OHNIWA Ryosuke

University of Tsukuba
Official title
Research fields
Applied health science
Life / Health / Medical informatics
Sociology/History of science and technology
Molecular biology
Bacteriology (including mycology)
Genetics/Chromosome dynamics
Research keywords
Integrated study
Food and Health
Life science research history
Research evaluation
Traditional medicine
Japanese traditional martial arts
Atomic force microscopy
Research projects
食品成分の効果・効能に関する指導。食品加工における食品成分の安定性に関する学術知見の提供および学術指導2023-07 -- 2023-11Ryosuke Ohniwa/学術指導受託事業270,000Yen
フリーズドライ食品加工およびフリーズドライ加工中における香気成分回収の作業プロセスに関する学術知見の提供および学術指導2023-07 -- 2023-11Ryosuke Ohniwa/学術指導受託事業270,000Yen
武道の指導実践上における「わざ」の伝わり方に焦点を当てた新混合研究手法構築のための基礎的研究2022-06 -- 2023-03Ryosuke OhniwaUniversity of Tsukuba/2022年度ARIHHP研究プロジェクト(学内)240,000Yen
COVID-19がもたらす知のパラダイムシフトの究明2020-06 -- 2021-02Ryosuke OhniwaUniversity of Tsukuba/Program to Apply the Wisdom of the University to tackle COVID -19 Related Emergency Problems800,000Yen
生命科学分野における萌芽的トピック創出の原動力の解明2020-04 -- 2023-03Ryosuke OhniwaJapan Society of for the Promotion of Science/Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Reseach (C)4,290,000Yen
宇宙食認証に関する学術指導2020-04 -- 2020-12Ryosuke Ohniwa/学術指導受託事業300,000Yen
食品保存試験(微生物)に関する学術指導2020-04 -- 2020-12Ryosuke Ohniwa/学術指導受託事業300,000Yen
核様体凝集をトリガーとする複合ストレス環境への適応システムの解明2017-04 -- 2020-03Ryosuke OhniwaJapan Society of for the Promotion of Science/Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Reseach (C)4,940,000Yen
核様体に局在する酸化ストレス消去タンパク質群によるゲノムDNA維持システムの解明2013-04 -- 2016-03Ryosuke OhniwaJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/若手研究(B)4,420,000Yen
黄色ブドウ球菌、常在細菌群のアレルギー性鼻炎病態に及ぼす影響、その基礎的検討2013-04 -- 2016-03Shinji SaitoJapan Society of for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)5,070,000Yen
Career history
2024-08 -- (current)National Taiwan UniversityCollege of MedicineVisiting Professor
2024-08 -- (current)University of TsukubaDepartment of Educational PromotionProfessor
2021-04 -- 2024-07National Taiwan UniversityCollege of MedicineVisiting Associate Professor
2015-04 -- 2021-03National Taiwan UniversityCenter for BiotechnologyAssociate Research Fellow
2014-12 -- 2024-07University of TsukubaFaculty of MedicineAssociate Professor
2012-02 -- 2014-12University of TsukubaFaculty of MedicineAssistant Professor
2007-10 -- 2012-01University of TsukubaGraduate School of Comprehensive Human SciencesAssistant Professor
2006-04 -- 2006-09Kyoto UniversityGraduate School of Biostudies産学官連携研究員
2007-04 -- 2007-09Kyoto UniversityGraduate School of BiostudiesSpecially appointed Assistant Professor
2007-02 -- 2007-03Kyoto UniversityGraduate School of BiostudiesSpecially appointed Assistant Professor
Academic background
1996-04 -- 2000-03Kyoto University Facalty of Integrated Human Studies 自然環境学科
2000-04 -- 2006-03Kyoto University Graduate School of Biostudies 統合生命科学専攻
2007-01生博Kyoto University
Academic societies
2000 -- (current)The Molecular Biology Society of Japan
2004 -- 2010American Society for Cell Biology
  • Reconsidering "Kata (型)" - from science to comprehensive/integrated study -
    大庭 良介
    Kyoto University Press, 2021-08
  • International Medical Science Course (台湾での伝統中国医学コースへの17日間の派遣)
    大庭 良介
    Tsukuba Journal of Medical Science, 2018
  • International Medical Science Course (2015年度国立台湾大学への10日間の派遣)
    大庭 良介; 須田恭之; 入江賢児
    Tsukuba Journal of Medical Science, 2016
  • International Medical Science Course (国立台湾大学への8日間の派遣)
    大庭 良介
    Tsukuba Journal of Medical Science, 2015
  • 表層常在細菌叢と病原体
    大庭 良介
    環境と微生物の事典/朝倉書店/pp.252-253, 2014
  • 酸化ストレス耐性
    大庭 良介
    環境と微生物の事典/朝倉書店/pp.260-260, 2014
  • Genome-Folding Mechanisms in the Three Domains of Life Revealed by AFM
    Hugo Maruyama; Ohniwa Ryosuke L.; Eloise Prieto; Kunio T...
