- Articles
- Examining return-to-work status of stroke patients using a database of the health and employment support coordinator
豊田章宏; 佐伯覚; 木谷宏; 八重田 淳; 大塚文; 立道昌幸
Jpn J Stroke/44(3)/pp.259-267, 2022-04 - Current status and issues of employment and work support for people with disabilities in COVID-19
相澤欽一; 酒井京子; 酒井大介; 田沼泰輔; 奥脇学; 八重田 淳
職業リハビリテーション/35(1)/pp.73-89, 2021-03 - コロナ禍における職業リハビリテーション (A Special issue: Vocational Rehabilitation with COVID-19)
八重田 淳
職業リハビリテーション/35(1)/pp.21-21, 2021-03 - An Examination of Guidelines to Promote the Implementation of Vocational Assessment in Employment-related Disability Welfare Service Agencies
Maebara Kazuaki; Nawaoka K; Nishio K ; Goto Yukiko; 八重田 淳
Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Akita University. Educational science/pp.71-79, 2021-03 - 中国・四国・九州・沖縄地方の就労継続支援B型事業所の平均月額工賃の実態に関する調査
山口明日香; 八重田 淳; 前原和明
研究紀要/76/pp.1-8, 2021-10 - 日本職業リハビリテーション学会員を対象としたコロナ禍の調査結果報告
山口明日香; 岡耕平; 前原和明; 野﨑智仁; 八重田 淳
職業リハビリテーション/35(1)/pp.22-29, 2021-10 - The Functions of Vocational Rehabilitation Using Agriculture in Japan
Maebara Kazuaki; Yaeda Jun
Disability, CBR & Inclusive Development/32(3)/pp.91-104, 2021-10 - An Intake Assessment Tool for Vocational Rehabilitation: Development of a Japanese Version of Intake Assessment and Outcome Evaluation (IAOE)
Maebara Kazuaki; 八重田 淳
Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Akita University. Educational science, 2022-03 - Relationship between collaboration in work support and knowledge and skills in providing support for individuals with disabilities.
Maebara Kazuaki; Yaeda Jun
Journal of Intellectual Disability- Diagnosis and Treatment/9(6)/pp.585-591, 2021-12 - Development and validation of new evaluation scale for measuring stroke patients’ motivation for rehabilitation in rehabilitation wards.
T Yoshida; Y Otaka; S Kitamura; K Ushizawa; M Kumagai; Y ...
PLoS ONE/17(3), 2022-03 - Measuring Community Participation Among Japanese with Serious Mental Illnesses
Nagata Shinichi; Jun Yaeda; Brusilovskiy Eugene; Ota Koj...
Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Mental Health, 2022-02 - 職業リハビリテーション領域における遠隔リハビリテーション(Telerehabilitation)の応用
八重田 淳
職業リハビリテーション/34(2)/pp.37-42, 2021-03 - 障がいが障害でなくなる職務創出を目ざして
八重田 淳
働く広場/pp.20-25, 2021-05 - 中途障害者における就労継続支援体制の現状と課題
八重田 淳
Monthly Book Medical Rehabilitation/260/pp.61-66, 2021-04 - Development and validation of the revised Attitudes toward Employment of Individuals with Psychiatric Disability Scale Short Form.
Ozawa Akihiko; Kikuchi Emiko; Yaeda Jun
Journal of Japan Academy of Health Sciences/24(1)/pp.32-47, 2021-08 - The Status of Vocational Rehabilitation Using Agriculture in Japan: Survey of Work Support Centers for Continuous Employment Type B in Akita Prefecture
Maebara Kazuaki; Goto Yukiko; Yaeda Jun
Total Rehabilitation Research/9(21), 2021-06 - Case Studies of Work Support Using Agricultural Activities at Work Support Centers for Continuous Employment (Type B)
前原和明; 後藤由紀子; 八重田 淳
人間・植物関係学会雑誌(印刷中)/21(1), 2021-06 - Case Studies of Work Support Using Agricultural Activities at Work Support Centers for Continuous Employment (Type B)
前原和明; 八重田 淳
人間・植物関係学会雑誌(印刷中)/21(1), 2021-07 - 就労継続支援B型事業所における農業を用いた就労支援の検討
前原和明; 八重田 淳
厚生の指標/令和3年(5月号)/pp.14-19, 2021-05 - Motivation for rehabilitation in patients with subacute stroke: a qualitative study.
Yoshida Taiki; Otaka Yohei; Osu Reiko; Kumagai Masashi; K...
Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences, 2021-06 - Development of a Teamwork Scale for special needs education school teachers of students with intellectual disabilities
宮野雄太; 八重田 淳
The Japanese Association of Special Education/58(4)/pp.235-244, 2021-04 - Effectiveness of music-dual-task intervention to prevent care dependency in older adults
関根薫; 八重田 淳; 佐島毅
Japanese Journal of Music Therapy/21(1)/pp.1-13, 2021-04 - 回復期リハビリテーション病棟患者における入院前と退院後の IADL 実施頻度と退院時に予測した IADL 実施頻度の比較
野村めぐみ; 八重田 淳
作業療法/40(1)/pp.12-20, 2021-03 - 発達障害者における「自己理解の支援」の意味についての質的分析:テキスト マイニングによる統合的分析
前原和明; 八重田 淳
リハビリテーション連携科学/21(1)/pp.64-69, 2021-01 - 秋田県の就労継続B型事業所における農業を用いた就労支援の実施状況:作業内容および工賃の実態
前原和明; 後藤由紀子; 八重田 淳
人間・植物関係学会雑誌/20(1)/pp.33-36, 2021-01 - more...
- Examining return-to-work status of stroke patients using a database of the health and employment support coordinator