- Articles
- Shaping Mand Behavior by Home-based Communication Training Using PECS for a Child with Pervasive Developmental Disorder
倉光 晃子; 趙 慶恩; 園山 繁樹
Japanese journal of disability sciences/32(0)/pp.159-171, 2008-03 - Five-year Follow-up Case Study of a Boy Referred for Suspected Autism at Age 22 Months
園山 繁樹
Japanese journal of disability sciences/32(0)/pp.151-158, 2008-03 - Teaching Sketching Skills to a Boy with Pervasive Developmental Disorder and Savant Skill in Clay Work
勝浦 暁; 遠藤 悦史; 園山 繁樹
Japanese journal of disability sciences/32(0)/pp.93-106, 2008-03 - The Practice of "Let's Aim for YASASISA KING (King of Kindness)" in the Regular Classroom : The Classroom-based Intervention to Promote "Kind Speaking to Classmates"
長谷川 清美; 倉光 晃子; 松下 浩之; 園山 繁樹
Japanese journal of disability sciences/32(0)/pp.173-183, 2008-03 - Accuracy and Developmental Change in Developmental Disorders and Intellectual Disabilities Screening Questionnaire for Five-years-olds
大六 一志; 長崎 勤; 園山 繁樹; 宮本 信也; 野呂 文行; 多田 昌代; 岡崎 慎治; 東原 文子; 竹田...
Japanese journal of disability sciences/32(0)/pp.35-45, 2008-03 - 体験者が語る緘黙症の指導体制を巡る日本の実情(準備委員会企画シンポジウム7,日本特殊教育学会第45回大会シンポジウム報告)
浜田 貴照; 藤田 継道; 早崎 美香; 成瀬 智仁; 田端 康治; 園山 繁樹
The Japanese journal of special education/45(5)/pp.299-301, 2008-01 - 発達障害児者の行動問題に対する代替行動の形成に関する文献的検討
村本浄司・園山繁樹; +園山 繁樹
行動分析学研究/23/p.126-142, 2008-01 - Five-year follow-up case study of a boy referred for suspected autism at age 22 months
障害科学研究/32/p.151-158, 2008-01 - 中国における自閉症に関する研究と教育の現状と課題
裴虹; 園山 繁樹
特殊教育学研究/45(4)/p.229-238, 2008-01 - 特殊教育諸学校幼稚部における個別の指導計画に関する調査研究-現状と今後の課題-
金珍煕・園山繁樹; +園山 繁樹
特殊教育学研究/45(4)/p.205-215, 2008-01 - Special Educational Support Systems for Preschoolers With Disabilities in Public Preschools in Japan : Survey of Staff of City Boards of Education
金 珍煕; 園山 繁樹
The Japanese journal of special education/45(5)/pp.255-264, 2008-01 - 母親を不安拮抗刺激とした段階的再登校法の適用-複数の嫌悪的体験を契機とした登校拒否女児の事例-
行動療法研究/34(1)/p.55-66, 2008-01 - 知的障害者入所更生施設における激しい行動問題を示す自閉症利用者に対する行動契約法を中核とした介入パッケージ
村本浄司; 園山 繁樹
福祉心理学研究/5(1)/p.12-24, 2008-01 - Individual Teaching Plans for Departments of Early Childhood in Special Schools in Japan : Current Status and Challenges
金 珍煕; 園山 繁樹
The Japanese journal of special education/45(4)/pp.205-215, 2007-11 - 中国における自閉症に関する研究と教育の現状と課題
裴 虹; 園山 繁樹
The Japanese journal of special education/45(4)/pp.229-238, 2007-11 - P2-31 Effects of implementation the ABA study-sessions for institutional personnel
村本 浄司; 園山 繁樹
日本行動分析学会年次大会プログラム・発表論文集/0(25)/p.90, 2007-07 - P2-24 Answering to unknown questions for a child with PDD
松下 浩之; 倉光 晃子; 園山 繁樹
日本行動分析学会年次大会プログラム・発表論文集/0(25)/p.83, 2007-07 - A Support System for Self-Management Skills for Persons With Developmental Disabilities : A Theoretical Analysis and Proposal
竹内 康二; 園山 繁樹
Japanese Journal of Behavior Analysis/20(2)/pp.88-100, 2007-04 - Validity of Developmental Disorders Screening Questionnaire For Five-years-olds
石川 有美; 大六 一志; 長崎 勤; 園山 繁樹; 宮本 信也; 野呂 文行; 多田 昌代; 岡崎 慎治; 東原...
Japanese journal of disability sciences/31(0)/pp.75-89, 2007-03 - A Case Study on Clay Work Skill as Savant Skill and Teaching Sketch Skill for a Boy with Pervasive Developmental Disorder
園山 繁樹; 梅津 大輔; 勝浦 暁; 倉光 晃子
Japanese journal of disability sciences/31(0)/pp.57-64, 2007-03 - P2-35 Teaching throwing skills for a child with Asperger's Disorder
松下 浩之; 鈴木 則子; 長谷川 清美; 下山 真衣; 園山 繁樹
日本行動分析学会年次大会プログラム・発表論文集/0(24)/p.127, 2006-08 - 5歳児軽度発達障害スクリーニング質問票作成のための予備的研究
大六 一志; 長崎 勤; 園山 繁樹; 野呂 文行
Bulletin of special education/30(0)/pp.11-23, 2006-03 - P-24 A case study to facilitate playing a game for a child with pervasive developmental disabilities : Intervention on the table game(23rd Annual J-ABA Convention)
松下 浩之; 倉光 晃子; 園山 繁樹; 村本 浄司
日本行動分析学会年次大会プログラム・発表論文集/0(23)/p.70, 2005-07 - Development of Behavioral Approaches for Use With People With Severe Behavior Disorders
下山 真衣; 園山 繁樹
The Japanese journal of special education/43(1)/pp.9-20, 2005-05 - Communication Training Using the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) : Case Study of a Child With Autistic Disorder
小井田 久実; 園山 繁樹
Japanese Journal of Behavior Analysis/19(2)/pp.161-174, 2005-04 - more...
- Shaping Mand Behavior by Home-based Communication Training Using PECS for a Child with Pervasive Developmental Disorder