- Affiliation
- Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences
- Official title
- Professor
- I,+*,$ C$&+&&C|z:JWv+:JY,C+*,",wvCvxC!'
- Research fields
Environmental dynamic analysis Environmental agriculture(including landscape science) Environmental dynamic analysis - Research keywords
Aquatic Eco-Engineering quantitative analysis for carbon and nitrogen cycle in orcean and soil Study of dynamics and function of musty oder producing organisms - Research projects
温暖化の進行が浅い湖水中の溶存メタン動態に及ぼしている影響の解析 2023-04 -- 2026-03 UTSUMI Motoo Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C) 4,550,000Yen 太陽光を活用した海洋微細藻類からの水素とグリーンプラ資源産生循環システムの構築 2022-04 -- 2024-03 楊 英男 日本学術振興会/科学研究費基盤研究(B)(一般) 浄水処理負荷を低減するカビ臭発生抑制手法の開発 2019-04 -- 2022-03 内海真生 Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C) 太陽光を活用した畜産環境の完全浄化及び革新的バイオガス変換システムの開拓 2019-04 -- 2022-03 楊英男 Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/ Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 流木災害対策に資する流木資源化・利用システム開発 2018-04 -- 2021-03 松下 潤 国土交通省水管理・国土保全局/平成30年度河川砂防技術研究開発制度・地域課題分野(河川)研究 14C同位体を用いた海洋古細菌による化学合成代謝炭素固定量算出手法の開発 2018-04 -- 2021-03 内田昌男 Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/科学研究費助成事業(挑戦的萌芽) 生来の腸内細菌に着目した微小動物の形質転換技術の開発と水質浄化への応用 2018-04 -- 2021-03 清水和哉 Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/ Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 暗黒海である海洋中・深層水中の微生物群集の増殖および代謝活性現場測定法の開発 2016-04 -- 2019-03 UTSUMI Motoo 日本学術振興会/科学研究費助成事業(挑戦的萌芽) 3,000,000Yen 藍藻産生毒素分解菌の分子育種株を用いた新規水環境修復技術の開発 2015-04 -- 2018-03 SHIMIZU Kazuya Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/Grant in Aid for Scientific Research (B) 2,500,000Yen 北極土壌圏温暖化に伴う凍土融解と土壌微生物による新たなCO2放出メカニズムの解明 2015-04 -- 2018-03 UCHIDA Masao Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 800,000Yen more... - Career history
2020-07 -- (current) University of TsukubaProfessor 2009-04 -- 2020-06 University of TsukubaAssociate Professor 2000-04 -- 2009-03 University of Tsukubaassistant professor - Academic background
1988-04 -- 1992-03 University of Tsukuba Second Cluster of College 生物学類 1994-04 -- 1997-03 University of Tsukuba Graduate School, Division of Bioresearch 生物学 - Degree
1997-03 博士(理学) University of Tsukuba 1994-03 修士(環境科学) University of Tsukuba - Academic societies
2007-11-15 日本水処理生物学会 第10回論文賞 2003 生態工学学会論文賞 - Articles
- Preliminary tests on carbon and nitrogen emissions and nutrients availability upon application of algal-bacterial granules to arid and low fertility soil
Dong Xiaochuan; Zhang Sicheng; Chen Xingyu; Lei Zhong...
Chemical Engineering Journal/492/p.152250, 2024-5 - A preliminary test for nitrogen recovery potential of nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria and its granules treating wastewater containing different nitrogen species
Zhao Yankai; Li Zejiao; Fan Yunqiang; Santisouk Lathd...
Chemical Engineering Journal/490/p.151765, 2024-04 - MlrA, an Essential Enzyme for Microcystins and Nodularin on First Step Biodegradation in Microcystin-Degrading Bacteria.
Liu Tianxiao; Kurogo Narumi; Kodato Miwa; Fujimoto Na...
CHEMICAL RESEARCH IN TOXICOLOGY/37(2)/pp.212-215, 2024-01 - A device for assessing microbial activity under ambient hydrostatic pressure: The in situ microbial incubator (ISMI)
Amano Chie; Reinthaler Thomas; Sintes Eva; Varela Mar...
LIMNOLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY-METHODS/21(2)/pp.69-81, 2023-02 - Limited carbon cycling due to high-pressure effects on the deep-sea microbiome
Amano Chie; Zhao Zihao; Sintes Eva; Reinthaler Thomas...
NATURE GEOSCIENCE/15(12)/pp.1041-+, 2022-12 - A device for assessing microbial activity under ambient hydrostatic pressure: the in situ microbial incubator (ISMI).
Amano Chie; Reinthaler Thomas; Sintes Eva; Varela Marta ...
