EZURA Hiroshi

Researcher's full information

Conference, etc.
  • 遺伝子組換えによるトマト果実におけるGABA濃度の制御
    髙山 真理子; 小池悟志; Azzi Lamia; 松倉千昭; 江面浩
  • トマト果実におけるGAD遺伝子の発現制御がGABA含量に及ぼす影響
    髙山 真理子; 小池悟志; Azzi Lamia; 松倉千昭; 江面浩
  • Tomato genetic resources in the National Bioresource Project (NBRP) of Japan
    Shinozaki Yoshihito; Ariizumi Tohru; Fukuda Naoya; Yoshin...
    The 11th Asian Network of Research Resource Centers Meeting (2019 ANRRC)/2019-10-16--2019-10-18
  • NBRP-Tomato Update: Summary and New Features
    Shinozaki Yoshihito; Ito Naoko; Hoshikawa Ken; Ariizumi ...
    The 16th Japan Solanaceae Conference 2019 (JSOL2019)/2019-09-26--2019-09-27
  • 高温条件下における耐暑性トマト変異体3系統の生育及び果実特性
    黒田 枝里; 篠崎 良仁; Gregg Howe; Sheng-Yang He; Brad Day; 江面浩
    The 16th Japan Solanaceae Conference 2019 (JSOL2019)/2019-09-26--2019-09-27
  • NBRP-Tomato: An Integrated Bioresource of Tomato
    Shinozaki Yoshihito; Hoshikawa Ken; Ariizumi Tohru; Fukud...
    XVI Solanaceae Conference (SOL 2019)/2019-09-15--2019-09-19
  • 植物における一過的タンパク質大量発現のための「つくばシステム」
    三浦 謙治; 星川 健; 江面浩
  • NBRP Tomato: Development and distributions of mutant resources and the outcomes
    篠崎 良仁; 星川 健; 伊藤 直子; 有泉 亨; 福田 直也; 金山 喜則; 久保 康隆; 青木 考; 矢野 ...
    The 37th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Plant Cell and Molecular Biology/2019-09-07--2019-09-08
  • Effects of high ambient temperature on reproductive stage in EMS-mutant heat tolerant tomato
    Pham Dung; Shinozaki Yoshihito; Yano Ryoichi; Hoshikawa ...
    Plant Biology 2019/2019-08-03--2019-08-07
  • トマトの単為結果に関わる鍵遺伝子共発現ネットワーク解析による新規候補遺伝子の探索
    神谷 健; Tuan Vu Nam; 福島 敦史; 羽尾 周平; 篠崎 良仁; 王 寧; 有泉 亨; 江面 浩; ...
  • Development of tomato bioresources based on ‘Micro-Tom Japan’ as a model cultivar
    篠崎 良仁; 星川 健; 伊藤 直子; 有泉 亨; 福田 直也; 金山 喜則; 久保 康隆; 矢野 健太郎; 青木...
  • NBRP Tomato: Development of research resources and the outcomes
    篠崎 良仁; 星川 健; 伊藤 直子; 有泉 亨; 福田 直也; 金山 喜則; 久保 康隆; 矢野 健太郎; 青木...
    The 135th Meeting of JSB/2019-03-15--2019-03-17
  • 植物におけるタンパク質大量発現「つくばシステム」
    三浦 謙治; 星川 健; 山本剛史; 高岡美予; 江面 浩
  • The optimization of single base editing technology by Target-AID in tomato
    嘉祥寺谷幸子; 西田敬二; 三浦 謙治; 近藤昭彦; 江面 浩; 有泉 亨
    The 15th Japan Solanaceae Consortium JSOL2018/2018-10-19
  • Diverse functions of starch decomposition products in developing fruit of tomato
    Matsukura Chiaki; Yu Xiao-Ran; Yin Yong-Gen; Ezura Hiroshi
  • Tissue-specific transcriptome profiling of pollination- and DELLA-dependent tomato fruit set
    Shinozaki Y; Ozeki-Iida Y; Rose JKC; Ezura H; Ariizumi T
    The XIV Solanaceae and III Cucurbitaceae Genomics Joint Conference/2017-09-03--2017-09-06
  • Isolation of a novel tomato mutant with enhanced fruit set efficiency and candidate gene approaches by Next Generation Sequencing
    H Takei; Y Shinozaki; H Ezura; T Ariizumi
    International symposium on Japanese Solanaceae genomics initiative/2014-10-25--2014-10-26
  • Suppressions of AGPase and PEPCK cause decrease of fruit sugar content in tomato
    松倉 千昭; 鈴木春香; 黄永興; 尹永根; Gibon Y; 岩井宏暁; 江面浩
  • エチレン低感受性ミニトマトの果実肥大に寄与する因子の検討
    藤内 直道; 福田 直也; 江面 浩
  • National BioResource Project-Tomato: Collection of ‘Micro-Tom’ mutants, genome sequences and full-length cDNAs
    Hoshikawa Ken; T Hirai; T Ariizumi; Y Yamazaki; N Fukuda...
    Plant and Animal Genome 2013/2013-01-12--2013-01-16
  • Development of Tomato Bioresources in Japan based on cv. “Micro-Tom” as model tomato cultivar
    Hoshikawa Ken; 江面浩
    Plant Biology Europe 2018/2018-06-18--2018-06-21
  • Tomato bioresources in Japan: Mutant collection based on ‘Micro-Tom-Japan’
    Hoshikawa Ken; Naoko ito; T Ariizumi; N Fukuda; Y Kanaya...
    The 10th ANRRC International Meeting/2018-09-05--2018-09-07
  • HsfA1 improves tomato fruit yield under heat stress by regulating heat-responsive gene expression
    齋藤雄一; 有賀裕剛; Hoshikawa Ken; 江面 浩; 田中啓介; 四井いずみ; 坂田洋一; 太治輝昭
  • Phenotypic Characterization of Heat Tolerant Tomato Mutant HT7
    Dung Pham; 藤田覚史; Hoshikawa Ken; 江面 浩
  • Phenotypic Characterization of Heat Tolerant Tomato fap mutant
    藤田覚史; Dung Pham; Hoshikawa Ken; 江面 浩
  • more...