- Articles
- Application of green tea extract in shrimp aquaculture.
野村 名可男
Fisheries Science/68(I)/p.998-999, 2002-01 - Shrimp disease disinfection and phytoplankton control in intensive shrimp pond water by electro-oxidation process.
野村 名可男
Fisheries Science/68(I)/p.981-982, 2002-01 - Development of a viral infection model by using primary cell culture derived from penaeid shrimp.
野村 名可男
Fisheries Science,/68(I)/p.817-820, 2002-01 - Growth by cell division in shrimp (Penaeid japonius) cell culture
野村 名可男
Aquaulture/213/p.73-83, 2001-01 - Effects of high cell density on growth-associated monoclonal antibody production by hybridoma T0405 cells immobilized in macroporous cellulose carriers
野村 名可男
Biotech. Bioprocess Eng./5(2)/p.110-117, 2000-01 - Improved MTT(3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide) assay for the measurement of viable animal cell number in porous cellulose carrier.
野村 名可男
Biotechnology Techniques/10(11)/p.883-888, 1996-01 - Production of human growth hormone by protein-free cultivation of anchorage-dependent cells with porous cellulose carriers.
野村 名可男
Animal Cell Technology: Development towards the 21st Century/p.817-821, 1995-01 - Expansion of human autologous cytotoxic T lymphocytes on fixed target tumor cells.
Horiuchi K; Tsurushima H; Kim BS; Liu SQ; Saijo K; Saijo ...
Cytotechnology/26/p.119-124, 1998-01 - Detection of White spot syndrome virus DNA in pond soil using a 2-step nested PCR
Natividad Karlo Dante T.; Nomura Nakao; Matsumura Masatoshi
JOURNAL OF VIROLOGICAL METHODS/149(1)/pp.28-34, 2008-04 - Comparative Ultrasonic Irradiation Efficiency of Microcystis aeruginosa and M. wesenbergii from Surface Bloom and Re-flotation Behavior
P. Srisuksomwong Y. Peerapornpisal N. Nomura*
Chiang Mai J. Sci./39(4)/p.731-735, 2012 - Analysis of the relationship between luminescence and toxicity of Vibrio carchariae pathogenic to shrimp
Nakayama T; Nomura N; Matsumura M
FISHERIES SCIENCE/71(6)/pp.1236-1242, 2005-12
- Application of green tea extract in shrimp aquaculture.