EZURA Hiroshi

Researcher's full information

  • Stimulation of benzyladenine-induced in vitro shoot organogenesis from cotyledon of Cucumis sativus L. by proline and abscisic acid.
    Shetty K.; Shetty G.; Ezura H.; Oosawa K.
    Plant Tissue Culture Letters/9/p.104-108, 1992-01
  • Highly frequent appearance of tetraploidy in regenerated plants, a universal phenomenon, in tissue culture of melon(Cucumis melo L.).
    Ezura H.; Amagai H.; Yoshioka K.; Oosawa K.
    Plant Science,/85/p.209-213, 1992-01
  • Efficient production of triploid melon plants by in vitro culture of abnormal embryos excised from dried seeds of diploid x tetraploid crosses and their characteristics.
    Ezura H.; Amagai H.; Oosawa K.
    Japanese Journal of Breeding/43/p.193-199, 1993-01
  • Efficient regeneration of plant independent of exogenous growth regulators in bell pepper(Capsicum annumm L.).
    Ezura H.; Nishimiya S.; Kasumi M.
    Plant Cell Reports/12/p.676-680, 1993-01
  • ソマクローナル変異を利用して選抜した低温発芽性メロンとその生育特性.
    農業技術/49/p.294-298, 1994-01
  • Selective regeneration of plants from diploid and tetraploid cells in adventitious shoot cultures of melon(Cucumis melo L.).
    Ezura H.; Oosawa K.
    Plant Tissue Culture Letters/11/p.26-33, 1994-01
  • Production of aneuploid melon plants following in vitro culture of seeds from a triploid x diploid cross.
    Ezura H.; Kikuta I.; Oosawa K.
    Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture/38/p.61-63, 1994-01
  • Ploidy of somatic embryos and the ability to regenerate plantlets in melon(Cucumis melo L.).
    Ezura H.; Oosawa K.
    Plant Cell Reports/14/p.107-111, 1994-01
  • メロンの組織培養において出現する体細胞突然変異とその利用に関する研究.
    茨城生工研研報/1/p.1-68, 1995-01
  • Selection of somaclonal variants with low-temperature germinability in melon(Cucumis melo L.).
    Ezura H.; Amagai H.; Kikuta I.; Kubota M.; Oosawa K.
    Plant Cell Reports/14/p.684-688, 1995-01
  • Endogenous gibberellin levels influence in-vitro shoot regeneration in Arabidopsis thaliana(L.)Heynh.
    Ezura H.; Harberd N.P.
    Planta/197/p.301-305, 1995-01
  • 低温肥大性メロンのソマクローナル変異選抜による作出と利用.
    農林水産技術研究ジャーナル/19/p.21-26, 1996-01
  • Long-term ploidy stability of shoot primordium cultures and produced plants of melon.
    Ezura H.; Kikuta I.; Oosawa K.
    Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture/48/p.31-35, 1997-01
  • ソマクローナル変異利用による低温肥大性メロンの育種.
    江面浩・細谷和重; +江面 浩
    農業技術/53/p.533-536, 1998-01
  • 培養変異を利用した新品種’アンテール’の育成.
    江面浩; 雨ヶ谷洋; 霞正一; 石塚由之
    茨城生工研研報/2/p.75-80, 1998-01
  • The influence of auxin type on the array of somaclonal variants generated from somatic embryogenesis of eggplant, Solanum melongena L.
    Hitomi A.; Amagai H.; Ezura H.
    Plant Breeding/117/p.379-383, 1998-01
  • 21世紀の農業研究のあり方ー実用化研究サイドからの提言ー.
     農業技術/54/p.545-550., 1999-01
  • How biotechnology can contribute to conventional breeding in melon.
    Ezura H
    Acta Horticulture/492/p.135-147, 1999-01
  • Histological analysis of fruit development between two melon(Cucumis melo L. reticulatus)genotypes setting a different size of fruit.
    Higashi K.; Hosoya K.; Ezura H.
    Journal of Experimental Botany/50/p.1593-1597, 1999-01
  • Phytochrome B influences in-vitro shoot regeneration in Arabidopsis thaliana(L.)Heynh.
    Ezura H.; Higashi K.; Harberd N.P.
    Plant Biotechnology/16/p.279-284, 1999-01
  • Race identification in powdery mildew(Sphaerotheca fuliginea)of melon(Cucumis melo L.)in Japan.
    Hosoya K.; Narisawa K.; Pitrat M.; Ezura H.
    Plant Breeding/118/p.259-262, 1999-01
  • Stage-and tissue-specific expression of ethylene receptor homolog genes during fruit development in muskmelon.
    Sato-Nara K.; Yuhashi K.; Higashi K.; Hosoya K.; Kubota ...
    Plant Physiology/120/p.321-330, 1999-01
  • 低温肥大性メロン’メイスター’の育成と産地化:培養変異を利用した有用作物の育種.
    江面浩・葛谷真輝; +江面 浩
    化学と生物/38/p.359-360, 2000-01
  • 不定胚培養系を利用した山ウド選抜系統の大量増殖.
    江面浩・西宮聡・雨ヶ谷洋; +江面 浩
    茨城生工研研報/3/p.41-50, 2000-01
  • Histological observation of powdery mildew resistance in diploid and haploid melons.
    Kuzuya M.; Hosoya K.; Masuya Y.; Tomita K.; Ezura H.
    Acta Horticulture/510/p.71-75, 2000-01
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