- Teaching
2016-04 -- 2016-08 Seminar in Pomology and Postharvest Physiology of Fruit I University of Tsukuba. 2016-04 -- 2016-07 Field Studies in Bioresource Science University of Tsukuba. 2016-04 -- 2016-07 Basic Plant Biotechnology University of Tsukuba. 2016-04 -- 2016-07 Fruit Production and Postharvest Physiology University of Tsukuba. 2016-04 -- 2016-06 Essential Experiments in Agrobiology and Forestry University of Tsukuba. 2016-04 -- 2016-06 Introduction to Agrobiological Sciences University of Tsukuba. 2016-04 -- 2016-06 Introduction to AgrobioloGical Sciences University of Tsukuba. 2016-04 -- 2016-06 Plant Physiology University of Tsukuba. 2016-04 -- 2016-06 Basic Experiments in Agrobiology and Forestry University of Tsukuba. 2016-04 -- 2016-06 English for Specialized Subjects II University of Tsukuba. more...