Yamaji Keiko

Researcher's full information

Research projects
環境変動下における、小笠原外来種アカギの病原菌に対する抵抗性-固有種との比較2008 -- 2010山路恵子Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/科学研究費補助金 若手B4,420,000Yen
Biological and chemical interaction between Thujopsis dolabrata var. hondai seedlings and rhizospheric fungi2005-04 -- 2010-03森茂太独立行政法人森林総合研究所/Cooperative Research
Biological and chemical analysis of the interaction between Thujopsis dolabrata var. hondai and rhizospheric fungi2003-01 -- 2005-08山路恵子Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/特別研究員奨励費1,100,000Yen