Limnology and Oceanograpy Methods/21(2)/pp.69-81, 2022-12 - Impact of hydrostatic pressure on organic carbon cycling of the deep-sea microbiome.
Amano Chie; Zhao Zihao; Sintes Eva; Reinthaler Thomas; St...
NATURE GEOSCIENCE/15/pp.1041-1047, 2022-10 - Abundance and Diversity of Nitrifying Microorganisms in Marine Recirculating Aquaculture Systems.
Li Qintong; Hasezawa Ryo; Saito Riho; Okano Kunihiro; Shi...
Water/14(17)/p.2744, 2022-09 - 大規模な流木流出を伴う複合災害対策に資する流木資源化・利用システム開発.
松下潤; 小森大輔; 井良沢道也; 森俊勇; 高部圭司; 古川柳蔵; 内海 真生; 阿部正博; 白旗学; 田中國介; 中井英治; 細越...
Water science/66(2)/pp.1-22, 2022-06 - Emergence of multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii under fluctuating levofloxacin concentration and its control by chlorine and UV disinfection.
Zhang Chi; Hao Liting; Miao Hanchen; Chen Jiayu; Yuan...
PROCESS SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION/173/pp.344-353, 2023-03 - Abundance and Diversity of Nitrifying Microorganisms in Marine Recirculating Aquaculture Systems
Li Qintong; Hasezawa Ryo; Saito Riho; Okano Kunihiro; ...
WATER/14(17), 2022-09 - Temperature affects growth, geosmin/2-methylisoborneol production, and gene expression in two cyanobacterial species
Qingyue Shen; Qian Wang; Hanchen Miao; Marie Shimada; Uts...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021-09 - Draft Genome Sequences of Multidrug-Resistant Escherichia coli Strains Isolated from River Water in Malaysia
Yusaimi Yus Amira; Sabri Nurul Syazwani Ahmad; Utsumi ...
MICROBIOLOGY RESOURCE ANNOUNCEMENTS/11(7), 2022-07 - Development of a Quantification and Detection Method for 2-MIB-producing Cyanobacteria.
Zhang Ji; Shen Qingyue; Miao Hanchen; Li Qintong; Shi...
Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences/23(4)/p.TRJFAS21811, 2022-09 - Development of Rapid PCR Methods for the Detection and Quantification of Geosmin-Producing Dolichospermum spp
Miao Hanchen; Zhang Ji; Shen Qingyue; Ichise Satoshi; Asa...
WATER AIR AND SOIL POLLUTION/233(9)/pp.1-11, 2022-09 - Ammonia Removal Performance by Biofilm in a Water Treatment Plant.
Wai Khin Khin; Li Qintong; Odano Takahiro; Utsumi Motoo
Japanese Journal of Water Treatment Technology/57(4)/pp.67-78, 2021-12 - Dynamics of the prokaryotic and eukaryotic microbial community during a cyanobacterial bloom
Qian Yilin; Okano Kunihiro; Kodato Miwa; Arai Michiko; Ya...
Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry/86(1)/pp.78-91, 2022-01 - Temperature affects growth, geosmin/2-methylisoborneol production, and gene expression in two cyanobacterial species
Shen Qingyue; Wang Qian; Miao Hanchen; Shimada Marie; ...
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH/Epub, 2021-09 - Seasonal dynamics of surface water quality and river water quality deterioration in an urban area of Mongolia
Zagdragchaa Otgonbayar; Bold Altantuya; Mizunoya Takeshi...
日本水処理生物学会誌/57(4), 2021-12 - Draft Genome Sequence of the Prazosin-Degrading Bacillus sp. Strain PR5, Isolated from a River Receiving Hospital and Urban Wastewater in Malaysia
Sabri Nurul Syazwani Ahmad; Mohsi Nur'Aqilah Farhanah Mo...
MICROBIOLOGY RESOURCE ANNOUNCEMENTS/10(11), 2021-03 - Effects of elevated nitrogen on the growth and geosmin productivity of Dorichospermum smithii.
Shen Q.; Shimizu K.; Miao H.; Tsukino S.; Utsumi M.; Lei ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020-08 - Fertilizer potential of liquid product from hydrothermal treatment of swine manure
Yuan Tian; Cheng Yanfei; Huang Weiwei; Zhang Zhenya; ...
Waste Management/77/pp.166-171, 2018-7 - Coupling biogas recirculation with FeCl3 addition in anaerobic digestion system for simultaneous biogas upgrading, phosphorus conservation and sludge conditioning
Yuan Tian; Wang Yinxin; Nuramkhaan Marjangul; Wang Xuezh...
