Researcher's full information

  • 宍塚大池とその周辺に生息する両生類
    門脇 正史
    宍塚大池地域自然環境調査報告書, 1995-11
  • 宍塚大池とその周辺の爬虫類
    門脇 正史
    宍塚大池地域自然環境調査報告書, 1995-11
  • 日本産ヘビ類の群集生態学-同所的に生息するヤマカガシ、シマヘビ、ニホンマムシの資源利用様式について
    門脇 正史
    筑波大学農林技術センタ-演習林報告/(12), 1996-01
  • Body size and population density of Bufo japonicus formosus from Nobeyama Highland, Nagano.
    門脇 正史
    Japanese Journal of Herpetology/16(3)/p.108-113, 1996-01
  • A Study of ecology and natural history of Japanese black bear, ┣DBVrsus(/)-┫DB ┣DBthibetanus(/)-┫DB and its damage to forest trees at Tsukuba University forest at Ikawa I -A report on the status of bear damage to forest trees-
    門脇 正史
    Bulletin of Tsukuba University Forests./(13)/p.73-102, 1997-01
  • 筑波大学井川演習林およびその周辺における爬虫・両生類相(予報)
    門脇 正史
    筑波大学農林技術センター演習林報告/(15), 1999-01
  • The relationship between bark damage to chamaecyparis obtusa by the Asiabic black bear, Ursus thibetanus, and resulting trunk rot and staining : A case study of a 62-year c obtusa stand in shizuoka prefectural forest.
    門脇 正史
    Journal of Japanese Forestry Society/81(4)/p.351-354, 1999-01
  • 深田祝先生が日本産ヘビの生態研究に果たした意義
    門脇 正史
    爬虫両生類学会報/2002(21)/p.112-113, 2002-01
  • 農業土木業者のための生き物調査(その6)---爬虫類調査法---
    門脇 正史
    農業土木学会誌/71(21)/p.141-145, 2003-01
  • Litter mass of a naturally regenerated broad-leaved forest growing in Ikawa Forest
    門脇 正史
    筑波大学農林技術センター演習林報告/21, 2005-03
  • Differences in the utilization of cultivated and uncultivated paddy fields as hunting grounds by the grey-faced buzzard, Butastur indics
    門脇 正史
    Journal of the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology/39(1)/p.19-26, 2007-09
  • Web情報に基づくヤマネ生息分布図の作成・公開について
    門脇 正史
    筑波大学技術報告 第9回筑波大学技術職員技術発表会報告集/(30)/p.62-66, 2010-03
  • 天然記念物・小型哺類ヤマネ調査用巣箱の考案
    Irat NEWS/(4)/p.3, 2012-03
  • Invention of a new type of nest box for the Japanese dormouse (Glirulus japonicus)
    玉木 恵理香; 杉山 昌典; 門脇 正史
    Honyurui Kagaku (Mammalian Science)/52(1)/pp.15-22, 2012-01
    門脇 正史
    Japanese Journal of Ecology/42(1)/pp.1-7, 1992-04
  • Ecology of a Japanese snake community : Resource use patterns of the three sympatric snakes, Rhabdophis tigrinus, Elaphe quadrivirgata and Agkistrodon b. blomhoffii
    門脇 正史
    Bulletin of Tsukuba University Forests/12(0)/pp.77-148, 1996-03
  • A Study ecology and natural history of Japanese black bear Urusus thibetanus and its damage to forest trees at Tukuba university forest at Ikawa I : A report on the status of bear damage to forest trees
    門脇 正史; 遠藤 徹; 和出 昌典
    Bulletin of Tsukuba University Forests/13(0)/pp.73-102, 1997-03
  • 筑波大学井川演習林におけるツキノワグマによる森林被害の実態(1)
    門脇 正史; 遠藤 徹; 杉山 昌典
    林業と薬剤/(141)/pp.6-16, 1997-09
  • 筑波大学井川演習林におけるツキノワグマによる森林被害の実態(2)
    門脇 正史; 遠藤 徹; 杉山 昌典
    林業と薬剤/0(142)/pp.1-7, 1997-12
  • Herpetofauna in Ikawa district,Shizuoka prefecture
    門脇 正史; 遠藤 徹; 杉山 昌典
    Bulletin of Tsukuba University Forests/15(0)/pp.379-383, 1999-05
  • The relationship between bark damage to Chamaecyparis obtusa by the Asiatic black bear, Ursus thibetanus, and resulting trunk rot and staining : A case study of a 62-year C. obtusa stand in Shizuoka prefectural forest.
    門脇 正史; 遠藤 徹; 杉山 昌典; 滝浪 明; 大坪 輝夫; 井波 明宏
    Journal of the Japanese Forestry Society/81(4)/pp.351-354, 1999-11
  • Environmental condition in breeding sites of Japanese brown frog, Rana (Rana) japonica Gunther : Especially the difference of water temperature among breeding spots
    門脇 正史
    Japanese journal of conservation ecology/7(1)/pp.1-8, 2002-09
  • Techniques in Surveying Organisms for Agricultural Engineers(6) : Method of Investigating Reptiles
    門脇 正史
    Journal of the Japanese Society of Irrigation,Drainages and Reclamation Engineering/71(2)/pp.141-145, 2003-02
  • Avifauna in Yatsugatake and Kawakami Forests, University of Tsukuba, in Nagano Prefecture
    今西 貞夫; 門脇 正史; 遠藤 好和
    Bulletin of Tsukuba University Forests/0(21)/pp.53-66, 2005-03
  • A preliminary study of the ecology and natural history of Japanese dormouse Glirulus japonicus and small Japanese field mouse Apodemus argenteus using improved types of nest boxes in the Yatsugatake forest, the University of Tsukuba
    杉山 昌典; 門脇 正史; 上治 雄介
    Bulletin of Tsukuba University Forests/0(23)/pp.73-88, 2007-03
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