Researcher's full information

  • G protein shuttling between cytoplasm and membrane in Dictyostelium.
    Yukihiro Miyanaga; Masahiro Ueda; Hidekazu Kuwayama; Tosh...
    The 43th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Biophysical Society./2005-11-01
  • Involvement of PI3K-dependent signaling in galvanotaxis of amoebae.
    Masayuki Sato; Masahiro Ueda; Hidekazu Kuwayama; Hiroaki ...
    The 43th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Biophysical Society./2005-11-01
  • Real-time monitoring of 7TM-type receptor-mediated activation of heterotorimeric G-proteins in living cells.
    Hidekazu Kuwayama; Masahiro Takahashi; Masahiro Ueda; Tos...
    The 43th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Biophysical Society./2005-11-01
  • Directional migration of Dictyostelium amoeba in an electric field.
    Masayuki Sato; Masahiro Ueda; Hidekazu Kuwayama; Hiroaki ...
    Biocomp 2005/2005-12-01
  • The Analysis of the shuttling of heterotrimeric GTP binding protein by changing of the Gγ lipid modification during Dictyostelium chemotactic migration.
    Masahiro Takahashi; Hidekazu Kuwayama; Yukihiro MIyanaga...
    The 28th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan./2005-12-01
  • Real-time monitoring of 7TM-type receptor-mediated activation of heterotorimeric G-proteins in living cells.
    Hidekazu Kuwayama; Masahiro Takahashi; Masahiro Ueda; Tos...
    The 28th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan./2005-12-01
  • 走化性運動とcGMP
    Hidekazu Kuwayama
  • Functional analysis of newly identified Dictyostelium Ras genes.
    Mariko Kunitani; Yoko Furuya; Tetsuya Muramoto; Hidekazu ...
    41nd Annual Metting for the Japanese Society of Developmental Biologists./2008-05-01
  • Genome-wide search for cell-fusion related genes based on DNA microarray analysis in Dictyostelium.
    Tomoe Satoh; Kentaro Saeki; Tetsuya Muramoto; Jason Skel...
    41nd Annual Metting for the Japanese Society of Developmental Biologists./2008-05-01
  • Developmental inhibitor secreted by Acytostelium subglobosum, a primitive social amoeba without cell differentiation.
    Kyoko Uchi; Hidekazu Kuwayama; Ryuji Yoshino; Hideko Uru...
    41nd Annual Metting for the Japanese Society of Developmental Biologists./2008-05-01
  • Comparative genomic analysis of the cellular slime moulds to reveal how cell differentiation was established during evolution.
    4.Hidekazu Kuwayama; Ryuji Yoshino; Hiroshi kagoshima; Ta...
    41nd Annual Metting for the Japanese Society of Developmental Biologists/2008-05-01
  • Analysis of a cell-differentiation related gene in a non-differentiating cellular slime mould.
    Takeru Tohyama; Hidekazu Kuwayama; Hideko Urushihara.
    42nd Annual Metting for the Japanese Society of Developmental Biologists./2009-05-01
  • Cell-differentiation related genes in a non-differentiating cellular slime mould revealed by its genome analysis.
    Hidekazu Kuwayama; Kyoko Uchi; Hiroshi kagoshima; Tadashi...
    42nd Annual Metting for the Japanese Society of Developmental Biologists./2009-05-01
  • Acytostelium属細胞性粘菌のゲノム・cDNA解析
    漆原秀子; 桑山秀一; 鹿児島浩; 新井理; 大石加寿子; 伊藤武彦; 谷口丈晃; 内今日子; 黒木陽子; 小原雄治; 藤山秋佐夫
  • Comparative genomic analysis of the cellular slime moulds to reveal how cell differentiation was established during evolution.
    Hidekazu Kuwayama
    International Symposium on Protist Biology/2008-03-01
  • 細胞性粘菌の比較ゲノム解析による細胞分化起源の解明
    桑山秀一; 吉野隆司; 鹿児島浩; 新井理; 大石加寿子; 伊藤武彦; 黒木陽子; 小原雄治; 藤山秋佐夫; 漆原秀子
  • 細胞性粘菌を用いた細胞分化成立過程の比較ゲノム解析
    桑山秀一; 吉野隆司; 鹿児島浩; 新井理; 大石加寿子; 伊藤武彦; 内今日子; 黒木陽子; 小原雄治; 藤山秋佐夫; 漆原秀子
  • DNAオリゴマーを用いた形質転換効率・相同性組換え効率の向上化
    桑山秀一; 柳田敏雄; 上田昌宏
  • A stress response kinase, KrsA, controls cAMP relay during the early development of Dictyostelium discoideum.
    Hidekazu Kuwayama; Tetsuya Muramoto; Kumiko Kobayashi; Hi...
    Joint meeting of the Japanese Society of Developmental Biologists and the Japan Society for Cell Biology./2007-05-01
  • 細胞性粘菌Dictyostelium discoideum発生過程におけるストレス応答キナーゼkrsAによるcAMP合成調節
    桑山秀一; 村本哲哉; 小林久美子; 漆原秀子
    第1回日本ゲノム微生物学会年会(Society of Genome Microbiology, Japan)/2007-03-01
  • 細胞性粘菌の増殖・分化移行の熱測定
    Yatsuhisa Nagano; Hidekazu Kuwayama
    The 39th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Developmental Biologists./2006-05-31