    Atomic Force Microscopy in Nanobiology/Pan Stanford Publishing, 2014
  • Nucleoid Architecture and Dynamics in bacteria
    Ohniwa RL; Morikawa K; Wada C; Ohta T; Takeyasu T.
    Bacterial DNA, DNA Polymerase and DNA Helicases Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2010-03
  • データマイニングからの接近―「抽出する」― 萌芽する科学技術
    京都大学出版会, 2009-10
  • Biochemical and Biophysical Basis of Genome Folding Mechanisms.
    Kobori T; Hizume K; Ohniwa RL; Yoshimura SH; Takeyasu K.
    Progress in Biopolymer Research, 2007-11
  • Comparative Analyses of Genome Architectures among Prokaryote, Organelle and Eukaryote by Nano-scale imaging, Molecular genetics and Bioinformatics(染色体構築機構の生物種間における比較解析;ナノバイ
    大庭 良介
  • SNAREs in plant endocytosis and the post-Golgi traffic.
    Sato MH; Ohniwa RL; Uemura T.
    The Plant endocytosis, 2005-01
  • 研究評価のための新たな指標~パースペクティブファクター
    大庭 良介
    季刊生命誌, 2003
  • The sodium pump goes to the nucleus: when, how and why?
    Yoshimura SH; Ohniwa LS; Ogita Y; Takeyasu K.; +大庭 良介
    Na/K-ATPase and Related ATPase,, 2000-01
Conference, etc.
  • Digital Sustainability and International Collaboration: Transforming Higher Education with JV-Campus
    OHNIWA Ryosuke; IKEDA Keiko; IIYOSHI Toru
    SEAMEO Regional Centre for Higher Education and Development (RIHED)/2024-10-20--2024-10-22
  • Moving beyond mobility broadening the scope of Internationalization
    OHNIWA Ryosuke; IKEDA Keiko
    IAU 2023 International Conference/2023-11-25--2023-11-27
  • 日本の高等教育にとってのマイクロクレデンシャル(MC)の展望 ~アドバンストプレイスメント(AP)など多様な活用へ向けた課題~
    大庭 良介
    Summer Institute on International Education, Japan (SIIEJ) 2024./2024-08-07--2024-08-08
  • Will 2023-2033 be the Turning Point? Post-Pandemic Accelerating Initiative for Japanese HEIs
    Ohniwa Ryosuke
    2024 AIEA Annual conference/2024-02-18--2024-02-21
  • HLF CONNECT BRIEFING 2: Finding, Attracting, (Co)developing & Retaining Talent
    Ohniwa Ryosuke
    HLF SUMMIT 2022 EDITION/2022-11-08--2022-11-08
  • Introduction of JV-Campus
    Ohniwa Ryosuke
    SEAMEO-University of Tsukuba Teacher e-Training Series/2023-03-26--2023-03-26
  • Building Sustainable Higher Education for Japan and its Global Partners
    Ohniwa Ryosuke
    NAFSA 2022 Annual Conference & Expo/2022-06-02--2022-06-02
  • 「大学の国際化促進フォーラム」特別セッション Japan Forum for Internationalization of Universities Special Session
    大庭 良介
    Summer Institute on International Education, Japan 2023/2023-07-21--2023-07-21
  • The Aim of the Japan Forum for Internationalization of Universities
    大庭 良介
    Summer Institute on International Education, Japan 2022/2022-08-25--2022-08-25
  • Evidence for SCCmec transfer by natural transformation in Staphylococcus aureus biofilms.
