination of vertebrate laterality
Sasaki Keita; Shiba Kogiku; Nakamura Akihiro; Kawano Nat...
Communications biology/2/p.226, 2019-04 - A brown algal sex pheromone reverses the sign of phototaxis by cAMP/Ca-dependent signaling in the male gametes of Mutimo cylindricus (Cutleriaceae)
Kinoshita-Terauchi Nana; Shiba Kogiku; Umezawa Taiki; ...
Journal of photochemistry and photobiology. B, Biology/192/pp.113-123, 2019-03 - Microtubule stabilizer reveals requirement of Ca-dependent conformational changes of microtubules for rapid coiling of haptonema in haptophyte algae
Nomura Mami; Atsuji Kohei; Hirose Keiko; Shiba Kogiku; Ya...
Biology open/8(2), 2019-01 - more...
- Drastic genome reduction driven by parasitic lifestyle: Two complete genomes of endosymbiotic bacteria possibly hosted by a dinoflagellate.
- Books
- Sperm guidance: comparison with motility regulation in bikont species.
Shiba Kogiku
Flagellar Mechanics and Sperm Guidance/Bentham Science Publishers/pp.349-389, 2015-11 - Molecular comparison of the axonemal components between sperm flagella and Chlamydomonas flagella.
Shiba Kogiku; Mizuno Katsutoshi; Inaba Kazuo
Sperm Cell Research in the 21st Century: Historical Discoveries to New Horizons./Adthree Publishing Co. Ltd./pp.30-40, 2012-08 - Modification of flagellar movement by sperm-activating peptides in echinoderms
柴 小菊
- Sperm guidance: comparison with motility regulation in bikont species.
- Conference, etc.
- ピエゾ駆動対物レンズを用いたホヤ精子鞭毛運動の 3 次元的解析
稲葉一男; 柴小菊
第12回繊毛研究会/2022-10-30--2022-11-01 - 3D 遊泳トラッキングシステムによるホヤ精子走化性の解析
柴 小菊; 稲葉一男
日本動物学会第93回早稲田大会2022/2022-09-08--2022-09-10 - 精子走化性における遊泳方向制御機構の解析
柴 小菊
日本顕微鏡学会第78回学術講演会シンポジウム「受精・生殖研究の最前線」/2022-05-13 - Regulatory mechanism for sperm chemotaxis and flagellar motility
Shiba Kogiku
INI-RIMS joint seminar/2023-10-26 - 精子走化性の運動制御機構
柴 小菊
2023年度日本数理生物学会年会企画シンポジウムS3: Experiments and mathematics of morphogenesis and cell migration/2023-09-04 - Exploring symbiotic cyanobacteria using size-fractionated environmental DNA samples.
宮本知世; 矢吹彬憲; 野村真未; 柴小菊; 稲葉一男; 稲垣 祐司; 中山卓郎
日本共生生物学会第7回大会/2023-11-18--2023-11-19 - 精子が卵に近づく運動メカニズム
柴 小菊
第45回エアロ・アクアバイオメカニズム学会講演会/2022-03-22 - ジオラマ環境下での精子走化性の応答計測に向けて
柴 小菊
科学研究費助成事業 学術変革領域研究(A)「ジオラマ環境で覚醒する原生知能を定式化する細胞行動力学」 シンポジウム/2022-03-10 - 3D 遊泳トラッキングシステムを用いたホヤ精子走化性の解析
柴 小菊; 稲葉 一男
2022 年生体運動研究合同班会議/2022-01-07--2022-01-09 - The role of CNG channel in the regulation of flagellar motility in the ascidian sperm
Shiba Kogiku; Inaba Kazuo
The virtual Dynein 2021 International Workshop/2021-09-08--2021-09-09 - The role of CNG channel in the regulation of flagellar motility in the ascidian sperm
柴 小菊; 稲葉 一男
第92回日本動物学会オンライン米子大会/2021-09-02--2021-09-04 - The role of Ca2+ in the regulation of flagellar movement during sperm chemotaxis
Shiba Kogiku
RIMS Workshop “Biofluid Mechanics of Reproduction” in Biofluids 2021/2021-07-29--2021-07-30 - Change in the Helical Symmetry of Chlamydomonas and Ciona Flagellar Axonemes Coupled with the Change in Ca2+ Concentrations Revealed by X-ray Fiber Diffraction
Oiwa Kazuhiro; Iwamoto Hiroyuki; Shiba Kogiku; Inaba ...
64th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical-Society/2020-02-15--2020-02-19 - Genome analysis of a symbiotic nitrogen-fixing cyanobaterium in a pelagic dinoflagellate, Histioneis depressa.
Nakayama Takuro; Nomura Mami; Takano Yoshihito; Shiba Ko...
VIII European Congress of Protistology/2019-07-28--2019-08-02 - cAMP modulates Ca2+-mediated regulation of sperm flagellar waveform
柴 小菊; 坂野 太一; 古田 寿昭; 藤原 英史; 馬場 昭次; 稲葉 一男
第56回日本生物物理学会年会/2018-09-15--2018-09-17 - Calaxin is essential for ciliary formation in nodal monocilia but not in sperm flagella or epithelial multicilia
Kazuo Inaba; Kogiku Shiba; Natsuko Kawano Yuhkoh Satouh ...