Bioresource Technology/315, 2020-11 - A novel anaerobic digestion system coupling biogas recirculation with MgCl2 addition for multipurpose sewage sludge treatment
Yuan Tian; Cheng Yanfei; Wang Xuezhi; Yu Yang; Zhang Zhe...
Journal of Cleaner Production/230/pp.499-507, 2019-9 - Limitation of nutrients stimulates musty odor production by Streptomyces sp. isolated from a tropical environment
Shudirman Shahirah; Abang Kassim Aeyshah; Shamsol Anuar...
The Journal of general and applied microbiology/67(3)/pp.92-99, 2021-02 - more...
- Preliminary tests on carbon and nitrogen emissions and nutrients availability upon application of algal-bacterial granules to arid and low fertility soil
- Books
- Environment and Biotechnology; Chapter 12: Degrada tion of some secondary metabolites in aquatic envi ronment.
Norio Sugiura; Qiang Xue; Jieming Li; Kazuya Shimizu; Mot...
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2012 - 4.未知のバイオ資源 -深海の可能性
海洋白書2006 日本の動き 世界の動き 海洋白書2006 日本の動き 世界の動き 海洋政策研究財団, 2006-01
- Environment and Biotechnology; Chapter 12: Degrada tion of some secondary metabolites in aquatic envi ronment.
- Conference, etc.
- Response of Bacterial and Algal-bacterial Aerobic Granular Sludge when Treating Nitrogen-deficient Wastewater.
Fan Yunqiang; Zhao Yankai; Lathdavong Santisouk; Lei ...
The 2nd International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability (ICBS2024)/2024-08-09--2024-08-11 - Response of Photo-driven Algal-bacterial Granular Sludge to Extreme pH Shock: Insights into Granular Properties, Nutrients Removal, and Resource Recovery
Gao Ge; Palomique Kimberly R.; Lei Zhongfang; YUAN Ti...
The 2nd International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability (ICBS2024)/2024-08-09--2024-08-11 - Continuous-flow Algal-bacterial Aerobic Granular Sludge System for Land-based Recirculating Aquaculture Industry: Reactor Configuration and Performance Evaluation.
Liu Wenjun; Dong Jian; Lei Zhongfang; YUAN Tian; Utsu...
The 2nd International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability (ICBS2024)/2024-08-09--2024-08-11 - Use of Continuous-flow Algal-bacterial Aerobic Granular Sludge Reactor to Treat Saline Aquaculture Wastewater.
Dong Jian; Liu Wenjun; Lei Zhongfang; YUAN Tian; Utsu...
The 2nd International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability (ICBS2024)/2024-08-09--2024-08-11 - Early-warming Modeling of Water Blooms using Machine Learning Algorithm.
Liu Tianxiao; YUAN Tian; Lei Zhongfang; Zhang Zhenya; ...
The 2nd International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability (ICBS2024)/2024-08-09--2024-08-11 - Potential Implications of Lignocellulosic Biomass Derived Hydrochar in Sustainable Agricultural Applications
A. Ranasinghe R. A. D. R.; G. Kavindi G. A.; Lei Zhong...
The 2nd International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability (ICBS2024)/2024-08-09--2024-08-11 - Response of nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria and its granules to different nitrogen species for nitrogen recovery
Zhao Yankai; Li Zejiao; Fan Yunqiang; Santisouk Lathd...
The 1st International Conference on the Practical Zero Emissions Technologies and Strategies (PZETS 2023) and the 2nd Workshop on Water Sustainability & Green Technology/2023-12-09--2023-12-12 - Transcriptomic analysis of prazosin degrading tropical bacteria isolates.
Mohsi NurAqilah Farhanah binti Mohd; Hara Hirofumi; Utsum...
International Conference on Environmental Science and Green Technology (IC-EGT, 2022)/2022-03-14--2022-03-15 - Prevalence of multidrug-resistant Echerichia coli and their resistance determinants isolated from suburban inflow river of Lake Kasumigaura
Yusaimi Yus Amira; Hara Hirofumi; Shimizu Kazuya; Suzuki ...
