NORO Fumiyuki
- Conference, etc.
- The Effects of Visual Prompts on Improving question-asking Behaviors in a Child with ASD
Gong Liyuan; Kawaminami Sawako; Hong Ee Rea; Noro Fumiyuki
Association for Behavior Analysis International, 43rd annual convention/2017-05-25--2017-05-29 - Comparing Echoic and Textual Prompts in the Establishment of Tact for a Child With Autism Spectrum Disorder
Kawaminami Sawako; Noro Fumiyuki
Association for Behavior Analysis International, 43rd annual convention/2017-05-25--2017-05-29 - A Meta-analysis of Single-Case Research on the Use of Tablet-mediated Interventions for Persons With Autism Spectrum Disorder
Gong Liyuan; Hong Ee Rea; Ninci Jennifer; Morin Kristi; K...
Association for Behavior Analysis International, 43rd annual convention/2017-05-25--2017-05-29 - Influence of Recording Sheet on Reactivity in Self-Monitoring for a Student with Autism in a Regular Classroom
Ken Handa; Noro Fumiyuki
Association for Behavior Analysis International, 43rd annual convention/2017-05-25--2017-05-29 - Training effects on implicit spatial perspective-taking by observing the view from another person’s perspective in children with autism spectrum disorder
Asaoka Hiroshi; Noro Fumiyuki
Association for Behavior Analysis International, 43rd annual convention/2017-05-28 - ASDが疑われる児童の社会的視点取得に関する検討-他者の立場に立つことを促す教示の効果-
朝岡寛史; 真名瀬陽平; 藤原あや; 熊谷正美; 野呂文行
日本自閉症スペクトラム学会第15回研究大会/2016-08-28 - Training of spatial perspective-taking tasks to a child suspected with ASD
朝岡寛史; 野呂文行
日本行動分析学会第34回研究大会/2016-09-11 - Effects of math fluency training to promote generalization for a child suspected with ASD
真名瀬陽平; 朝岡寛史; 野呂文行
日本行動分析学会第34回年次大会/2016-09-11 - 自閉スペクトラム症児におけるスクリプトフェイディング手続きを用いた質問行動の形成
龔麗媛; 河南佐和呼; 真名瀬陽平; 野呂 文行
日本行動分析学会第34回大会/2016-09-11 - 自閉スペクトラム症児の書字反応の正確性における自己評価と他者評価の影響
永冨大舗; 鈴木彩香; 平野礼子; 野呂 文行
日本行動分析学会第34回大会/2016-09-10 - 通常学級における相互依存型集団随伴性の適用-学級全児童と特別なニーズのある児童の学業達成度への効果-
岩本佳世; 永井明子; 沼尻美津子; 川西英次; 青葉暁子; 中泉秀子; 野呂 文行
日本行動分析学会第34回大会/2016-09-10 - 聞き手による直前指示が知的障害のあるASD児の報告内容に与える効果-動機づけ操作に着目してー
河南佐和呼; 野呂 文行
日本行動分析学会第34回大会/2016-9-10 - ASD児における空間的視点取得課題遂行中の眼球運動の分析
朝岡寛史; 渡部匡隆; 野呂文行
日本特殊教育学会第54回大会/2016-09-18 - 広汎性発達障害のある大学生における自主学習の促進:行動契約法を用いた学習に対する動機づけの向上
佐々木 銀河; 青木 真純; 五味 洋一; 野呂 文行
日本特殊教育学会第54回大会/2016-09-18 - Acquisition of vocal imitation and naming corressponding to mora in a young child with autism spectrum disorder: Component analysis of mora rhythm tapping procedures
大石 智子; 佐々木 銀河; 野呂 文行
日本行動分析学会第34回大会/2016-09-11 - Comparison effects of visual and auditory prompts on formation of two words combinations in a young child with ASD after PECS teaching to Phase Ⅲ
平野 礼子; 佐々木 銀河; 野呂 文行
日本行動分析学会第34回大会/2016-09-11 - Establishment of PDCA cycles in a child development support office: Effects of an automatic recording feedback tool and a flow chart of meetings
佐々木 銀河; 趙 成河; 河南 佐和呼; 野呂 文行
日本行動分析学会第34回大会/2016-09-10 - 児童養護施設における自立支援計画の全国実態調査:自立支援計画における支援目標の傾向
佐々木 銀河; 酒井 貴庸; 杉中 拓央; 宮本 信也; 野呂 文行
日本福祉心理学会第14回大会/2016-07-03 - Teaching deictic verbs in a child with autism spectrum disorders
Asaoka Hiroshi; Noro Fumiyuki
Association for Behavior Analysis International, 42nd annual convention/2016-05-29 - Effects of listener's questions to establish reporting behaviors in children with autism spectrum disorders
Kawaminami Sawako; Noro Fumiyuki
Association for Behavior Analysis International, 42nd annual convention/2016-05-27--2016-05-31 - The comparison between stimulus pairing training and matching to sample training in relational learning in children with typical development and autism spectrum disorders
Takahashi Kosuke; Noro Fumiyuki
Association for Behavior Analysis International, 42nd annual convention/2016-05-27--2016-05-31 - Effects of accompaniment instruction on piano playing for those with autism spectrum disorder
Sasaki Kasumi; Noro Fumiyuki
Association for Behavior Analysis International, 42nd annual convention/2016-05-27--2016-05-31 - Effects of video modeling with a script on behaviors in a child with autism spectrum disorder
Nagatomi Daisuke; Noro Fumiyuki
Association for Behavior Analysis International, 42nd annual convention/2016-05-27--2016-05-31 - Effects of interdependent group-oriented contingency interventions on academic achievement of students in regular classrooms
Iwamoto Kayo; Noro Fumiyuki
The First Asia Pacific International Conference on Positive Behavior Support/2016-06-24--2016-06-25 - Current Situation of Positive Behavior Support in Japan
Noro Fumiyuki
The First Asia Pacific International Conference on Positive Behavior Support/2016-06-24--2016-06-25 - more...
- The Effects of Visual Prompts on Improving question-asking Behaviors in a Child with ASD