Researcher's full information

  • ラット褐色細胞腫細胞PC12においてスニチニブによるアポトーシス作用はオートファジー抑制により亢進する(OP-116 その他の内分泌,一般演題,第114回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
    池田 達彦; 竹越 一博; 石井 清朗; 島野 仁; 原 尚人
    Journal of Japan Surgical Society/115(2)/p.520, 2014-03
  • Endomyocardial biopsy in a patient with hemorrhagic pheochromocytoma presenting as inverted Takotsubo cardiomyopathy
    Iio Kohei; Sakurai Shunpei; Kato Tamon; Nishiyama Shigek...
    HEART AND VESSELS/28(2)/pp.255-263, 2013-03
  • Inhibition of Autophagy Enhances Sunitinib-Induced Cytotoxicity in Rat Pheochromocytoma PC12 cells
    Ikeda Tatsuhiko; Ishii Kiyo-aki; Saito Yuria; Miura Masahiro...
    JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES/121(1)/pp.67-73, 2013-01
  • Juvenile-onset Hereditary Pheochromocytoma-paraganglioma Syndrome
    Sugisawa Chiho; Okada Yosuke; Arao Tadashi; Mori Hiroko; ...
    INTERNAL MEDICINE/52(2)/pp.281-284, 2013-01
  • Elovl6 promotes nonalcoholic steatohepatitis
    Matsuzaka Takashi; Atsumi Ayaka; Matsumori Rie; Nie Tang; Shi...
    HEPATOLOGY/56(6)/pp.2199-2208, 2012-12
  • Identical germline mutations in the TMEM127 gene in 2 unrelated Japanese patients with bilateral pheochromocytoma.
    Takeichi N; Midorikawa S; Watanabe A; Naing BT; Tamura H...
    Clin Endocrinol/77(5)/pp.707-714, 2012-11
  • Identical germline mutations in the TMEM127 gene in two unrelated Japanese patients with bilateral pheochromocytoma
    Takeichi N; Midorikawa S; Watanabe A; Naing BT; Tamura H; Waka...
    Clin Endocrinol (Oxf)/77/pp.707-714, 2012-11
  • Sunitinib Inhibits Catecholamine Synthesis and Secretion in Pheochromocytoma Tumor Cells by Blocking VEGF Receptor 2 via PLC-γ-related Pathways.
    Aita Y; Ishii KA; Saito Y; Ikeda T; Kawakami Y; Shimano ...
    AJP(American Journal of Physiology) - Endocrinology and Metabolism/303(8)/p.E1006-1014., 2012-10
  • Sunitinib inhibits catecholamine synthesis and secretion in pheochromocytoma tumor cells by blocking VEGF receptor 2 via PLC-γ-related pathways
    Aita Y; Ishii KA; Saito Y; Ikeda T; Kawakami Y; Shimano H; Hara...
    Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab/303/E1006-14, 2012-08
  • The diagnostic efficacy of measurement of fractionated plasma free metanephrines in the biochemical diagnosis of pheochromocytoma
    磯部和正; 竹越 一博; 川上 康
    Official Journal of the Japan Association of Endocrine Surgeons and the Japanese Society of Thyroid Surgery/29(2)/pp.101-103, 2012-06
  • Hereditary pheochromocytoma/ paraganglioma syndrome(HPPS)
    竹越 一博; 川上 康
    Official Journal of the Japan Association of Endocrine Surgeons and the Japanese Society of Thyroid Surgery/29(2)/pp.104-112, 2012
  • Sunitinib induces apoptosis in pheochromocytoma tumor cells by inhibiting VEGFR2/Akt/mTOR/S6K1 pathways through modulation of Bcl-2 and BAD
    Saito Y; Tanaka Y; Aita Y; Ishii KA; Ikeda T; Isobe K; Kawakami...
    Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab/302/E615-25, 2011-08
  • Sunitinib induces apoptosis in pheochromocytoma tumor cells by inhibiting VEGFR2/Akt/mTOR/S6K1 pathways through modulation of Bcl-2 and BAD
    Saito Yuria; Tanaka Yuko; Aita Yuichi; Ishii Kiyo-aki; Ik...
  • Inhibition of Ubiquitin Ligase F-box and WD Repeat Domain-containing 7 alpha (Fbw7 alpha) Causes Hepatosteatosis through Kruppel-like Factor 5 (KLF5)/Peroxisome Proliferator-activated Receptor gamma 2 (PPAR gamma 2) Pathway but Not SREBP-1c Protein in Mice
    Kumadaki Shin; Karasawa Tadayoshi; Matsuzaka Takashi; Ema...
    JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY/286(47)/pp.40835-40846, 2011-11
  • Sterol Regulatory Element-Binding Protein-1 Determines Plasma Remnant Lipoproteins and Accelerates Atherosclerosis in Low-Density Lipoprotein Receptor-Deficient Mice
    Karasawa Tadayoshi; Takahashi Akimitsu; Saito Ryo; Sekiya...
  • PS-076-6 褐色細胞腫診断における血中遊離メタネフリン・ノルメタネフリン測定の有用性の検討(PS-076 ポスターセッション(76)甲状腺・その他,第111回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
    田中 優子; 磯部 和正; 竹越 一博; 田地 佳那; 岡田 尚子; 斎藤 剛; 池田 達彦; 井口 研子; 坂東...
    Journal of Japan Surgical Society/112(1)/p.636, 2011-05
  • A Large Deletion in the Succinate Dehydrogenase B Gene (SDHB) in a Japanese Patient with Abdominal Paraganglioma and Concomitant Metastasis
    Kodama Hitomi; Iihara Masatoshi; Nissato Sumiko; Isobe K...
    ENDOCRINE JOURNAL/57(4)/pp.351-356, 2010-04
  • A large deletion in the succinate dehydrogenase B gene (SDHB) in a Japanese patient with abdominal paraganglioma and concomitant metastasis.
    Kodama H; Iihara M; Nissato S; Isobe K; Kawakami Y; Okamo...
    Endocr J/57(4)/p.351-6, 2010-04
  • Pheochromocytoma: An update in Japan
    Takekoshi Kazuhiro; Isobe Kazumasa; Kawakami Yasushi
    ENDOCRINE JOURNAL/57(Suppl. 2)/pp.0-0, 2010-03
  • 「褐色細胞腫の実態調査と診療指針」に関する研究(成瀬班)
    厚生労働省科学研究費補助金難治性疾患克服研究事業/p.49-51, 2010-03
  • Effect of Urotensin II on PC12 Rat Pheochromocytoma Cells
    Aita Y.; Kasahara T.; Isobe K.; Kawakami Y.; Takekoshi K.
    JOURNAL OF NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY/22(2)/pp.83-91, 2009-12
  • 遺伝性褐色細胞腫の遺伝子診断、わが国の現状、その有用性と限界
    竹越一博; 児玉ひとみ; 緑川早苗; 新里寿美子; 磯部和正; 川上康; 櫻井晃洋:
    家族性腫瘍/10(1)/p.6-10, 2010-01
  • Frequency of hereditary pheochromocytoma and clinical feature of the SDHB positive patient
    児玉 ひとみ; 竹越 一博; 飯原 雅季; 岡本 高宏; 小原 孝男
    内分泌外科 = Endocrine surgery/26(4)/pp.187-193, 2009-12
  • SDHB変異による悪性褐色細胞腫の本邦症例について
    竹越 一博; 磯部 和正; 川上 康
    日本内分泌学会雑誌/85(0)/pp.146-148, 2009-08
  • Novel Mutation (L157X) in the Succinate Dehydrogenase B Gene (SDHB) in a Japanese Family with Abdominal Paraganglioma Following Lung Metastasis
    Endocr J/56(3)/pp.451-458, 2009-06
  • more...