- Affiliation
- Institute of Medicine
- Official title
- Associate Professor
- Research fields
Biological pharmacy General physiology - Research keywords
脂質性シグナル伝達 低分子量G蛋白質 - Research projects
低分子量G蛋白質を介したインフラマソームのプリオン用細胞間伝播機構の解析 2022 -- 2024 船越 祐司 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C) 4,160,000Yen 非定型RabGAPによるクラスリン非依存性カーゴ蛋白質の細胞内膜輸送制御 2017 -- 2019 船越 祐司 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C) 4,810,000Yen 脱ユビキチン化酵素TRE17によるクラスリン非依存性カーゴ蛋白質の細胞内輸送制御 2014 -- 2016 船越 祐司 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/基盤研究(C) 4,940,000Yen 低分子量G蛋白質Arf6/リン脂質キナーゼPIP5Kによる脳内βアミロイドの調節 2012 -- 2013 Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/若手研究(B) 2,340,000Yen - Career history
2005-04 -- 2008-03 RIKENSpecial Postdoctral Researcher - Degree
2005-03 Ph.D (Pharmaceutics) The University of Tokyo - Academic societies
2009 -- (current) Japan Society for Cell Biology 2009 -- (current) THE JAPANESE BIOCHEMICAL SOCIETY 2005 -- (current) The Molecular Biology Society of Japan - Articles
- Phospholipase D2 downregulates interleukin-1β secretion from tumor-associated macrophages to suppress bladder cancer progression
Hamada Kazuki; Nagumo Yoshiyuki; Kandori Shuya; Isoda ...
CANCER SCIENCE/Epub, 2024-11-11 - Ubiquitin-specific protease TRE17/USP6 promotes tumor cell invasion through the regulation of glycoprotein CD147 intracellular trafficking
Ogura Yukino; Ohbayashi Norihiko; Kanaho Yasunori; Kawagu...
JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY/298(9), 2022-09-01 - Arf6 exacerbates allergic asthma through cell-to-cell transmission of ASC inflammasomes
Lee SangJoon; Ishitsuka Akari; Kuroki Takahiro; Lin Yu-H...
JCI INSIGHT/6(16), 2021-08 - Arf6 regulates energy metabolism in neutrophils
Gamara Jouda; Davis Lynn; Leong Andrew Z.; Page Natha...
FREE RADICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE/172/pp.550-561, 2021-08 - PLD1 promotes tumor invasion by regulation of MMP-13 expression via NF-κB signaling in bladder cancer
Nagumo Yoshiyuki; Kandori Shuya; Tanuma Kozaburo; Nitt...
Cancer letters/511/pp.15-25, 2021-05 - TBC1D24 regulates recycling of clathrin-independent cargo proteins mediated by tubular recycling endosomes
Nguyen Thi Kim Nguyen; Ohbayashi Norihiko; Kanaho Yasuno...
BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS/528(1)/pp.220-226, 2020-07 - Assessment of Arf6 Deletion in PLB-985 Differentiated in Neutrophil-Like Cells and in Mouse Neutrophils: Impact on Adhesion and Migration
Gamara Jouda; Davis Lynn; Rollet-Labelle Emmanuelle; H...
Mediators of inflammation/2020, 2020-04 - Physiological function of phospholipase D2 in anti-tumor immunity: regulation of CD8 T lymphocyte proliferation
Ngo Thai Bich Van; Hongu Tsunaki; Miura Yuki; Katagiri N...
Scientific reports/8(1)/p.6283, 2018-04 - Phospholipase D2 promotes disease progression of renal cell carcinoma through the induction of angiogenin
Kandori Shuya; Kojima Takahiro; Matsuoka Taeko; Yoshin...
Cancer science/109(6)/pp.1865-1875, 2018-04 - Regulation of HGF-induced hepatocyte proliferation by the small GTPase Arf6 through the PIP2-producing enzyme PIP5K1A
Tsai Meng-Tsz; Katagiri Naohiro; Ohbayashi Norihiko; Iwas...
Scientific reports/7(1)/p.9438, 2017-08 - Arf6 in lymphatic endothelial cells regulates lymphangiogenesis by controlling directional cell migration
Lin Yueh-Chien; Ohbayashi Norihiko; Hongu Tsunaki; Katagi...
Scientific reports/7(1), 2017-09 - The small G protein Arf6 expressed in keratinocytes by HGF stimulation is a regulator for skin wound healing
Miura Yuki; Ngo Thai Bich Van; Furuya Momoko; Hasegawa H...
