Researcher's full information

  • Inclusive Education in Ohio,USA: A Report on Hearing Disability Education in Ohio, USA
    田万幸子; 眞田進夫; 鄭 仁豪
    Bulletin of Special Needs Education School for the deaf, University of Tsukuba/43/pp.67-72, 2021-03
  • Actual Condition of Reading Comprehension Activities in School Age of Hearing Impaired People: Relationship with Reading Abilities
    石田祐貴; 香取靖子; 鄭 仁豪
    Soundless WorldーThe Japanese Journal of Research on the Deafー/63(1)/pp.1-12, 2021-06
  • Developmental Characteristics of Picture Book reading by Preschool deaf Children: Examination of picture Book Contents and Preschool Children's Preferences
    三枝里江; 鄭 仁豪
    The Japanese Journal of Hearing and Language Disorders/49(2)/pp.79-89, 2021-11
  • Utilization and Improvement of Practical Knowledge of Teachers in Deaf Schools: Analysis of Practical Reading Comprehension Classes
    深江健司; 鄭 仁豪
    The Japanese Journal of Hearing and Language Disorders/50(2)/pp.67-79, 2021-12
  • A Review on the Research of Sign Language Usage in the Education of the Deaf in Japan
    雁丸新一; 鄭仁豪
    Japanese Journal of Disability Sciences/45/pp.77-89, 2021-03
  • The job satisfaction and its affecting factors of deaf people
    瀬戸菜摘; 三枝里江; 鄭 仁豪
    The Japanese Journal of Psychology for Human Services/18(1)/pp.53-61, 2021-03
  • Characteristics of picture book reading activities at home for preschool deaf children: Analysis on the different interests in the content of picture books
    三枝里江; 鄭 仁豪
    Japanese Journal of Disability Sciences/45/pp.161-171, 2021-03
  • English Vocbulary Learning Strategies of hearing-impaired students
    眞田里佐; 鄭 仁豪
    The Japanese Journal of Hearing and Language Disorders/43(1)/pp.1-14, 2014-10
  • Developmental Characteristics of Picture Book Reading by Preschool Deaf Children: Examination of Picture Book Contents and Preschool Children's Preference
    三枝里江; 鄭 仁豪
    The Japanese Journal of Hearing and Language Disorders/49(2)/pp.79-89, 2020-11
  • An Examination of Sign Representation with a Deaf Teacher in Class in Civics Based on Pragmatics and Conversation Analysis: Sign, Speaking , and Pointing
    中熊朋也; 雁丸新一; 鄭 仁豪
    Soundless WorldーThe Japanese Journal of Research on the Deafー/62(3)/pp.17-26, 2021-02
  • 聾学校教師の推論に基づく教授過程の事例研究―熟練教師による個別形態の文章読解授業場面の検討―
    深江健司; 渡邊明志; 鄭 仁豪
    The Japanese Journal of Hearing and Language Disorders/49(1)/pp.43-55, 2020-05
  • Development of Print Awareness of hearing-Impaired Young Children in China
    Chung Inho; Song Jing
    Social Sciences Education and Humanities/4/pp.58-63, 2020-03
  • Sociability of high School Students with Hearing Impairment
    Nanaumi Yuuki; Chung Inho
    Social Sciences Education and Humanities/4/pp.17-23, 2020-03
  • Coding Strategy of Words by Hearing Impaired Persons who are Using Oral and Sign Language: Analysis on Differences in Sign Language Usage Experience
    石田祐貴; 鄭 仁豪
    The Japanese Journal of Hearing and Language Disorders/48(2)/pp.45-56, 2019-11
  • マレーシアの聴覚障害教育ー特殊教育学校(聴覚障害)と関係諸機関を視察してー
    鄭 仁豪; 橋本時浩; 西川めぐみ; 森亜友奈; 郭思変; 宋菁; 毛雯晴
    聴覚障害/73(776)/pp.54-59, 2019-02
  • ドイツのインクルーシブ教育ードイツ聴覚障害研修報告ー
    鄭 仁豪
    聴覚障害/73(776)/pp.50-53, 2019-02
  • 難聴児にみられる高い日本語力の背景要因
    鄭 仁豪
    東京医科大学病院聴覚・人工内耳センター年報Ⅸ/pp.122-126, 2017-4
  • The Usage of Communication Modes and Factors Affecting the Degree of Satisfaction for Deaf Students: Analysis by the Difference of the Main Communication mode
    三枝 里江; 鄭 仁豪
    Japanese Journal of Disability Sciences/42(1)/pp.115-124, 2018-3
  • Transition and Background of Expertise in the Education for the Deaf and Hard of hearing
    雁丸 新一; 鄭 仁豪
    The Japanese Journal of Hearing and Language Disorders/pp.95-106, 2017-10
  • The Development of Analogical Reasoning in Children with Hearing Impairment: An Analysis from the Point of View of Focusing on Similarity
    杉山 梓; 茂木 成友; 館山千絵; 鄭 仁豪
    The Japanese Journal of Hearing and Language Disorders/45(2)/pp.57-66, 2016-11
  • Developmental Characteristics of Cognitive Perspective-Taking in Deaf Children: Differences in Reading Ability
    Kim Eunha; Chung Inho
    The Journal of Special Children Education(Korea)/18(2)/pp.1-18, 2016-06
  • The Dimension and Features of the Group Identity of Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing individuals in Adolescence
    窪田祥子; 金恩河; 鄭仁豪
    聴覚言語障害/45(1)/pp.23-31, 2016-05
  • 聴覚障害生徒における漢字熟語の読みの特徴―漢字熟語の構成要因と読みとの関連―
    茂木 成友; 鄭仁豪; 四日市章
    特殊教育学研究/pp.221-231, 2015-12
  • The Features of Japanese Kana Spelling in Deaf Children : Developmental and Related Psychological Factors
    茂木成友; 鄭仁豪; 四日市章
    Journal of Special Education Research/pp.63-70, 2014-02
  • 聴覚障害児における漢字読み習得の特徴
    茂木 成友; 鄭仁豪; 四日市章
    The Japanese journal of hearing and language disorders/43(1)/pp.47-55, 2014-07
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