- Articles
- Plant-growth inhibitory activity of heliannuol derivatives
Doi F; Ohara T; Ogamino T; Sugai T; Higashinakasu K; Yamada K; ...
PHYTOCHEMISTRY/65(10)/pp.1405-1411, 2004-05 - Growth inhibitory alkaloids from mesquite (Prosopis juliflora (Sw.) DC.) leaves
Nakano H; Nakajima E; Hiradate S; Fujii Y; Yamada K; Shig...
PHYTOCHEMISTRY/65(5)/pp.587-591, 2004-03 - Leaching of the allelopathic substance L-tryptophan from the foliage of mesquite (Prosopis juliflora (Sw.) DC.) plants by water spraying.
Nakano Hiroshi; Nakajima Eri; Fujii Yoshiharu; Yamada Ko...
Plant Growth Regulation/40(1)/pp.49-52, 2003-01 - Induction of myrosinase gene expression and myrosinase activity in radish hypocotyls by phototropic stimulation.
Yamada Kosumi; Hasegawa Tsuyoshi; Minami Eiichi; Shibuya ...
Journal of Plant Physiology/160(3)/pp.255-259, 2003-01 - A novel weed control by blasting sodium bicarbonate powder using a high pressure wet-blasting apparatus. "jointly worked"
古屋 昌義; 山田 小須弥; 繁森 英幸; 真次 豊; 長谷川 宏司
Bulletin of agricultural and forestry research center, University of Tsukuba/16/pp.9-23, 2003-01 - Plant growth-promoting oligosaccharides produced from tomato waste.
Suzuki T.; Tomita-Yokotani K.; Tubura H.; Yoshida S.; Kus...
Bioresource Technol./81(2)/pp.91-96, 2002-01 - Isolation and identification of lateral bud growth inhibitor, indole-3-aldehyde, involved in apical dominance of pea seedlings.
Nakajima Eri; Nakano Hiroshi; Yamada Kosumi; Shigemori H...
Phytochemistry/61(7)/pp.863-865, 2002-01 - Growth inhibitor from light-grown oat seedlings.
Suzuki Toshisada; Yokotani-Tomita Kaori; Kosemura Seiji; ...
Biochemical Systematics and Ecology/30/pp.705-707, 2002-01 - Isolation and identification of a growth inhibitor from blue light-illuminated cress seedlings.
Hasegawa Tsuyoshi; Yamada Kosumi; Shigemori Hideyuki; Has...
Journal of Plant Growth Regulation/37/pp.45-47, 2002-01 - Isolation and identification of plant growth inhibitors as candidate(s) for allelopathic substance(s), from aqueous leachate from mesquite (Prosopis juliflora (Sw.) DC.) leaves.
Nakano Hiroshi; Fujii Yoshiharu; Yamada Kosumi; Kosemura ...
Plant Growth Regulation/37(2)/pp.113-117, 2002-01 - Bioactive oligosaccharides produced from tomato waste
鈴木 利貞; 富田-横谷 香織; 津布楽 洋和; 吉田 滋樹; 日下部 功; 小瀬村 誠治; 山村 庄亮; 山田 ...
雑草研究/46(0)/pp.106-107, 2001-04 - Effects of the auxin-inhibiting substances raphanusanin and benzoxazolinone on apical dominance of pea seedlings.
Nakajima Eri; Yamada Kosumi; Kosemura Seiji; Yamamura Sh...
Plant Growth Regulation/35/pp.11-15, 2001-01 - Lepidimoic acid increases fructose 2,6-bisphosphate in Amaranthus seedlings.
Kato-Noguchi Hisashi; Yamada Kosumi; Hasegawa Koji
Phytochemistry/56/pp.499-503, 2001-01 - Isolation and identification of a light-induced growth inhibitor in diffusates from blue light-illuminated oat (Avena sativa L.) coleoptile tips.
Hasegawa Tsuyoshi; Yamada Kosumi; Kosemura Seiji; Yamamur...
Plant Growth Regulation/33/pp.175-179, 2001-01 - A growth-inhibitory substance exuded from freeze-dried mesquite (Prosopis juliflora (Sw.) DC.) leaves.
Nakano Hiroshi; Fujii Yoshiharu; Suzuki Toshisada; Yamada...
Plant Growth Regulation/33/pp.165-168, 2001-01 - 廃棄果実種子滲出物の植物の成長に及ぼす効果
西島 啓子; 富田-横谷 香織; 津布楽 洋和; 小瀬村 誠司; 山村 庄亮; 山田 小須弥; 長谷川 宏司
雑草研究/46/pp.106-107, 2000-01 - Role of myrosinase on phototropism of radish hypocotyls.
Yamada Kosumi; Hasegawa Tsuyoshi; Minami Eiichi; Shibuya ...
Proceedings of the Plant Growth Regulation Society of America, 27th Annual Meeting/pp.266-266, 2000-01 - Phototropic stimulation induces the conversion of glucosinolate to phototropism-regulating substances of radish hypocotyls.
Hasegawa Tsuyoshi; Yamada Kosumi; Kosemura Seiji; Yamamur...
Proceedings of the Plant Growth Regulation Society of America, 27th Annual Meeting/pp.112-114, 2000-01 - Effect of auxin-inhibiting substance, raphanusanin on apical dominance of pea seedlings.
Nakajima Eri; Yamada Kosumi; Kosemura Seiji; Yamamura Sh...
Proceedings of the Plant Growth Regulation Society of America, 27th Annual Meeting/pp.97-99, 2000-01 - Repetition on the classical Boysen-Jensen and Nielsen's experiment on phototropism of oat coleoptile.
Yamada Kosumi; Nakano Hiroshi; Yokotani-Tomita Kaori; Bru...
Journal of Plant Physiology/156/pp.323-329, 2000-01 - 植物のユニークな生物機能、アレロパシー(Biomedia 2000)
山田 小須弥
生物工学会誌/78(12)/pp.511-511, 2000-01 - Phototropic stimulation induces the conversion of glucosinolate to phototropism-regulating substances of radish hypocotyls.
Hasegawa Tsuyoshi; Yamada Kosumi; Kosemura Seiji; Yamamur...
Phytochemistry/54(3)/pp.275-279, 2000-01 - A new plant growth regulator - lepidimoide: physiological function and comparison with other phytohormones.
Chen Rumin; Yamada Kosumi
Journal of South China Normal University/1/pp.106-109, 1999-01 - 8-Epixanthatin, a light-induced growth inhibitor, mediates the phototropic curvature in sunflower (Helianthus annuus) hypocotyls.
Yokotani-Tomita Kaori; Kato Jun; Yamada Kosumi; Kosemura ...
Physiologia Plantarum/106/pp.326-330, 1999-01 - 微少重力及び微弱磁場下における植物の光応答反応―光屈性のための成長運動
横谷(富田) 香織; 柳澤 政生; 山下 雅道; 福田 知子; 鈴木 利貞; 山田 小須弥; 中村 輝子; 長谷川...
Biological Sciences in Space/13(3)/pp.278-279, 1999-01 - more...
- Plant-growth inhibitory activity of heliannuol derivatives