Scientific Reports/(7)/p.46649, 2017-04 - ACAP3 regulates neurite outgrowth through its GAP activity specific to Arf6 in mouse hippocampal neurons
Miura Yuki; Hongu Tsunaki; Yamauchi Yohei; Funakoshi Yuj...
BIOCHEMICAL JOURNAL/473(17)/pp.2591-2602, 2016-09 - Tissue- and development-dependent expression of the small GTPase Arf6 in mice.
Akiyama Masahiro; Zhou Miao; Sugimoto Rika; Hongu Tsunaki; Fu...
Developmental Dynamics, 2010-12 - Pathological functions of the small GTPase Arf6 in cancer progression: Tumor angiogenesis and metastasis.
本宮 綱記; 山内 庸平; 船越 祐司; 片桐 尚宏; 大林 典彦; 金保 安則
Small GTPases/7(2)/pp.47-53, 2016-04 - Activation of the Small G Protein Arf6 by Dynamin2 through Guanine Nucleotide Exchange Factors in Endocytosis
Okada Risa; Yamauchi Yohei; Hongu Tsunaki; Funakoshi Yuj...
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS/5, 2015-10 - Arf6 regulates tumour angiogenesis and growth through HGF-induced endothelial β1 integrin recycling.
Tsunaki Hongu; Yuji Funakoshi; Shigetomo Fukuhara; Teruhi...
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS/6/p.7925, 2015-08 - TRE17/USP6 regulates ubiquitylation and trafficking of cargo proteins that enter cells by clathrin-independent endocytosis
Funakoshi Yuji; Chou Margaret M.; Kanaho Yasunori; Donald...
JOURNAL OF CELL SCIENCE/127(21)/pp.4750-4761, 2014-11 - Molecular mechanisms of fMLP-induced superoxide generation generation and degranulation in mouse neutrophils.
Kanaho Yasunori; Sato Takanobu; Hongu Tsunaki; Funakoshi Yuji
Adv Biol Regul./53(1)/pp.128-134, 2013-01 - Molecular mechanisms of fMLP-induced superoxide generation and degranulation in mouse neutrophils.
Kanaho Yasunori; Sato Takanobu; Hongu Tsunaki; Funakoshi Yuji
Advances in Biological Regulation/63/pp.128-134, 2013-01 - Antiproliferative protein Tob directly regulates c-myc proto-oncogene expression through cytoplasmic polyadenylation element-binding protein CPEB.
Ogami Koichi; Hosoda Nao; Funakoshi Yuji; Hoshino Shin-ichi
Oncogene/33/pp.55-64, 2014 - Molecular mechanisms of N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine-induced superoxide generation and degranulation in mouse neutrophils: phospholipase D is dispensable.
Sato Takanobu; Hongu Tsunaki; Sakamoto Megumi; Funakoshi Yuj...
MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY/33(1)/pp.136-145, 2013-01 - Translation termination factor eRF3 mediates mRNA decay through the regulation of deadenylation.
Nao Hosoda; Tetsuo Kobayashi; Naoyuki Uchida; Yuji Funak...
J. Biol. Chem./278/p.38287-38291, 2003-01 - The GTP-binding release factor eRF3 as a key mediator coupling translation termination to mRNA decay.
Tetsuo Kobayashi; Yuji Funakoshi; Shin-ichi Hoshino; and ...
J. Biol. Chem./279/p.45693-45700, 2004-01 - Mechanism of mRNA deadenylation: evidence for a molecular interplay between translation termination factor eRF3 and mRNA deadenylases
Yuji Funakoshi; Yusuke Doi; Nao Hosoda; Naoyuki Uchida; M...
Genes & Dev/21/p.3135-3148, 2007-01 - more...
- Phospholipase D2 downregulates interleukin-1β secretion from tumor-associated macrophages to suppress bladder cancer progression
- Books
- Diverse functions of phospholipase D in cancer
船越 祐司; 金保安則
Diverse functions of phospholipase D in cancer/pp.1035-1042, 2019-06 - 翻訳終結と共役したmRNA分解制御機構の解析
船越 祐司
2005-03 - Novel function of the eukaryotic polypeptide-chain releasing factor 3 (eRF3/GSPT) in the mRNA degradation pathway
Shin-ichi Hoshino; Nao Hosoda; Yasuhiro Araki; Tetsuo Ko...
