- Articles
- Parent-Implemented Liquid Fading to Establish Milk Consumption in a Child With Autism Spectrum Disorder
Cho Sungha; Sonoyama Shigeki
Journal of Special Education Research/6(1)/pp.45-53, 2017-08 - 選択性緘黙を示す小学生の担任、母親および特別支援教育コーディネーターへのコンサルテーション
障害科学研究/41/pp.195-208, 2017-03 - Preliminary Study of Non-attendance at Schools for Special Needs Education
園山繁樹; 趙 成河; 倉光晃子
障害科学研究/41(1)/pp.173-182, 2017-03 - A Review of Activity Schedules for Individuals With Autism Spectrum Disorder
Cho Sungha; Noor N.H.B.M.; Sonoyama Shigeki
Journal of Special Educational Research/5(2)/pp.65-76, 2017-02 - The Development of Special Needs Education in Japan: Quantitative Analysis Based on Results from the School Basic Survey
園山繁樹; 趙 成河
人間と文化/1(1)/pp.117-124, 2017-02 - 幼児期のインクルーシブ教育・保育に関する一考察-「幼稚園教育要領」と「保育所保育指針」記載事項の変遷を中心に-
園山 繁樹; 藤原あや
人間と文化/1(1)/pp.221-226, 2017-02 - Q&A場面緘黙症とはなんですか?
園山 繁樹
健/45(2)/pp.39-41, 2016-05 - A Tribute to Prof. Kaoru Yamaguchi
園山 繁樹
Japanese Journal of Behavior Analysis/30(2)/pp.120-121, 2016 - 選択性緘黙の子どもの特別支援
園山 繁樹
指導と評価/61(11)/pp.9-11, 2015-11 - Voice volume feedback and in vivo exposure intervention for a high school student with selective mutism.
Okumura Maiko; Sonoyama Shigeki
Journal of Special Education Research/3(2)/pp.55-64, 2015-07 - 自閉スペクトラム児に対する自己記録を用いた攻撃行動・自傷行動の低減-ルール支配行動の枠組みによる教示内容の分析-
佐々木銀河; 奥村真衣子; 野呂 文行; 園山繁樹
自閉症スペクトラム研究/12(2)/pp.13-22, 2015-03 - 自閉症スペクトラム児に対する社会的遊びの指導-遊びの条件がスキルの獲得と般化に及ぼす影響の検討-
藤原あや; 園山 繁樹
自閉症スペクトラム研究/12(2)/pp.33-43, 2015-03 - 自閉性スペクトラム障害の障害特性に関する知識尺度(Literacy Scale of Characteristics of Autistic Spectrum Disorders: LS-ASD)
酒井貴庸; 設楽雅代; 脇田貴文; 金澤潤一郎; 坂野雄二; 園山 繁樹
自閉症スペクトラム研究/12(1)/pp.19-28, 2014-11 - Training of a Child with Autistic Spectrum Disorder and Mental Retardation to Explain about the Unnatural Situations
雨貝太郎; 園山繁樹
障害科学研究/38/pp.185-197, 2014-03 - Effects of Using Activity Schedules With a Child With Autism: A Case Study
松下浩之; 園山繁樹
The Japanese Journal of Special Education/51(3)/pp.279-289, 2013-12 - Participation in Riddle Games: A Case Study With a Child With an Autistic Spectrum Disorder
松下浩之; 園山繁樹
The Japanese Journal of Special Education/51(2)/pp.157-167, 2013-07 - Development of Joint Attention during Request Behavior Training for a Young Child with Severe Autism and Mental Retardation
衣笠広美; 園山繁樹
障害科学研究/37/pp.225-235, 2013-03 - Symposium on the Situation and Agenda for Supporting People With Disabilities After the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami
井上 雅彦; 岡村 章司; 大久保 賢一; 鶴巻 正子; 長葭 康紀; 園山 繁樹; 井澤 信三; 松見 淳子; ...
Japanese Journal of Behavior Analysis/27(1)/pp.2-15, 2012-07 - Using Video Clips to Explain Emotional States and Their Causes: Training a Child With a Pervasive Developmental Disorder
雨貝太郎; 園山繁樹
The Japanese Journal of Special Education/50(2)/pp.151-160, 2012-07 - Development of a Choice-Making Assessment Manual for Use With Students With Intellectual Disabilities and Evaluation of Its Social Validity
裴 虹; 園山 繁樹
The Japanese Journal of Special Education/49(5)/pp.505-516, 2012 - The Current Situation and Challenges of Early Childhood Special Education in Korea
金 珍煕; 園山繁樹
障害科学研究/36/pp.107-119, 2012-03 - Use of Embedded Instructions in Early Childhood Inclusion in the United States: A Review
金 珍煕; 園山繁樹
The Japanese Journal of Special Education/49(3)/pp.283-292, 2011-09 - Using the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) to Teach a Child With Autism Enhanced Sentence Structure
伊藤 玲; 松下 浩之; 園山 繁樹
The Japanese Journal of Special Education/49(3)/pp.293-303, 2011-09 - 知的障害者入所更生施設における自閉性障害者に対する余暇活動支援の事例的検討
篠田紗枝・村本浄司・園山繁樹; +園山 繁樹
福祉心理学研究/8(1)/p.88-98, 2011-07 - Leisure support using an activity schedule for an autistic person with stereotypic behaviors : Examination of maintenance of leisure activities through shaping of requesting behavior toward rehabilitation facility staff
村本 浄司; 園山繁樹
障害科学研究/35/pp.147-159, 2011-03 - more...
- Parent-Implemented Liquid Fading to Establish Milk Consumption in a Child With Autism Spectrum Disorder