Researcher's full information

  • Relationship between suicidal ideation and family problems among young callers to the Japanese crisis hotline
    Ohtaki Yuh; Doki Shotaro; Kaneko Hidetoshi; Hirai Yas...
    PloS one/14(7), 2019-04
  • Exercise can maintain brain function by fNIRS using VFT in confined environment like ISS in Japan - Single case experimental ABA design -
    Sasahara Shinichiro; Oi Yuichi; Hirai Y.; Doki Shotaro; O...
    69th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 2018-10
  • Stress of working abroad: a systematic review
    Doki Shotaro; Sasahara Sinichiro ; Matsuzaki Ichiyo
  • The Effect of Cognitive Rehabilitation for Post-Stroke Depression in Long-Term Care Health Facilities: a Randomized Controlled Trial
    Sakamoto Harumi; Maki Naoki; Utsugi Atsuhiro; Takata Yu; ...
    Journal of Clinical and Medical Investigations/3(2)/pp.1-7, 2018-7
  • Assessing confinement environment stress using fNIRS
    Andrea Christina-Sylvia; Oi Yuichi; Hirai Yasuhito; Doki ...
  • 発達障害者の就労支援
    松崎 一葉; 大井雄一; 大滝 優
    診断と治療 別冊/106(5)/pp.570-574, 2018-05
  • 宇宙でのストレス 
    道喜 将太郎; 髙橋 司; 松崎 一葉
    公益財団法人金原一郎記念医学医療振興財団「生体の科学」/69(2)/pp.142-146, 2018-04
  • The Association of Autism Spectrum Disorders and Symptoms of Asthma, Allergic Rhinoconjunctivitis and Eczema among Japanese Children Aged 3-6 Years
    Daisuke Hori; Hiromasa Tsujiguchi; Yasuhiro Kambayashi; T...
    Health/9(8)/pp.1235-1250, 2017-08
  • The associations between lifestyles and mental health using the General Health Questionnaire 12-items are different dependently on age and sex: a population-based cross-sectional study in Kanazawa, Japan
    Hori Daisuke; Tsujiguchi Hiromasa; Kambayashi Yasuhiro...
  • A survey of support systems for return to work in Japanese companies: a cross-sectional study
    DOKI Shotaro; SASAHARA Shinichiro; OI Yuichi; MATSUZAKI ...
    Industrial Health/54(6)/pp.564-572, 2016-11
  • A case of a young employee with new type of depression who could return to work as a result of an effective therapeutic alliance and daily life guidance based on salutogenesis
    鈴木 瞬; 成島 直紀; 古閑 比斗志; 松崎 一葉
    SANGYO EISEIGAKU ZASSHI/58(2)/pp.72-77, 2016
  • Sense of coherence (SOC) among Japanese white collar workers participating in "Salutogenic Cafe''. A 6 months follow-up study investigating development of SOC and the use of new skills
    Sasahara Shinichiro; Sakano Junko; Langeland Eva; Soll...
    QUALITY OF LIFE RESEARCH/24(1)/pp.69-70, 2015-10
  • Association in Workers between Bullying Victimhood, Bully Experiences as Teens, and SOC in Adulthood
    Suzuki Shun; Seki Akihiro; Hirai Yasuhito; Kobayashi Nao...
    Adolescentology/33(2)/pp.250-258, 2015-06
  • 企業ケースをめぐって
    松崎 一葉
    精神療法/増刊(第2号)/pp.174-178, 2015-05
  • 消耗型うつと未熟型うつの特徴【前編】
    松崎 一葉
    Trim/(230)/pp.9-16, 2014-12
  • Health Habits and Stress Coping among Japanese Local Government Workers : A Cross-sectional Study.
    Shotaro DOKI; Shinichiro SASAHARA; Shun SUZUKI; Yasuhito H...
    Journal of Physical Fitness, Nutrition and Immunology/24(2)/pp.64-69, 2014-11
  • 現場ですぐに展開可能なメンタルヘルス対策 事例から見る「従来型」「新型」のうつ 具体的な対応策とは
    宇佐見 和哉; 松崎一葉
    労働安全衛生広場/46(1080)/pp.10-17, 2014-04
  • メンタルヘルス不調を減らすために職場内コミュニケーションを活性化しよう
    松崎 一葉
    地方公務員 安全と健康Forum/24(2)/pp.6-10, 2014-04
  • Changes of Readiness to Return to Work of Users' in a Japanese Social Firm: a Longitudinal Study.
    Hirai Yasuhito; Kobayashi Naoki; Oi Yuichi; Usami Kazuya...
    Journal of Physical Fitness, Nutrition and Immunology,/24(1)/pp.70-81, 2014-01
  • 職域の「新型うつ」その診方と考え方
    医学界新聞, 2013-11
  • “治す”を“育てる”に変えると、社会は強くなります。
    chacun/108/pp.8-20, 2013-11
  • ディスティミア型うつ病の精神療法
    精神療法/39(1)/p.81-85, 2013
  • 不登校の言説と、その実態を巡って
    鈴木 瞬; 松崎一葉
    思春期学/31(1)/pp.127-131, 2013-03
  • A Relationship between Sense of Coherence and Psycho-social Work Characteristics  -Validation of Causal Relationship Using Structural Equation Modeling- 
    Akihiro SEKI; Yusuke TOMOTSUNE; Yuichi OHI; Yasuhito HIR...
    Journal of Physical Fitness, Nutrition and Immunology/23(2)/pp.64-71, 2013-02
  • Study of the Relationship between Incidence of Sick Leave due to Mental Health Failure and Work Rules About Sick Leave
    小林 直紀; 笹原 信一朗; 友常 祐介; 道喜 将太郎; 商 真哲; 大井 雄一; 羽岡 健史; ...
    産業衛生学雑誌 = Journal of occupational health/54(6)/pp.286-293, 2012-11
  • more...