- Teaching
2016-04 -- 2016-08 Practice in Development of Teaching for Individuals with Autism University of Tsukuba. 2016-04 -- 2016-08 Practice of Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders University of Tsukuba. 2016-04 -- 2016-08 Practicum in Autism Spectrum Disorders University of Tsukuba. 2016-04 -- 2016-07 Teaching Method for Children with Behavioral and EmotionalDisorder University of Tsukuba. 2016-04 -- 2016-07 Basic Lecture on Applied Behavior Analysis University of Tsukuba. 2016-04 -- 2016-06 Teaching Children with Disabilities University of Tsukuba. 2016-04 -- 2016-08 Nursery Care of Child with Special Needs University of Tsukuba. 2016-04 -- 2016-07 Introduction to Disability Sciences University of Tsukuba. 2016-04 -- 2016-07 Introduction to Method of Disability Sciences University of Tsukuba. 2015-04 -- 2015-07 Basic Methodology of Rehabilitation University of Tsukuba. more...