XIII International Symposium on Spermatology (ISS)/2018-05-09--2018-05-13 - cAMP modulates Ca2+-mediated regulation of sperm flagellar waveform
Kogiku Shiba; Taichi Sakano Toshiaki Furuta Eiji Fujiwa...
XIII International Symposium on Spermatology (ISS)/2018-05-09--2018-05-13 - Function of NCS family protein calaxin in the regulation of sperm flagellar waveform
Mizuno Katsutoshi; Shiba Kogiku; Inaba Kazuo
The 47th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan/2009-10-30--2009-11-01 - cAMP modulates Ca2+-mediated regulation of sperm flagellar waveform
Shiba Kogiku; Sakano Taichi; Furuta Toshiaki; Fujiwara E...
International Workshop Dynein 2017/2017-10-29--2017-11-01 - 精子走化性時の鞭毛波形制御におけるcAMPの役割
柴 小菊; 坂野太一; 古田寿昭; 藤原英史; 馬場昭次; 稲葉一男
生体運動研究合同班会議/2018-01-05--2018-01-07 - 炭酸脱水酵素/CO2 を介したカレイ類系統特異的な精子運動阻害
佐野 マリコ; 柴 小菊; 稲葉 一男
日本動物学会第86回大会/2015-9-17--2015-9-19 - A novel subunit of axonemal dynein contains a photoreceptor protein domain
Kutomi Osamu; Keiko Hirose; Mizuno Katsutoshi; Shiba Kogi...
17th International Conference on the Cell and Molecular Biology of Chlamydomonas/2016-06-26--2016-07-01 - カルシウムイオンを介した精子鞭毛波形制御におけるcAMP の調整作用
柴 小菊; 坂野 太一; 古田 寿昭; 藤原 英史; 馬場 昭次; 稲葉 一男
日本動物学会第88回大会/2017-09-21--2017-09-23 - Roles of calcium in the regulation of sperm flagellar movement
Shiba Kogiku
フランスビルフランシュ臨海実験所セミナー/2017-07-01 - Roles of calcium in the regulation of sperm flagellar movement
Shiba Kogiku
第54回日本生物物理学会年会シンポジウム“運動性鞭毛・繊毛の最前線 -生体ナノマシンの制御機構-”/2016-11-25--2016-11-25 - more...
- ピエゾ駆動対物レンズを用いたホヤ精子鞭毛運動の 3 次元的解析
- Teaching
2024-10 -- 2024-10 Marine Life and Environment University of Tsukuba. 2025-03 -- 2025-03 Marine Molecular Biology II University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Methodology on Molecular and Cellular Biology IIS University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Thesis Research in Molecular and Cellular Biology S University of Tsukuba. 2024-09 -- 2024-09 Marine Course in Reproductive Biology University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Seminar on Molecular and Cellular Biology IIS University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Seminar on Molecular and Cellular Biology IF University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Seminar on Molecular and Cellular Biology IS University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Thesis Research in Molecular and Cellular Biology F University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 Marine Biology II University of Tsukuba. more... - Other educational activities
2023-11 -- 2023-11 非常勤講師 明治大学農学研究科 2023-09 -- 2023-09 非常勤講師 瀬戸内 CN 国際共同研究センター 2017-04 -- 2018-03 非常勤講師 お茶の水女子大学理学部 2013-04 -- 2013-09 非常勤講師 山形大学理学部 2010-01 -- 2010-03 非常勤講師 お茶の水女子大学理学部 - Talks
- 海の中のミクロの世界ー鞭毛と繊毛
柴 小菊
下田臨海実験センター一般公開/2024-01-20 - 海の中のミクロの世界 - 鞭毛と繊毛
柴 小菊
第11回女子中高生のための先端科学セミナー「海にいこうよ -サイエンスの宝庫へ-」/2021-05-16--2021-05-16 - 海の中のミクロの世界-鞭毛と繊毛
柴 小菊
第7回リケジョ・未来シンポジウム/2017-09-17 - カタユウレイボヤ精子走化性時における鞭毛運動調節機構
柴 小菊; 馬場昭次; 吉田学
第38回精子談話会/2007-01-13 - カタユウレイボヤ精子走化性機構の解析.
柴 小菊; 馬場昭次; 吉田学
第21回エアロ・アクアバイオメカニズム研究会/2008-03-21 - 海産無脊椎動物精子を用いた鞭毛運動制御機構の解析
柴 小菊; 稲葉一男
第63回日本細胞生物学会大会サテライトシンポジウム「繊毛研究のニューフロンティア -構造から機能そして病態へ-」/2011-06-29 - 「海の中のミクロの世界~鞭毛と繊毛」
柴 小菊
動物学会(関東支部)企画ビデオ講演会: - 動画で見る海の生物の世界 -/2011-11-19
- 海の中のミクロの世界ー鞭毛と繊毛
- Professional activities
2020-09 -- 2022-09 THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 理事 2018-09 -- 2020-09 THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 関東支部委員 2015-03 -- 2021-09 THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN ZDW(ZooDiversityWeb)委員会 2013-03 -- 2025-09 THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 男女共同参画委員会 2012-10 -- 2013-09 男女共同参画学協会連絡会 第11期男女共同参画学協会連絡会運営委員 - University Management
2010-04 -- 2021-03 下田臨海実験センター運営委員 - Other activities
2023-04 -- 2023-04 科学技術週間イベント「筑波大学キッズ・ユニバーシティ」
(Last updated: 2024-11-28)