- Conference, etc.
- The Current State and Prospects of Inclusive Education in Korea
金憲周; 鄭 仁豪
Dissertation of the Japanese Association of Special Education's 42nd Conference_Japan Association of Special Education_42__219/2004-09 - Reading Strategies of Dead children(Ⅲ); Analysis Eye Movements by Reading Ability
鄭仁豪・柿澤敏文・中山哲志・四日市章; +鄭 仁豪
Dissertation of the Japanese Association of Special Education's 42nd Conference_Japan Association of Special Education_42__376/2004-09 - The Eye Movements Approach to Understandinf for disability and Elderly People(Ⅱ)
鄭 仁豪
Dissertation of the Japanese Association of Special Education's 42ndt Conference_Japan Association of Special Education_42__156/2004-09 - The Effect of Figures in Word problem of Mathematic on Deaf children; analysis of developmental terends by Eye Movements
鄭仁豪; 四日市章; 中山哲志
Dissertation of the Japanese Association of Special Education's 43rd Conference_Japan Association of Special Education_43__259/2005-09 - The Prospects of Psychology for Human Services by thinkin through Welfare of World; Present and Future of Welfare for Elderly in Korea
The Dissertation of Japanese Association of Psychology for Human Services' 4th Conference_The Japanese Association of Psychology for Human Services_4__18/2006-07 - Using Verb of Deaf High-SchoolStudents
鄭 仁豪
Dissertation of the Japanese Association of Special Education's 44th Conference_Japan Association of Special Education_44__420/2006-09 - The Memory Strategies in Visual Information Process of Deaf children
鄭仁豪・金憲周・四日市章・中山哲志; +鄭 仁豪
Dissertation of the Japanese Association of Special Education's 44th Conference_Japan Association of Special Education_44__813/2006-09 - The Development of Symbolic Play and Mother-Child Interaction
館山千絵; 鄭仁豪; 松本末男
Dissertation of the Japanese Association of Special Education's 45th Conference_Japan Association of Special Education_45__787/2007-09 - The Viewpoint of Story Reading in Deaf Cildren;An Analysis of Eye Movements by Changing Story Details
鄭仁豪; 金憲周; 中山哲志; 四日市章
Dissertation of the Japanese Association of Special Education's 45th Conference_Japan Association of Special Education_45__544/2007-09 - The Interaction of Deaf Mother and Deaf Child in Symbolic Play Setting
館山千絵; 鄭仁豪; 松本末男
Dissertation of the Japanese Association of Special Education's 46th Conference_Japan Association of Special Education_46__P4-64/2008-09 - The Recent Change and Issues in Korean Special Education
金憲周; 鄭仁豪
Dissertation of the Japanese Association of Special Education's 46st Conference_Japan Association of Special Education_46__P5-82/2008-09 - インドネシアの民間自閉症児教育施設における活動実態および課題に関する事例研究
大部令絵; 鄭仁豪
The Dissertation of Association of Disability Sciences, Japan, 1st Conference of Abstruct Book_Association of Disability sciences, Japan_1__8/2009-03 - 聴覚障害児童生徒の伝達文の発達的特徴に関する研究
都丸佳美; 鄭仁豪
The Dissertation of Association of Disability Sciences, Japan, 1st Conference of Abstruct Book_Association of Disability sciences, Japan_1__9/2009-03 - 聾学校幼稚部における口声模倣を用いた言語指導の実態
澤田真喜子; 鄭仁豪
The Dissertation of Association of Disability Sciences, Japan, 1st Conference of Abstruct Book_Association of Disability sciences, Japan_1__10/2009-03 - インドネシアのインクルーシブ学校における自閉症児教育に関する事例研究ー教育の実態を踏まえた課題に関する調査を通してー
大部令絵; 鄭仁豪
Dissertation of the Japanese Association of Special Education's 47st Conference_Japan Association of Special Education_47__P2-52/2009-09 - 難聴者の自己受容に関する研究ー難聴の自覚・意識・開示の側面からー
窪田祥子; 鄭仁豪
Dissertation of the Japanese Association of Special Education's 47st Conference_Japan Association of Special Education_47__P6-9/2009-09 - 聴覚障害幼児における母子相互作用の発達的特徴に関する研究ーコミュニケーションと遊びの分析を通してー
館山千絵; 鄭仁豪
Dissertation of the Japanese Association of Special Education's 47st Conference_Japan Association of Special Education_47__P3-13/2009-09 - 絵物語理解における聴覚障害児の視点の変化に関する研究―健聴児の眼球運動との比較による特徴の検討―
Dissertation for 48th Conference on the Japanese Special Education_The Japanese Association of Special Education_48__O5-3、155/2010-09 - 聴覚障害1 歳児の母子相互作用に関する一考察―健聴1 歳児との 比較検討を通して―
館山千絵; 鄭仁豪
Dissertation for 48th Conference on the Japanese Special Education_The Japanese Association of Special Education_48__P2-10, 341/2010-09 - 聴覚障害児童生徒における算数文章題の解決方略の発達的変化に関する研究
曺仙鉉; 鄭仁豪
Dissertation for 48th Conference on the Japanese Special Education_The Japanese Association of Special Education_48__P2-11、342/2010-09 - Current situation of literacy education for hearing impaired children in special schools of Vietnam
Long Giang Do; Norie Obu; ; Inho Chung
__48__P2-12, 343/2010-09 - インドネシアの大学生がもつ障害者イメージに関する研究―視覚障害者・聴覚障害者・知的障害者・肢体不自由者を標的概念として―
大部令絵; 鄭仁豪
Dissertation for 48th Conference on the Japanese Special Education_The japanese association of Special education_48__P4-90、606/2010-09 - 筑波大学での情報保障活動における支援学生のストレスに関する研究-聴覚障害学生支援の場合-
西山 あかね; 大部 令絵; 鄭 仁豪
__6__P25/2011-03 - 読書力の高い聴覚障害児の文章読みの方略に関する研究
鄭 仁豪
__49__O5-6,165/2011-03 - 聴覚障害幼児におけるカテゴリー化の発達的変化に関する研究-色・形・大きさを指標として-
杉山 梓; 館山 千絵; 鄭 仁豪
__P2-34__376/2011-09 - more...
- The Current State and Prospects of Inclusive Education in Korea