KAKIZAWA Toshibumi

Researcher's full information

Conference, etc.
  • Evaluating the academic support for students with low vision at the university of Khartoum in Sudan.
    Hisham Elser Bilal Salih; Kakizawa Toshibumi
    10th International Conference on Low Vision/2011-02-22
  • Educational consultation needs of children with visual impairments at schools for the blind in Japan.
    Nara Risa; Kakizawa Toshibumi
    10th International Conference on Low Vision./2011-02-22
  • Assisting academic support for the students with visual impairment at the University of Tsukuba in Japan –The actual conditions of the supports from professors and their consciousness.
    Itoh Yumiko; Kakizawa Toshibumi
    10th International Conference on Low Vision/2011-02-22
  • A 2005 survey of students in schools for the visually impaired in Japan.
    Toshibumi kakizawa
    Vison 2008: 9th International Conference on Low Vision/2008-07-09
  • The effect of the text size on the viewing distance in individuals with low vision.
    Toshibumi Kakizawa; Shigeyoshi Aoki
    Vision2005: 8th International Conference on Low Vision/2005-04-10
  • Pedestrain Roads with Tactile Tiles Designed for Students with Visual Impairment in the University of Tsukuba, Japan.
    Toshibumi Kakizawa; Nobuyuki Nagai; Jun Hamada; Hideo Nakata
    International Mobility Conference/2000-08-05
  • Eye Movements in Low Vision During Reading Scrolling Japanese Sentences.
    Toshibumi Kakizawa
    Vision '99: 6th International Conference on Low Vision/1999-07-16