Biochemistry (Moscow), 1999-01 - 真核生物におけるmRNA分解制御の分子機構
船越 祐司; 星野 真一
実験医学 23, 2005-01 - RT-PCRを用いたRNAの検出と定量
星野真一; 船越祐司
RNA 実験ノート上巻, 2008-01 - 多彩な生理機能をもつ低分子量G蛋白質Arf6
金保安則; 本宮綱記; 鈴木輝彦; 船越祐司; 長谷川潤
細胞The CELL, 2010-01 - ホスホリパーゼD研究の新展開
本宮綱記; 佐藤隆信; 長谷川潤; 船越祐司; 金保安則
実験医学, 2010-01 - Regulation of PIP5K Activity by Arf6 and Its Physiological Significance
Yuji Funakoshi; Hiroshi Hasegawa; Yasunori Kanaho
Journal of cellular physiology, 2011-01
- Diverse functions of phospholipase D in cancer
- Conference, etc.
- 脱ユビキチン化酵素TRE17/USP6は、CD147の細胞内輸送制御を介してがん細胞浸潤能を亢進する
船越 祐司; 小倉由希乃; 大林典彦; 川口敦史; 金保安則
第19回生命科学研究会/2022-07-01--2022-07-02 - Ubiquitin-specific protease TRE17/USP6 promotes tumor cell invasion through the regulation of plasma membrane protein intracellular trafficking
小倉由希乃; 大林典彦; 金保安則; 川口敦史; 船越 祐司
第45回分子生物学会年会/2022-11-20--2022-12-02 - Ubiquitin-specific protease TRE17/USP6 promotes cancer cell invasion through the regulation of plasma membrane protein recycling
小倉 由希乃; 川口 敦史; 大林典彦; 金保安則; 船越祐司
The 2020 NTU-KU-UT mini-symposium on Cancer Biology and Medicine/2021-12-19 - 脱ユビキチン化酵素TRE17/USP6による膜タンパク質の輸送制御を介した腫瘍細胞の浸潤促進機構脱ユビキチン化酵素TRE17/USP6による膜タンパク質の輸送制御を介した腫瘍細胞の浸潤促進機構
小倉由希乃; 川口敦史; 船越祐司; 大林典彦; 金保安則
第45回日本分子生物学会年会/2022-11-30--2022-12-02 - 脱ユビキチン化酵素TRE17と低分子量G蛋白質Arf6によるクラスリン非依存的カーゴ蛋白質の輸送制御.
小倉由希乃; 船越祐司; 大林典彦; 金保 安則
第41回日本分子生物学会年会/2018-11-29 - 脱ユビキチン化酵素TRE17と低分子量G蛋白質Arf6によるクラスリン非依存的カーゴ蛋白質の輸送制御.
小倉由希乃; 船越祐司; 大林典彦; 金保 安則
第41回日本分子生物学会年会/2018-11-29 - Regulation of clathrin-independent cargo trafficking by the ubiquitin-specific protease TRE17/USP6 and the small GTPase Arf6
小倉由希乃; 船越 祐司; 大林典彦; 金保安則
Tsukuba Global Science Week 2018/2018-9-20--2018-9-22 - Ubiquitin-specific protease TRE17/USP6 promotes cancer cell invasion through the regulation of plasma membrane protein recycling.
金保 安則; 船越祐司; 小倉由希乃; 大林典彦
筑波会議2019/2019-10-02--2019-10-04 - Ubiquitin-specific protease TRE17/USP6 promotes cancer cell invasion through the regulation of CD147 recycling.
Kanaho Yasunori; 船越祐司; 小倉由希乃; 大林典彦
The International Graduate Symposium on Industrial Biotechnology/2019-10-14--2019-10-19 - 脱ユビキチン化酵素TRE17/USP6は、膜蛋白質の輸送を介して癌細胞浸潤能を亢進する.
Kanaho Yasunori; 船越祐司; 小倉由希乃; 大林典彦
第42回分子生物学会年会/2019-12-03--2019-12-06 - The ubiquitin-specific protease TRE17/USP6 promotes cancer cell invasion through the regulation of plasma membrane protein recycling.
