Yagami Ken-ichi

Researcher's full information

  • Chimeric renin-angiotensin system demonstrates sustained increase in blood pressure of transgenic mice carrying boty human renin and human angiotensinogen genes
    Fukamizu A; Sugimura K; Takimoto E; Sugiyama F; Seo MS; T...
    J. Biol. Chem./268(16)/pp.11617-11621, 1993-01
  • Neurotropism of mouse-adapted haemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus
    Yagami K; Izumi Y; Kajiwara N; Sugiyama F; Sugiyama Y.
    J. Comp. Pathol./109(1)/pp.21-27, 1993-01
  • HTLV-1-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis-like rats by intravenous injection of HTLV-1-producing rabbit or human T-cell line into adult WKA rats.
    Kushida S; Matsumura M; Tanaka H; Ami Y; Hori M; Kobayash...
    Jpn J Cancer Res./84(8)/pp.831-833, 1993-01
  • Serological evidence of pneumonia virus of mouse (PVM) infection in laboratory rats.
    Miyata H; Watanabe Y; Kondo H; Yagami K; Sato H.
    Experimental Animals/42(3)/p.371 6, 1993-01
  • Dependence of angiotensin production in transgenic mice carrying either the human renin or human angiotensinogen genes on species-specific kinetics of the renin-angiotensin system.
    Fukamizu A; Takimoto E; Sugimura K; Hatae T; Seo MS; Taka...
    Arzneimittelforschung/43(2A)/p.222-225, 1993-01
  • Comparative study on cross-reaction of leptospiral antibodies in several serological tests to detect antibodies to Borrelia burgdorferi in dogs.
    Sugiyama Y; Sugiyama F; Yagami K.
    J Vet Med Sci./55(1)/pp.149-151, 1993-01
  • Comparison between the blood from orbital sinus and heart in analizing plasma biochemical values--increase of plasma enzyme values in the blood from orbital sinus.
    Izumi Y; Sugiyama F; Sugiyama Y; Yagami K.
    Expental Animals/42(1)/pp.99-102, 1993-01
  • Comparison of plasma endotoxin levels in germ-free, SPF and conventional laboratory animals (mice and rats).
    Sugiyama Y; Sugiyama F; Yagami K; Miyaji S; Kurosawa T.
    Experimental Animals/42(1)/pp.89-92, 1993-01
  • Isolation of Salmonella from impounded dogs introduced to a laboratory.
    Sugiyama Y; Sugiyama F; Yagami K.
    Experimental Animals/42(1)/pp.119-121, 1993-01
  • Spontaneous erythroleukemia in a 16-wk-old female Slc:SD rat.
    Nonoyama T; Hayashi S; Urano T; Yagami K; Miyajima H.
    Toxicol Pathol/21(3)/p.335-339, 1993-01
  • Angiotensinogen-deficient mice with hypotension
    Tanimoto K; Sugiyama F; Goto Y; Ishida J; Takimoto E; Yag...
    J. Biol. Chem./269(50)/p.31334-31337, 1994-01
  • High incidence of HAM/TSP-like symptoms in WKA rats after administration of human T-cell leukemia virus type 1-producing cells
    Kushida S; Mizusawa H; Matsumura M; Tanaka H; Ami Y; Hori...
    J. Virol./68(11)/pp.7221-7226, 1994-01
  • A neuropathological study of paraparetic rats injected with HTLV-I-producing T cells.
    Mizusawa H; Kushida S; Matsumura M; Tanaka H; Ami Y; Hori...
    J Neurol Sci/126(2)/pp.101-108, 1994-01
  • Neuroectodermal tumors expressing c-, L-, and N-myc in transgenic mice that carry the E1A/E1B gene of human adenovirus type 12.
    Fukamizu A; Sagara M; Sugiyama F; Horiguchi H; Kamma H; H...
    J Biol Chem./269(49)/pp.31252-31258, 1994-01
  • Tissue-specific trans-activation of renin gene by targeted expression of adenovirus E1A in transgenic mice.
    Fukamizu A; Sagara M; Sugiyama F; Yagami K; Murakami K.
    Biochem Biophys Res Commun/199(1)/p.183 90, 1994-01
  • Heritable formation of neuroectodermal tumor in transgenic mice carrying the combined E1 region gene of a denovirus type 12 with the deregulated human renin promoter
    Sugiyama F; Sagara M; Matsuda Y; Horiguchi H; Kamma H; Og...
    J. Cell. Biochem./57/p.691-700, 1995-01
  • Polymerase chain reaction for detection of rodent parvoviral contamination in transplantable tumors
    Yagami K; Goto Y; Ishida J; Ueno Y; Kajiwara N; Sugiyama F.
    Lab. Anim. Sci./45(3)/p.326-328, 1995-01
  • Evaluation of coculture aggregation with TT2 cells for production of germline chimera.
    Goto Y; Sugiyama F; Tanimoto K; Ishida J; Syoji M; Takaha...
    Lab Anim Sci/45(5)/p.601-603, 1995-01
  • Alterations of angiotensin II receptor contents in hypertrophied hearts.
    Fujii N; Tanaka M; Ohnishi J; Yukawa K; Takimoto E; Shima...
    Biochem Biophys Res Commun/212(2)/p.326 33, 1995-01
  • Activation of the nuclear oncogenes N-myc and c-jun in carcinoid [correction of cartinoid] tumors of transgenic mice carrying the human adenovirus type 12 E1 region gene.
    Sagara M; Sugiyama F; Horiguchi H; Kamma H; Ogata T; Yaga...
    DNA Cell Biol/14(2)/p.95 101, 1995-01
  • 高血圧とそれに伴う臓器障害の発症機構
    杉山文博・深水昭吉・宮崎均・八神健一・村上和雄; +八神 健一
    BioClinica/11(7)/p.68-71, 1996-01
  • Detection and in vivo tansmission of rat orphan parvovirus(ROPV)
    Ueno Y; Sugiyama F; Yagami K.
    Laboratory Animals/30(2)/p.114-119, 1996-01
  • Vertical transmission to embryo and fetus in maternal infection with rat virus(RV)
    Kajiwara N; Ueno Y; Takahashi A; Sugiyama F; Sugiyama Y; ...
    Experimental Animal/45(3)/pp.239-244, 1996-01
  • Nephrogenesis and renovascular development in angiotensinogen-deficient mice
    Nagata M; Tanimoto K; Fukamizu A; Kon Y; Sugiyama F; Yaga...
    Laboratory Investigation/75(5)/p.745 53, 1996-01
  • Chromosomal mapping of human angiotensinogen gene and human renin gene by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) in transgenic mice
    Watanabe Y; Ebukuro M; Yagami K; Sugiyama F; Ishida J; Mu...
    Experimental Animals/45(3)/pp.265 -269, 1996-01
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