Ogawa Sonoko

Researcher's full information

Conference, etc.
  • Behavioral Characteristics of Male Mice Lacking Androgen Receptor on Estrogen Receptor α Expressing Cells
    Ogawa Sonoko; Sagoshi Shoko; Sano Kazuhiro; Ågmo Anders
  • 時期特異的なエストロゲン受容体の発現制御が社会行動の表出に及ぼす影響の解析
    初鹿野徹; 佐野一広; 武縄聡; 小川 園子
  • 視床下部内側視索前野に局在するエストロゲン受容体発現細胞集団は、 発現するエストロゲン受容体のサブタイプによって異なる遠心性投射パターンを示すのか?
    村川 友哲; 佐越 祥子; 高橋 阿貴; 小川 園子
  • Individual difference of aggression and interleukin 1 beta in the dorsal raphe nucleus.
    Takahashi Aki; Aleyasin Hossein; Stavarache Mihaela A; Fl...
    Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience 2018/2018-11-03--2018-11-07
  • Distribution of two types of estrogen receptors and co-expression with oxytocin and oxytocin receptors in the neural networks for social and anxiety-related behaviors
    Sagoshi S.; Maejima S.; Morishita M.; Sakamoto T.; Sakamo...
    Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience 2018/2018-11-03--2018-11-07
  • Developmental changes and sex differences of ultrasonic vocalization in mice during social interactions
    Sano Kazuhiro; Saito Kento; Takahashi Aki; Ogawa Sonoko
    The 41st Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society./2018-07-26--2018-07-29
  • Synergism of Androgen Receptor and Estrogen Receptor α in the regulation of male-type social behavior
    Sagoshi Shoko; Sano Kazuhiro; Ågmo Anders; Ogawa Sonoko
    The 41st Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society./2018-07-26--2018-07-29
  • Characterization of estrogen receptor beta expressing neurons in newly developed transgenic mice.
    Ogawa Sonoko
    International Congress of Neuroendocrinology/2018-07-15--2018-07-18
  • Characterization of estrogen receptor a and b expression in oxytocin and oxytocin receptor positive neurons
    Ogawa Sonoko
  • Expression of estrogen recetor beta in the neural networks for the regulation of social behavior
    小川 園子
  • Role of Estrogen Receptor a and b in the Regulation of Maternal Care and Maternal Aggression
    小川 園子
  • Neural Basis of Adaptive Social Behavior in Postpartum Mice
    小川 園子
  • Neuronal activity of estrogen receptor alpha positive cells in the medial amygdala during social behavior in male mice.
    小川 園子
  • エストロゲン受容体の時期特異的な発現阻害が社会行動に及ぼす影響の解析
    小川 園子
    平成 29 年度文部科学省新学術領域研究 学術研究支援基盤形成 先端モデル動物支援プラットフォーム成果発表会/2018-01-24--2018-01-25
  • 性ステロイドホルモンによる 社会行動の制御
    小川 園子
    第18回日本Men’s Health/2018-07-14--2018-07-14
  • 社会的探索行動場面での雄マウスの内側扁桃体エストロゲン受容体アルファ陽性細胞の神経活動の解析
    宮坂藍; 武縄聡; 西野明日香; 高橋阿貴; 小川 園子
  • 視床下部腹内側核エストロゲン受容体 α 陽性神経細胞への特異的な操作が雌マウスの 自発的活動量に及ぼす効果
    佐越祥子; 武縄聡; 高橋阿貴; 小川 園子
  • Effects of optogenetic manipulation on dorsal raphe serotonergic neuronal activity increases pup-caring behavior in virgin female mice.
    Satoshi Takenawa; Shunichi Nakamura; Aki Takahashi; Kenji...
  • Effects of selective manipulation of estrogen receptorα expressing neuronal activity in the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus on running-wheel activity in female mice. 
    Shoko Sagoshi; Satoshi Takenawa; Aki Takahashi; Ogawa So...
    The 40th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society./2017-07-20--2017-07-23
  • 性ステロイドホルモンによる社会行動神経ネットワーク機能の制御
    小川 園子
  • Mechanisms of estrogen action on neural networks of social behavior.
    Ogawa Sonoko
    The 95th Annual Meeting of the Physiological Society of Japan./2018-03-28--2018-03-30
  • Mechanisms of steroid hormone action on the neural network for aggression
    Ogawa Sonoko
    The 40th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society./2017-07-20--2017-07-22
  • Estrogen action on neural network of social behavior in mice.
    Ogawa Sonoko
    The 26th Annual Meeting of the International Behavioral Neuroscience Society/2017-06-26--2017-06-30
  • Life-long hormonal and experiential influences on social brain.
    Ogawa Sonoko
    The 26th Annual Meeting of the International Behavioral Neuroscience Society/2017-06-26--2017-06-30
  • Mechanisms of Steroid Hormone Action on the Neural Network for Social Behavior.
    Ogawa Sonoko
    The 9th International Symposium of Integrative Zoology./2017-08-27--2017-08-31
  • more...