International Conference on Environmental Science and Green Technology (IC-EGT, 2022)/2022-03-14--2022-03-15 - 霞ケ浦底泥中のメタン循環過程の解明
李沁潼; 小井田龍夢; 富澤政輝; 長谷澤嶺; 堀部弘貴; 天野雪菜; 北村立実; 大内孝雄; 内海 真生
第56回日本水環境学会/2022-03-16--2022-03-18 - 水族館循環濾過システムにおける硝化微生物の定量解析
長谷澤嶺; 斎藤里帆; 田中沙俊; 富澤政輝; 内海 真生; 李沁潼
日本水処理生物学会第58回大会/2021-11-08--2021-11-10 - 高光合成植物ケナフを用いた二酸化炭素深海貯蔵
志水勝好; 小針統; 幅野明正; 中村啓彦; 内海 真生; 千村 涼
2021年度環境科学会年会/2021-09-10--2021-09-11 - Granulation Initialed by Two Microalgal Strains Isolated from Algal-bacterial Granular Sludge and Their Contribution to Nutrients Removal and Dynamic Changes of Biological Community
Nuramkhaan Marjangul; Dong Xiaochuan; Lei Zhongfang; Shim...
The International Workshop on Agricultural Waste Reclamation and Utilization/2021-9-27--2021-9-28 - Heterotrophic activity of the deep-sea microbial community under in situ hydrostatic pressure conditions
Amano Chie; Zhao Zihao; Sintes Eva; Reinthaler Thomas; St...
ASLO 2021 Aquatic Sciences Meeting/2021-06-22--2021-06-27 - Seasonal Dynamics of Microcystin-degrading Bacteria and Toxic Cyanobacterial Blooms: Interaction and Influence of Environment Factors
Qian Yilin; Okano Kunihiro; Itayama Tomoaki; Iwami Norio...
4th International Conference on Recent Advancements in Sustainable Management of Livestock Waste and Rural Environment/2021-03-27--2021-03-28 - Effect of TN/TP Ratio on Growth and Geosmin Productive Activity in Cyanobacteria
Shen Qingyue; Miao Hanchen; Akiyama Saya; Tsukino Shinya...
4th International Conference on Recent Advancements in Sustainable Management of Livestock Waste and Rural Environment/2021-03-27--2021-03-28 - Biological Removal of Toxic Cyanobacteria Focused on Symbiotic Bacteria with Cyanobacterial Predators
Sumita Toru; Okano Kunihiro; Itayama Tomoaki; Iwami Nori...
4th International Conference on Recent Advancements in Sustainable Management of Livestock Waste and Rural Environment/2021-03-27--2021-03-28 - Risk Assessment of Multi-drug Resistant Bacteria for Environment
Zhang Chi; Miao Hanchen; Wang Runsan; Hao Liting; Utsumi ...
4th International Conference on Recent Advancements in Sustainable Management of Livestock Waste and Rural Environment/2021-03-27--2021-03-28 - Development of Algal-bacterial Granular Sludge System for Tropical Regions
Ozaki Kazuho; Lei Zhongfang; Abdullah Norhayati; Iwamoto ...
4th International Conference on Recent Advancements in Sustainable Management of Livestock Waste and Rural Environment/2021-03-27--2021-03-28 - Feasibility of anaerobic digestion system coupling biogas recirculation with chemical addition for simultaneous biogas upgrading, phosphorus recovery and sludge conditioning
Yuan Tian; Wang Yinxin; Nuramkhaan Marjangul; Wang Xuezh...
4th International Conference on Recent Advancements in Sustainable Management of Livestock Waste and Rural Environment/2021-3-27--2021-3-28 - Feasibility of Anaerobic Digestion System Coupling Biogas Recirculation with Chemical Addition for Simultaneous Biogas Upgrading, Phosphorus Recovery and Sludge Conditioning
Yuan Tian; Wang Yinxin; Nuramkhaan Marjangul; Wang Xuezh...
The 4th International Conference on Recent Advancements in Sustainable Management of Livestock Waste and Rural Environment/2021-3-27--2021-3-28 - 捕食者共生細菌の藍藻毒microcystin に対する共生機構の解明
柳谷将; 角野立夫; 張振亜; 雷中方; 内海 真生; 清水和哉
第54回日本水環境学会/2020-03-16--2020-03-18 - 藍藻類捕食後生動物の分離とその藍藻類捕食動態
嶺本優人; 岩見徳雄; 張振亜; 雷中方; 内海 真生; 清水和哉
第54回日本水環境学会/2020-03-16--2020-03-18 - 霞ヶ浦底泥におけるメタン酸化微生物の季節変動
堀部弘貴; 熊倉圭佑; Khin Khin Wai; 内海 真生; 北村立実; 大内孝雄; 李沁潼
第54回日本水環境学会/2020-03-16--2020-03-18 - Monitoring of geosmin-producing Anabaena by whole cell PCR
Miao Hanchen; Zhang Ji; Asada Yasuhiro; Utsumi Motoo; Lei...
日本水処理生物学会第56回大会/2019-11-08--2019-11-10 - more...
