INOMATA Shinichi
- Conference, etc.
- 先天性グルコシル化異常症の麻酔管理
猪股 伸一
第35回日本臨床麻酔学会/2015-10-21--2015-10-23 - 一側肺換気を契機に発見された肺塞栓とATⅢ欠損症
猪股 伸一
第35回日本臨床麻酔学会/2015-10-21--2015-10-23 - Optimal Levobupivacaine Concentration for Ultrasound-Guided Rectus Sheath Block in Pediatric Patients
猪股 伸一
第62回日本麻酔科学会総会/2015-5-28--2015-5-30 - Measurements of fatigue in anesthesiologists with human herpes virus-6 DNA extracted from saliva
猪股 伸一
THE EUROPIAN ANAESTHESIOLOGY CONGRESS (Euroanaesthesia 2015)/2015-5-30--2015-6-2 - Optimal Levobupivacaine Concentration for Ultrasound-Guided Rectus Sheath Block in Pediatric Patients
猪股 伸一
THE EUROPIAN ANAESTHESIOLOGY CONGRESS (Euroanaesthesia 2015)/2015-5-30--2015-6-2 - Progesterone decreases anaesthetic requirement in male mice
猪股 伸一
THE EUROPIAN ANAESTHESIOLOGY CONGRESS (Euroanaesthesia 2015)/2015-5-30--2015-6-2 - Measurements of fatigue in anesthesiologists with human herpes virus-6 DNA extracted from saliva
Inomata Shinichi
Annual meeting, European Society of Anaesthesiology/2014-05-31--2014-06-03 - Comparison of allele frequencies in opioid receptor gene OPRM1 (6q24-25, A118G) among different racial population groups, and the effects of the genetic polymorphism on μ-opioid receptor agonist requirements
Inomata Shinichi
Annual meeting, European Society of Anaesthesiology/2014-05-31--2014-06-03 - 唾液から抽出したHuman herpes virus 6 (HHV-6) DNAを用いた麻酔科医の疲労度測定
猪股 伸一
日本麻酔科学会第61回学術集会/2014-05-15--2014-05-17 - 唾液を用いた遺伝子変異解析法の確立と日本人1,300人を対象としたオピオイド受容体変異率の都道府県比較
猪股 伸一
日本麻酔科学会第61回学術集会/2014-05-15--2014-05-17 - 乳がん手術の長期生命予後に対する硬膜外麻酔併用の効果
猪股 伸一
日本麻酔科学会第61回学術集会/2014-05-15--2014-05-17 - 挿管直後に急性大動脈解離を発症して死亡した挿管困難患者の症例
猪股 伸一
日本臨床麻酔学会第34回大会/2014-11-01--2014-11-03 - 確実に効く神経ブロック〜必要な局所麻酔薬濃度について
猪股 伸一
日本臨床麻酔学会第34回大会/2014-11-01--2014-11-03 - The end-tidal sevoflurane concentration for maintaining bispectral index below 50 changes with aging in infants and children.
Inomata Shinichi
Annual meeting, American Society of Anesthesiologists/2012-10-14--2012-10-18 - Minimum and optimum ropivacaine concentrations for ultrasound-guided ilioinguinal / iliohypogastric nerve block in pediatric patients anesthetized with sevoflurane.
Inomata Shinichi
Annual meeting, American Society of Anesthesiologists/2012-10-14--2012-10-18 - When a cuffless tracheal tube bends in a pediatric patient, how shallow does the tube become?
Inomata Shinichi
Annual meeting, American Society of Anesthesiologists/2012-10-14--2012-10-18 - Levobupivacaine concentration required for ultrasound guided ilioinguinal/iliohypogastric nerve block.
Inomata Shinichi
Annual meeting, American Society of Anesthesiologists/2012-10-14--2012-10-18 - Gender Differences and Acute Tolerance in Laughing Gas Potency.
Inomata Shinichi
Annual meeting, American Society of Anesthesiologists/2012-10-14--2012-10-18 - Spread of Local Anesthetic into Epidural Space in Children as Assessed by Ultrasonography.
Inomata Shinichi
Annual meeting, American Society of Anesthesiologists/2012-10-14--2012-10-18
- 先天性グルコシル化異常症の麻酔管理