    Maree Mais; Thuy Nguyen Thi Le; 大庭良介; 東出正人; Msadek Tarek; M...
    21st International Conference on Bacilli and Gram-Positive Bacteria/2022-6-14--2022-6-17
  • 黄色ブドウ球菌Agr系の相変異
    森川 一也; Gor Vishal; 東出正人; Veronica Medrano Romero; 大庭良介
  • COVID-19 as a Research Dynamic Transformer
    Ohniwa Ryosuke
    "New Normal" Science, Multimodality, And Inclusive Societies in Tsukuba Conference 2021/2021-09-30--2021-09-30
  • MRSA emergence is mediated by natural transformation.
    Maree Mais; Thuy Nguyen Thi Le; 大庭良介; Huang Shenghe; Higas...
  • Virulence Reversion in Staphylococcus aureus.
    Gor Vishal; Hoshi Mitsuaki; Takemura Aya J; Higashide Ma...
    1st International Electronic Conference on Microbiology/2020-11-02--2020-11-30
  • Nucleoid dynamics in Staphylococcus aureus.
    Maree Mais; Ushijima Yuri; Ohniwa Ryosuke L.; Morikawa K...
  • A new role of nucleoid dynamics in Staphylococcus aureus.
    Yuri Ushijima; Ryosuke Ohniwa; Shinji Saito; Morikawa Kazuya
    The 9th Tsukuba Medical Science Research Meeting, TGSW/2015-9-28--2015-9-30
  • Oseltamivir Expands Quasispecies of Influenza Virus through Cell-to-cell Transmission
    森 幸太郎; 村野 健作; 大庭 良介; 川口 敦史; 永田 恭介
    The 16th Negative Strand Virus Meeting 2015/2015-06-14--2015-06-19
  • Plant DrgProteins are Cytoplasmic Small GTPase-ObgHomologue
    Suwastika I. Nengah; Ohniwa Ryosuke L.; Takeyasu Kunio; Shii...
    4th International Conference on Sustainable Future for Human Security (SUSTAIN)/2013-10-19--2013-10-21
  • Alternative cardiolipin synthase Cls1 compensates for stalled Cls2 function in Staphylococcus aureus under conditions of acute acid stress.
    Ryosuke L. Ohniwa; Kana Kitabayashi; Morikawa Kazuya
    7th Conference on Functional Genomics of Gram-positive Microorganisms 17th International Conference on Bacilli/2013-06-23--2013-06-27
  • 黄色ブドウ球菌の核様体凝集は酸化ストレス耐性に直接寄与しない
    牛島由理; 大庭良介; 斎藤慎二; 田中良和; 森川 一也
  • Oxidative stress resistance by nucleoide associated protein MrgA essentially requires its iron-sequestrating ability
    Ushijima Y; Ohniwa RL; Maruyama A; Saito S; Tanaka Y; Morikawa K
    15th International Symposium on Staphylococci and Staphylococcal Infections/2012
  • MrgA, a key factor for oxidative stress tolerance in phagocytes.
    Ushijima Y; Ohniwa RL; Saito S; Morikawa K
  • Minor cell specific expression of staphylococcal sigH involves translational control by inversed repeat sequence in 5' untranslated region
    Takemura A; Ohniwa RL; Saito S; Morikawa K
  • Staphylococcus aureusのcardiolipin合成酵素Cls1、Cls2の環境応答性の解明
    北林 佳奈; 大庭良介; 齋藤 慎二; 森川一也
  • Cellular responses of nasal epithelial cells against S. aureus.
    Okano A; Ohniwa RL; Morikawa K; Saito S
    International Union of Microbiological Societies 2011 Congress/2011-09
  • more...