- Response of Bacterial and Algal-bacterial Aerobic Granular Sludge when Treating Nitrogen-deficient Wastewater.
- Teaching
2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research Seminar I University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Bioindustrial Sciences Seminar IB University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 English for Specialized Subjects II University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 English for Specialized Subjects II University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Graduation Research I University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 Utilization and Recycling of Bio-resources University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 Agrobiology, Exercise University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 Genes and Genomes as Biological Resources University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Research Seminar I University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Special Research in Bioindustrial Sciences IB University of Tsukuba. more... - Other educational activities
2022-12 -- 2022-12 麗澤大学SDGs フォーラム・シンポジウム 基調講演1「「水」はSDGsのすべての目標と関係している-貴重な資源の現状と課題-」 麗澤大学 2022-11 -- 2022-11 群馬県立前橋高等学校出前授業講師 「地球の水環境:貴重な資源の現状と課題」 群馬県立前橋高等学校 2021-11 -- 2021-11 千葉県ユニセフ協会 Welcome UNICEF 知ることから始めよう「SDGs目標6 安全な水とトイレを世界に」 話題提供講師 「地球と地域の水環境」 千葉県ユニセフ協会 2021-11 -- 2021-11 筑波大学付属坂戸高等学校模擬授業担当講師 「地球の水環境:貴重な資源の現状と課題」 筑波大学付属坂戸高等学校 2021-11 -- 2021-12 科学技術振興機構(JST)スーパーサイエンスハイスクールプロジェクト(SSH)担当講師(千葉県立柏高等学校との連携「手賀沼から地球の水環境を診る」) 科学技術振興機構(JST) 2021-09 -- 2021-09 第9期あだち環境ゼミナール担当講師 「地球環境からみる水―川を含む淡水環境を考える―」 東京都足立区役所 2021-08 -- 2021-08 環境保全茨城県民会議オンライン講演会講師 「プラスチックごみによる海洋環境汚染の現状と私たちができること」 環境保全茨城県民会議 2021-02 -- 2021-02 第8期あだち環境ゼミナール担当講師 「地球環境からみる水―川を含む淡水環境を考える―」 東京都足立区役所 2020-11 -- 2020-12 科学技術振興機構(JST)スーパーサイエンスハイスクールプロジェクト(SSH)担当講師(千葉県立柏高等学校との連携「手賀沼から地球の水環境を診る」) 科学技術振興機構(JST) 2019-06 -- 2019-12 科学技術振興機構(JST)スーパーサイエンスハイスクールプロジェクト(SSH)担当講師(千葉県立柏高等学校との連携「手賀沼から地球の水環境を診る」) 科学技術振興機構(JST) more... - Talks
- 筑波大学における廃プラスチック減量とリサイクルへの取り組み
内海 真生
第13回つくば3Eフォーラム会議/2020-01-25--2020-01-25 - SDGsの中の水問題
内海 真生
第12回つくば3Eフォーラム会議/2019-01-12--2019-01-12 - 水の汚れとは
内海 真生
EVI環境マッチングイベント2017―私たちにできること。。―/2017-10--2017-10 - つくば3Eフォーラムの取り組みとつくばの未来
内海 真生
北関東カーボンオフセット推進ネットワーク勉強会inつくば/2015-11-19--2015-11-19 - 温暖化の現状と水資源の重要性
内海 真生
EVI環境マッチングイベント2015「ともに、創ろう。」/2015-10-19--2015-10-19 - 「気候変動と水道」 気候変動にともなう水道の生物とその対策技術.
杉浦則夫; 内海真生
第59回全国水道研究会 水道フォーラム/2008-05-28
- 筑波大学における廃プラスチック減量とリサイクルへの取り組み
- Professional activities
2023-07 -- 2025-07 105. 茨城県環境審議会 委員 2023-06 -- 2025-03 茨城県霞ヶ浦環境科学センター 機関評価委員会委員 2023-04 -- 2024-03 茨城県霞ヶ浦環境科学センター 客員研究員 2023-01 -- 2025-01 厚生労働省 薬事・食品衛生審議会/専門委員 2022-04 -- 2023-03 茨城県霞ヶ浦環境科学センター 客員研究員 2021-09 -- 2022-03 茨城県新産業廃棄物最終処分場基本計画策定委員会 委員 2021-08 -- 2023-07 茨城県環境影響評価審査会 委員 2021-05 -- 2022-03 茨城県霞ケ浦環境科学センター 客員研究員 2021-06 -- 2023-03 茨城県霞ヶ浦環境科学センター機関評価委員会 委員 2021-06 -- 2023-06 茨城県環境審議会 委員 more...
(Last updated: 2024-05-16)