NIWA Ryusuke

Researcher's full information

Conference, etc.
  • The peptide hormone CG14075/Marmite, secreted from the corpora cardiaca, regulates the starvation-dependent response in Drosophila
    Yoshinari Yuto; Abe Maiko; Hoshino Ryo; Kurogi Yoshit...
    27th European Drosophila Research Conference/2023-10-20--2023-10-23
  • Identification of novel venom proteins required for Drosophila epithelial cell death by the parasitoid wasp Asobara japonica
    Kamiyama Takumi; Shimada-Niwa Yuko; Tani Naoki; Shinod...
    27th European Drosophila Research Conference/2023-10-20--2023-10-23
  • キイロショウジョウバエの生殖休眠を制御するアラタ体投射神経の機能解析
    黒木 祥友; 井村 英輔; 星野 涼; 水野 陽介; Nouzova Marcela; 松山 茂; 溝...
  • 寄生蜂ニホンアソバラコマユバチの毒腺遺伝子の同定と作用機序の追究
    島田裕子; 上山拓己; 森一葉; 丹羽 隆介
    第69 回トキシンシンポジウム/2023-09-07--2023-09-08
  • Maintaining differentiated cell identity during aging: insights from Drosophila gut
    Qian Qingyin; Niwa Ryusuke
    Tsukuba Conference 2023/2023-09-26--2023-09-27
  • Investigating a novel molecular mechanism of endocycle progression and its role in the regulation of nuclear structure and gene expression
    Shi Duoduo; Niwa Ryusuke
    Tsukuba Conference 2023/2023-09-26--2023-09-27
  • 昆虫ニコチン性アセチルコリン受容体の先端開拓:サブユニット構成とネオニコチノイド感受性
    小森 勇磨; 高山 浩一; 岡本 直樹; 清家 和樹; 吉成 祐人; 近藤 周; 谷本 拓; 丹羽 隆介; Sat...
    日本農芸化学会 中部・関西支部合同大会/2023-09-30--2023-10-01
  • Sugar in the male ejaculate enhances sperm uptake and oogenesis via female brain neurosecretory cells
    Lee Kang-Min; Kim Seong-Jin; Park Si Hyung; Yang Taek...
    The 6th Asian-Pacific Drosophila Research Conference (APDRC)/2023-07-23--2023-07-27
  • Novel venom proteins of the parasitoid wasp Asobara japonica play an essential role in Drosophila epithelial cell death
    Kamiyama Takumi; Shimada-Niwa Yuko; Tani Naoki; Shinoda ...
    The 6th Asian-Pacific Drosophila Research Conference (APDRC)/2023-07-23--2023-07-27
  • Regulation of female germline stem cell increase by circulating fructose through gustatory receptor-mediated release of enteroendocrine neuropeptide F in Drosophila
    Hoshino Ryo; Sano Hiroko; Yoshinari Yuto; Nishimura Taka...
    The 6th Asian-Pacific Drosophila Research Conference (APDRC)/2023-07-23--2023-07-27
  • Gut hormone-mediated germline stem cell increase in response to nutrition and mating in Drosophila
    Niwa Ryusuke
    TLL symposium “Life in a Changing Environment"/2023-07-20--2023-07-21
  • 宿主の成虫組織の特異的縮退を誘導する 寄生蜂の毒を(おそらく)同定することができました
    丹羽 隆介
  • A high-protein diet-responsive gut hormone regulates behavioral and metabolic optimization in Drosophila melanogaster
    Yoshinari Yuto; Nishimura Takashi; Yoshii Taishi; Kondo ...
    The 6th International Insect Hormone Workshop/2023-06-18--2023-06-24
  • Larvicidal compounds that inhibit the enzymatic activity of the Halloween glutathione S-transferase Noppera-bo from the mosquito Aedes aegypti
    Ebihara Kana; Inaba Kazue; Senda Miki; Sakuma Chisako; Ab...
    The 6th International Insect Hormone Workshop/2023-06-18--2023-06-24
  • S-adenosylmethionine and its biosynthetic pathway in the corpus allatum are involved in juvenile hormone biosynthesis in Drosophila melanogaster
    Mizuno Yosuke; Kurogi Yoshitomo; Yoshinari Yuto; Imura E...
    The 6th International Insect Hormone Workshop/2023-06-18--2023-06-24
  • Female reproductive dormancy in Drosophila is regulated by DH31-producing neurons projecting into the corpus allatum
    Kurogi Yoshitomo; Imura Eisuke; Hoshino Ryo; Mizuno Yosu...
    The 6th International Insect Hormone Workshop/2023-06-18--2023-06-24
  • Endocrine Regulation of Calcium Homeostasis in Drosophila
    Okamoto Naoki; Mizuno Yosuke; Niwa Ryusuke
    The 6th International Insect Hormone Workshop/2023-06-18--2023-06-24
  • ポリオール経路によるグルコース感知の代謝・発生への影響
    佐野 浩子; 中村 輝; 山根 万里子; 丹羽 仁史; 西村 隆史; 荒木 喜美; 竹本 一政; 石黒 啓一郎; ...
  • The polyol pathway functions as an intracellular and systemic glucose sensor impacting physiology and development
    Sano Hiroko; Nakamura Akira; Yamane Mariko; Niwa Hitoshi...
  • 遺伝子改変糸状菌より収集したデカリン含有テトラミン酸化合物の構造活性相関
    加藤 直樹; 野川 俊彦; 海老原 佳奈; 二村 友史; 松田 一彦; 丹羽 隆介; 高橋 俊二; 長田 裕之
  • ショウジョウバエのニコチン性アセチルコリン受容体に対するネオニコチノイドの活性を支配する因子
    高山 浩一; 小森 勇磨; 岡本 直樹; 吉成 祐人; 清家 和樹; 丹羽 隆介; 伊原 誠; Sattelle ...
  • ネッタイシマカ由来のグルタチオンS-トランスフェラーゼに対する新規殺虫化合物の作用機序
    海老原 佳奈; 稲葉 和恵; 千田 美紀; 安孫子 ユミ; 佐久間 知佐子; 小祝 孝太郎; 髙谷 大輔; 渡邉 ...
  • A role of endogenous fructose production in mating-induced germline stem cell proliferation in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster
    Hoshino Ryo; Sano Hiroko; Yoshinari Yuto; Nishimura Taka...
  • 昆虫エクジステロイド生合成酵素に対する阻害剤に注目した新規殺蚊剤開発に向けた研究
    丹羽 隆介
  • The Zeste-Phae1 axis is responsible for stress-induced organismal death in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster
    Matsumura Takashi; Ryuda Masasuke; Matsumoto Hitoshi; Kam...
  • more...