Researcher's full information

  • Production of transgenic rats using pregnant and pseudopregnant rats prepared at a breeding farm
    Kajiwara N; Sugiyama F; Goto Y; Sugiyama Y; Fukamizu A; U...
    Experimental Animals/42(3)/pp.463-466, 1993-01
  • Possible roles of the 3'-flanking sequences of the human activin βA subunit gene in its expression
    Tanimoto K.; Murakami K.; Fukamizu A.
    Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics/302/p.409-416, 1993-01
  • レニン-アンジオテンシン系の生化学
    深水 昭吉
    最新内科学大系/p.253-266, 1993-01
  • Transgenic animals in endocrinological investigation
    深水 昭吉
    Journal of Endocrinological Investigation/16(6)/pp.461-473, 1993-01
  • 高血圧(レニン)
    深水 昭吉
    臨床遺伝医学/p.574-578, 1993-01
  • 高血圧発症の分子メカニズム-遺伝子診断に向けて-
    深水 昭吉
    臨床医のための実験医学シリーズ/p.66-79, 1993-01
  • Dependence of angiotensin production in transgenic mice carrying either the human renin or human angiotensinogen genes on species-specific kinetics of the renin-angiotensin system (共著)
    深水 昭吉
    Drug Research/(43)/p.222-225, 1993-01
  • Biochemical characteristic of human renin expressed in transgenic mice (共著)
    深水 昭吉
    Clinical Science/(84)/p.21-29, 1993-01
  • Activation of mouse renin promoter by cAMP and c-Jun in a kidney-deriVed cell line (共著)
    深水 昭吉
    Biochimica Biophysica Acta/(1172)/p.306-310, 1993-01
  • Activation of two angiotensin-generating systems in the balloon-injured artery (共著)
    深水 昭吉
    FEBS Letter/323/p.239-242, 1993-01
  • アンジオテンシノーゲン遺伝子の分子生物学・発生工学に関する最近の話題
    深水 昭吉
    治療学/(27)/p.781-784, 1993-01
  • 発生工学と高血圧学-レニン・アンギオテンシン系を中心に- (共著)
    深水 昭吉
    日本臨床/(51)/p.1562-1567, 1993-01
  • Tsukuba Hypertensive Mice:transgenic mice carrying both human renin and human angiotensiogen genes (共著)
    深水 昭吉
    Proceedings of the Japan Academy/69(6)/p.129-133, 1993-01
  • つくば高血圧マウス-ヒトレニン・アンギオテンシン系のマウスへの導入(共著)
    深水 昭吉
    実験医学/(11)/p.417-424, 1993-01
  • Species differences in binding of submandibular nuclear proteins to renin promoter DNA (共著)
    深水 昭吉
    Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology/20/p.283-288, 1993-01
  • Rat renin promoter activity in cultured cells and transgenic mice (共著)
    深水 昭吉
    Journal of Veterinary Medical Sciences/55(4)/p.537-541, 1993-01
  • Isolation of mouse Ren-1C gene and characterization of renin gene expression in both ES-D 3 cells and their parental mouse strain
    Tanimoto K; Tamura K; Sugiyama F; Murakami K; Fukamizu A
    J Reprod Dev/39/p.19-24, 1993-01
  • つくば高血圧マウス(共著)
    深水 昭吉
    BIOMEDICA/(8)/p.1140-1144, 1993-01
  • Chimeric renin-angiotensin system demonstrates sustained increase in blood pressure of transgenic mice carrying boty human renin and human angiotensinogen genes
    Fukamizu A; Sugimura K; Takimoto E; Sugiyama F; Seo MS; T...
    J. Biol. Chem./268(16)/pp.11617-11621, 1993-01
  • A simple method of hybridohistochemistry for detection of renin mRNA in the mouse kidney (共著)
    深水 昭吉
    Journal of Veterinary Medical Science/55(3)/p.461-463, 1993-01
  • Use of transgenic animals in the study of neuropeptide genes (共著)
    深水 昭吉
    Current Topics in Neuroendocrinology/(11)/p.145-167, 1993-01
  • Proximal and core DNA elements are required for efficient angiotensinogen promoter activation during adipogenic differentiation
    Tamura K; Tanimoto K; Ishii M; Murakami K; Fukamizu A.
    J. Biol. Chem./268(20)/pp.15024-15032, 1993-01
  • Expression of the fungal cytochrome P-450nor cDNA in Escherihi coli (共著)
    深水 昭吉
    Biochemistry and Biophysics Research Communications/196(3)/p.1255-1260, 1993-01
  • トランスジェニック動物とレニン・アンギオテンシン系-つくば高血圧マウス作製の試み- (共著)
    深水 昭吉
    Molecular Medicine/(30)/p.1406-1413, 1993-01
  • Species-Specific Kinetics of Mouse Renin Contribute to Maintenance of Normal Blood Pressure in Transgenic Mice with Overexpressed Human Angiotensinogen
    高橋 滋; 深水 昭吉; 波多江 利久; 山田 裕二; 杉山 文博; 梶原 典子; 八神 健一; 村上 和雄
    The journal of veterinary medical science/54(6)/pp.1191-1193, 1992-12
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