小倉由希乃; 大林典彦; 川口敦史; 金保 安則; 船越祐司
第72回日本細胞生物学会大会/2020-06-09--2020-06-11 - Ubiquitin-specific protease TRE17/USP6 promotes cancer cell invasion through the regulation of plasma membrane protein recycling
Funakoshi Yuji; 金保安則; 大林典彦
The 2020 NTU-KU-UT mini-symposium on Cancer Biology and Medicine/2021-12-19--2021-12-19 - 脱ユビキチン化酵素TRE17/USP6は膜蛋白質のリサイクリングを介して癌細胞浸潤能を亢進する
小倉 由希乃; 大林 典彦; 川口 敦史; 船越 祐司; 金保 安則
第43回日本分子生物学会/2020-12-02--2020-12-04 - Ubiquitin-specific protease TRE17/USP6 promotes cancer cell invasion through the regulation of plasma membrane protein recycling
Funakoshi Yuji; 金保安則; 大林典彦
The 2020 NTU-KU-UT mini-symposium on Cancer Biology and Medicine/2021-12-19--2021-12-19 - 脱ユビキチン化酵素TRE17/USP6は膜蛋白質のリサイクリングを介して癌細胞浸潤能を亢進する
小倉 由希乃; 大林 典彦; 川口 敦史; 船越 祐司; 金保 安則
第43回日本分子生物学会/2020-12-02--2020-12-04 - TBC1D24 regulates recycling of plasma membrane proteins that enter cells by clathrin-independent endocytosis.
Nguyen Thi Kim Nguyen; 大林典彦; 川口敦史; 金保 安則; 船越祐司
第72回日本細胞生物学会大会/2020-06-09--2020-06-11 - The ubiquitin-specific protease TRE17/USP6 promotes cancer cell invasion through the regulation of plasma membrane protein recycling.
小倉由希乃; 大林典彦; 川口敦史; 金保 安則; 船越祐司
第72回日本細胞生物学会大会/2020-06-09--2020-06-11 - Mechanism of invadopodia formation mediated by the Arf6 GTPase activating protein ARAP3.
船越祐司; 山内庸平; 本宮綱記; 山口英樹; 金保 安則
第72回日本細胞生物学会大会/2020-06-09--2020-06-11 - 脱ユビキチン化酵素TRE17/USP6は、膜蛋白質の輸送を介して癌細胞浸潤能を亢進する.
Kanaho Yasunori; 船越祐司; 小倉由希乃; 大林典彦
第42回分子生物学会年会/2019-12-03--2019-12-06 - TBC1D24 regulates recycling of plasma membrane proteins that enter cells by clathrin-independent endocytosis.
Kanaho Yasunori; 船越祐司; Nguyen Nguyen Thi Kim; 大林典彦
第42回分子生物学会年会/2019-12-03--2019-12-06 - Ubiquitin-specific protease TRE17/USP6 promotes cancer cell invasion through the regulation of CD147 recycling.
Kanaho Yasunori; 船越祐司; 小倉由希乃; 大林典彦
The International Graduate Symposium on Industrial Biotechnology/2019-10-14--2019-10-19 - TBC1D24 regulates tubular recycling endosome formation through the small GTPase Rab22a.
Kanaho Yasunori; 船越祐司; Nguyen Nguyen Thi Kim; 大林典彦
筑波会議2019/2019-10-02--2019-10-04 - Ubiquitin-specific protease TRE17/USP6 promotes cancer cell invasion through the regulation of plasma membrane protein recycling.
金保 安則; 船越祐司; 小倉由希乃; 大林典彦
筑波会議2019/2019-10-02--2019-10-04 - 脱ユビキチン化酵素TRE17/USP6は、膜蛋白質の輸送を介して癌細胞浸潤能を亢進する.
金保 安則; 船越祐司; 小倉由希乃; 大林典彦
第18回生命科学研究会/2019-06-28--2019-06-29 - Regulation of clathrin-independent cargo trafficking by the ubiquitin-specific protease TRE17/USP6 and the small GTPase Arf6
小倉由希乃; 船越 祐司; 大林典彦; 金保安則
Tsukuba Global Science Week 2018/2018-9-20--2018-9-22 - more...
- 脱ユビキチン化酵素TRE17/USP6は、CD147の細胞内輸送制御を介してがん細胞浸潤能を亢進する
- Teaching
2024-04 -- 2024-08 Training Abroad on Medical Biology II University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Training Abroad on Medical Biology II University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Training Abroad on Medical Biology III University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Training Abroad on Medical Biology III University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Practice in Diagnostic Pathology I University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Practice in Diagnostic Pathology I University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Basic Medical Sciences University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Basic Medical Sciences University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-07 Clinical Microbiology University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-07 Signal Transduction and Drug Design University of Tsukuba. more...
(Last updated: 2023-08-04)