NORO Fumiyuki
- Articles
- Current Issues in Establishment of Conditioned Reinforcers For the Behavior of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders
青木康彦; 龔麗媛; 野呂 文行
Japanese Journal of Behavior Analysis/34(1)/pp.87-102, 2019-08 - Effects of Board Game Training on Understanding the Rule of Kick-Base in Children with ASD
青木康彦; 丸瀬里菜; 河南佐和呼; 金晶; 馬場千歳; 藤本夏美; 尹薇琳; 松尾祐希; 野呂 文行
Japanese journal of learning disabilities/28(2)/pp.249-261, 2019-05 - Support for children with severe intellectual disabilities and autism spectrum disorder to facilitate choice behaviors: Development of assessment for deciding intervention methods
臼井 潤記; 佐々木 銀河; 野呂 文行
The Japanese Journal of Special Education/57(1)/pp.25-35, 2019-05 - 知的能力障害を伴うASD児に対するボードを使用したドッジボール指導の効果
青木康彦; 河南佐和呼; 丸瀬里菜; 藤本夏美; 馬場千歳; 野呂 文行
Japanese journal of learning disabilities/28(2)/pp.273-282, 2019-05 - Difficulties in spontaneously performing level 2 perspective-taking skills in children with autism spectrum disorder
Hiroshi Asaoka; Tomoya Takahashi; Jiafei Chen; Aya Fujiw...
Advances in Autism/5(4)/pp.243-254, 2019 - Difficulties in spontaneously performing level 2 perspective-taking skills in children with autism spectrum disorder
Asaoka Hiroshi; Takahashi Tomoya; Chen Jiafei; Fujiwara ...
Advances in Autism/5(4)/pp.243-254, 2019-04 - TsukubaA Preliminary Examination of Contingent Pairing Using the Toy Eliciting Automatic Reinforcer as a Reinforcer in Children with Autism:: Establishing Praise as a Conditioned Reinforcer
青木康彦; 野呂 文行
Japanese Journal of Disability Sciences/43(1)/pp.25-32, 2019-03 - A preliminary examination of teaching eye gaze in the context of initiating joint attention with pairing
青木康彦; 野呂 文行
The Japanese Journal of Autistic Spectrum/16(2)/pp.17-23, 2019-02 - Survey for inherent requirements at universities in Australia: Toward clarification of processes in providing reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities
佐々木 銀河; 田原 敬; 五味 洋一; 青木 真純; 宮内 久絵; 岡崎 慎治; 野呂 文行; 竹田 一則
The Japanese Journal of Special Education/56(3)/pp.157-168, 2018-10 - 小学1年生に対する多層指導モデルMIMを用いた1stステージ指導の有効性
松田奈々恵; 佐野と喜ゑ; 星茂行; 加藤憲司; 海津亜希子; 野呂 文行
LD研究 = Japanese journal of learning disabilities/27(3)/pp.278-289, 2018-08 - 家庭学習場面で宿題の取り組みに困難のある男児に対するセルフモニタリングの効果
永冨大舗; 野呂 文行
LD研究 = Japanese journal of learning disabilities/27(2)/pp.213-223, 2018-05 - Acquisition of receptive language of object names in a young child with autism spectrum disorder: Relational learning among verbal, gesture, and picture
平野 礼子; 佐々木 銀河; 野呂 文行
The Japanese Journal of Special Education/56(1)/pp.1-9, 2018-05 - 減算において自動化への移行に困難を抱える自閉スペクトラム症児へのCover-Copy-Compare手続きの効果の検討
真名瀬陽平; 藤原あや; 朝岡寛史; 野呂文行
障害科学研究/41/pp.81-90, 2018 - Effects of Interdependent Group-oriented Contingency Interventions Regarding Morning Preparations of Regular Elementary School Classrooms that Include Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder
岩本佳世; 野呂文行; 園山 繁樹
Japanese Journal of Disability Sciences/42(1)/pp.1-15, 2018-03 - Examining the effect of the cover-copy-compare procedure on children with autism spectrum disorder who have difficulty in transitioning to automation of subtraction
真名瀬陽平; 藤原あや; 朝岡寛史; 野呂文行
Japanese journal of disability sciences/42/pp.81-90, 2018-03 - A Classwide Intervention With Individual Support in Three Regular Classrooms: Effects on the Academic Preparation Behavior of All Students, Including Students With Developmental and/or Intellectual Disabilities
岩本佳世; 野呂文行
Japanese Journal of Behavior Analysis/32(2)/pp.138-152, 2018-02 - 発達障害のある学生に対する修学・生活上の行動目標管理アプリの開発
佐々木 銀河; 野呂 文行
ATACカンファレンス2017京都 Proceedings/pp.38-39, 2017-12 - A meta-analysis of single-case research on the use of tablet-mediated interventions for persons with ASD
Hong Ee Rea; Gong Li-Yuan; Ninci Jennifer; Morin Kristi; ...
Research in developmental disabilities/70/pp.198-214, 2017-11 - Promotion of reporting one's own actions among children with autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability:Effects of question-answering for accurate reporting
河南佐和呼; 野呂文行
Japanese Journal of Law and Psychology/17(1)/pp.32-46, 2017-10 - A plan, do, check, act cycle of support for children in residential care: A staff management intervention
Sasaki Ginga; Noro Fumiyuki
Journal of Special Education Research/6(1)/pp.11-23, 2017-08 - Emergent Anagram and Vocal Spelling via Stimulus Equivalence in Japanese Children With Intellectual Disabilities
Tanji Takayuki; Noro Fumiyuki
Journal of Special Education Research/6(1)/pp.33-43, 2017-08 - Effect of using gestures paired with verbal instructions on teaching receptive language of object names to a young child with autism spectrum disorder
平野 礼子; 佐々木 銀河; 野呂 文行
Japanese Journal of Behavior Analysis/32(1)/pp.36-50, 2017-08 - Promoting verbal reports and action plans by staff during monthly meetings in a Japanese residential home
Sasaki Ginga; Noro Fumiyuki
Behavioral Interventions/32(4)/pp.445-452, 2017-08 - Consultation with the mother of a Youth with autistic spectrum disorders: Comparison of behavioral recording methods
前田久美子; 佐々木銀河; 朝岡寛史; 野呂文行
The Japanese Journal of Special Education/55(2)/pp.95-104, 2017-07 - Acquisition of vocal imitation and naming skills using mora in a young child with autism spectrum disorder: Effects of mora rhythm tapping procedures
大石 智子; 佐々木 銀河; 野呂 文行
Japanese Journal of Disability Sciences/41(1)/pp.81-90, 2017-03 - more...
- Current Issues in Establishment of Conditioned Reinforcers For the Behavior of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders