Researcher's full information

  • Regulation of GATA1 gene expression
    Kobayashi; M.; Yamamoto; M.; +小林 麻己人
    J. Biochem./142(1)/p.1-10, 2007-01
  • 赤血球分化を制御する遺伝子ネットワーク
    小林麻己人; 竹内未紀
    細胞工学/25(1)/p.13-16, 2006-01
  • Nrf2-Keap1 regulation of cellular defense mechanisms against electrophiles and reactive oxygen species
    Kobayashi M; Yamamoto M
    Adv. Enzyme Reg./46/pp.113-140, 2006-01
  • Lhx2 mediates the activity of Six3 in zebrafish forebrain growth
    Ando H; Kobayashi M; Tsubokawa T; Uyemura K; Furuta T; Ok...
    DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY/287(2)/pp.456-468, 2005-11
  • 遺伝研が私にもたらしてくれたもの -いかにゼブラフィッシュとめぐり逢ったか-
    総研大の大学院活性化プログラム,夏休み体験入学, 2005-08
  • Pi class glutathione S-transferase genes are regulated by Nrf2 through an evolutionarily conserved regulatory element in zebrafish
    Suzuki T; Takagi Y; Osanai H; Li L; Takeuchi M; Katoh Y; Kobaya...
    BIOCHEMICAL JOURNAL/388(Part 1)/pp.65-73, 2005-05
  • ゼブラフィッシュと遺伝子発現制御の研究
    第3回貧毛類分子細胞生物学研究会, 2005-03
  • Molecular mechanisms activating the Nrf2-Keap1 pathway of antioxidant gene regulation
    Kobayashi M; Yamamoto M
    ANTIOXIDANTS & REDOX SIGNALING/7(3-4)/pp.385-394, 2005-03
  • Study of the Nrf2-Keap1 pathway using zebrafish system
    Makoto Kobayashi; Yaeko Takagi; Li Li; Miki Takeuchi; Yuk...
    JST-ERATO Environmental Reponse Project International Symposium,, 2005-03
  • A transposon-mediated gene trap approach identifies developmentally regulated genes in zebrafish
    Kawakami K; Takeda H; Kawakami N; Kobayashi M; Matsuda N...
    DEVELOPMENTAL CELL/7(1)/pp.133-144, 2004-07
  • MafT, a new member of the small Maf protein family in zebrafish
    Takagi Y; Kobayashi M; Li L; Suzuki T; Nishikawa K; Yamamoto M
  • Characterization of the pufferfish Otx2 cis-regulators reveals evolutionarily conserved genetic mechanisms for vertebrate head specification
    Kimura-Yoshida C; Kitajima K; Oda-Ishii I; Tian E; Suzuki M; Y...
    DEVELOPMENT/131(1)/pp.57-71, 2004-01
  • Self-association of Gata1 enhances its transcriptional activity in zebra fish embryos
    Nishikawa K.; Kobayashi M.; Masumi A.; Lyons S. E.; Weins...
    Mol. Cell. Biol./23(22)/pp.8295-8305, 2003-01
  • 親電子性物質センサー分子同定を目指したゼブラフィッシュの活用
    実験医学/20/p.1656 1661, 2002-01
  • Identification of the interactive interface and phylogenic conservation of the Nrf2-Keap1 system
    Kobayashi Makoto; Itoh Ken; Suzuki Takafumi; Osanai Hito...
    Genes Cells/7(8)/pp.807-820, 2002-01
  • Early subdivisions in the neural plate define distinct competence for inductive signals.
    Kobayashi; D; Kobayashi; M.; Matsumoto; K.; Ogura; T.; Nakafuku; M...
    Development/129(1)/p.83 93, 2002-01
  • Hematopoietic regulatory domain of gatal gene is positively regulated by GATA-1 protein in zebrafish embryos
    Kobayashi M.; Nishikawa K.; Yamamoto M.
    Development/128(12)/pp.2341-2350, 2001-01
  • The homeobox protein Six3 interacts with the Groucho corepressor and acts as a transcriptional repressor in eye and forebrain formation
    Kobayashi M.; Nishikawa K.; Suzuki T.; Yamamoto M.
    Dev. Biol./232(2)/pp.315-326, 2001-01
  • Isolation, characterization, and expression analysis of zebrafish large Mats
    Kajihara M.; Kawauchi S.; Kobayashi M.; Ogino H.; Takahas...
    J. Biochem./129(1)/pp.139-146, 2001-01
  • Gene regulation of the zebrafish Six4 in the cranial sensory placodes
    Kobayashi; M.; Suzuki; T.; Yamamoto; M.; +小林 麻己人
    Dev. Growth Differ./43(Suppl.)/p.S99, 2001-01
  • Gene regulation of zebrafish Gata1
    Kobayashi; M.; Nishikawa; K.; Yamamoto; M.; +小林 麻己人
    The 2nd International Symposium on GATA Transcription Factors: GATA Factor Functions in Development, 2000-11
  • Study for the molecular mechanism of transcription using the zebrafish system
    The Journal of Japanese Biochemical Society/72(9)/pp.1168-1172, 2000-01
  • 感覚器形成とSix遺伝子
    蛋白質核酸酵素/45/p.2775 2781, 2000-01
  • Expression of three zebrafish Six4 genes in the cranial sensory placodes and the developing somites
    Kobayashi M; Osanai H; Kawakami K; Yamamoto M; +小林 麻己人
    Mechanisms of development/98(1-2)/pp.151-155, 2000-01
  • 赤血球分化の進行と転写因子の離合集散
    小林麻己人; 山本雅之
    実験医学/17/p.258 262, 1999-01
  • more...