2024-08 -- 2024-09Agro-Biomedical Science Laboratory Seminar IUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2024-11Research and Development for Agro-Biomedical Science IUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-08 -- 2024-09Professional project buildingUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2024-12Basic Molecular NutritionUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Tsukuba Tutorial Guide for Academic StudiesUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-05 -- 2024-08Tsukuba Tutorial Guide for Academic StudiesUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Lecture and Discussion in Genome and Environmental Medicine IUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Practice in Genome and Environmental Medicine IIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-08 -- 2024-08Paradigm of Traditional Kampo MedicineUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Lecture and Discussion in Genome and Environmental Medicine IIUniversity of Tsukuba.
  • 基礎研究 の涵養に必要な研究費のあり方
    大庭 良介
    日本の研究力に求められるものはなにか? ~科研費増額嘆願署名をきっかけに考える「日本の科学をもっと元気に!」/2024-07-24--2024-07-24
  • 科学を補完する「型」の可能性
    大庭 良介
    不確定時代の身体と学び ~身体知が学びの新たな地平をひらく~/2024-04-21
  • 「JV-Campusの現在と未来 ~大学の国際化促進フォーラムの法人化へ向けた展望~」
    大庭 良介
    スーパーグローバル大学創成支援事業(SGU)総括シンポジウム(大学が切り拓く 日本社会のネクストステージ)/2024-03-05--2024-03-05
  • 基礎研究の 研究開発費配分の 最適化を考える ~ノーベル賞の種の蒔き方
    大庭 良介
  • 研究開発費配分の最適化を考える~ノーベル賞の種の蒔き方~
    大庭 良介
  • JV-Campus: An All-Japan International Online Education Platform
    Ohniwa Ryosuke
    10th SEAMEO - University of Tsukuba Symposium/2022-02-10--2022-02-12
  • KATA (型・形) in Japanese Traditional Martial Arts: as methodological tool complementing scientific methodology
    Ohniwa Ryosuke
    J-MENA seminar/2021-12-09--2021-12-09
  • Globalization Of The Campus In The Post-COVID-19 World
    大庭 良介
    Tsukuba Conference 2021/2021-09-30--2021-09-30
  • Short Programs in UT
    大庭 良介
    International Administrator's Workshop 2017/2017-12--2017-12
  • The activities of UT in Taiwan; Past, Present and Future
    Ohniwa Ryosuke
    NTU International Affair Workshop/2017-07--2017-07
  • University of Tsukuba Oversea Offices
    Ohniwa Ryosuke
    Cross-Strait Conference for Senior Administrators 2015/2015-06--2015-06
Professional activities
2023-04 -- 2024-042023年度全国高校生フォーラム「ディスカッション(生徒交流会)」/アドバイザー
2021-04 -- (current)筑波会議企画委員会委員
2022-04 -- 2023-032022年度全国高校生フォーラム「ディスカッション(生徒交流会)」/アドバイザー
2022-01 -- (current)大学の国際化促進フォーラムJapan Virtual Campus運営委員会/委員長
2021-07 -- 2022-03SDG-UPカリキュラム分科会
University Management
2024-04 -- (current)Office of International Online EducationDirector
2024-01 -- (current)チュートリアル学修推進委員会委員
2023-05 -- (current)地球規模課題学位プログラム運営委員会委員
2023-01 -- (current)先端教学推進機構運営会議委員
2022-09 -- (current)WWL(ワールド・ワイド・ラーニング)コンソーシアム構築支援事業 個別最適な学習環境の構築に向けた研究開発事業委員
2022-04 -- (current)分野融合型数理・データサイエンス・AI 教育推進本部委員
2022-04 -- 2024-03広報局エンゲージメント戦略室室員
2022-04 -- (current)福利厚生委員会委員
2021-09 -- (current)国際連携食料健康科学専攻プログラム点検・評価小委員会委員長
2021-09 -- (current)国際連携食料健康科学専攻運営員会副委員長

(Last updated: 2024-12-26)