- Articles
- Novel Mutation (L157X) in the Succinate Dehydrogenase B Gene (SDHB) in a Japanese Family with Abdominal Paraganglioma Following Lung Metastasis
Saito Tomohito; Saito Yukihito; Matsumura Koichiro; Tsubo...
ENDOCRINE JOURNAL/56(3)/pp.451-458, 2009-06 - Adiponectin and Adiponectin Receptors in Human Pheochromocytoma
Isobe Kazumasa; Fu Ling; Tatsuno Ichirou; Takahashi Hide...
JOURNAL OF ATHEROSCLEROSIS AND THROMBOSIS/16(4)/pp.442-447, 2009-01 - 258. 長時間運動に伴う血糖低下に及ぼすタウリン投与の影響とその機序 : 動物モデルによる検討(代謝,一般口演,第63回日本体力医学会大会)
石倉 恵介; 宮川 俊平; 矢田部 佳久; 竹越 一博; 大森 肇
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine/57(6)/p.761, 2008-12 - 内分泌・代謝疾患
家入 蒼生夫; 菱沼 昭; 竹越 一博
日本内科学会雑誌/97(12)/pp.2983-2990, 2008-12 - 褐色細胞腫の遺伝子診断、特集医学と医療の最前線
竹越 一博; 磯部 和正; 川上 康
日本内科学会雑誌/97(10)/pp.2558-2565, 2008-10 - 12.原発巣摘出後7年目に多発性肺転移を生じたSDHB変異陽性遺伝性悪性パラガングリオーマの1例(第88回日本肺癌学会関西支部会,関西支部,支部活動)
齊藤 朋人; 馬庭 知弘; 金田 浩由紀; 南 健一郎; 齊藤 幸人; 竹越 一博; 坂井田 紀子; 植村 芳子
石倉 恵介; 宮川 俊平; 矢田部 佳久; 竹越 一博; 大森 肇
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine/57(4)/pp.475-483, 2008-08 - EFFECT OF TAURINE SUPPLEMENTATION ON BLOOD GLUCOSE CONCENTRATION DURING PROLONGED EXERCISE
Ishikura Keisuke; Miyakawa Shumpei; Yatabe Yoshihisa; Tak...
JAPANESE JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL FITNESS AND SPORTS MEDICINE/57(4)/pp.475-483, 2008-08 - Herediatary pheochromocytoma/paraganglioma sydrome
竹越 一博; 櫻井 晃洋
内分泌外科 = Endocrine surgery/25(2)/pp.115-125, 2008-06 - R46Q mutation in the succinate dehydrogenase B gene (SDHB) in a Japanese family with both abdominal and thoracic paraganglioma following metastasis
Takekoshi Kazuhiro; Isobe Kazumasa; Suzuki Hiroaki; Nissa...
ENDOCRINE JOURNAL/55(2)/pp.299-303, 2008-04 - The effects of beta(3)-adrenoceptor agonist CL-316,243 on adiponectin, adiponectin receptors and tumor necrosis factor-alpha expressions in adipose tissues of obese diabetic KKAy mice
Fu Ling; Isobe Kazumasa; Zeng Qin; Suzukawa Kazumi; Takek...
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY/584(1)/pp.202-206, 2008-04 - Germline mutation in the SDHB in Japanese malignant pheochromocytomas
K Takekoshi; Y kawakmi
Journal of Hypertension/25(supplement)/p.S36, 2008 - 193. 長時間運動に伴う血糖低下に及ぼすタウリン投与の影響(代謝,第62回日本体力医学会大会)
石倉 恵介; 宮川 俊平; 矢田部 佳久; 竹越 一博; 大森 肇
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine/56(6)/p.675, 2007-12 - Genetic Testing in Malignant Pheochromocytomas
竹越 一博; 磯部 和正; 川上 康
ホルモンと臨牀/55(11)/pp.1117-1127, 2007-11 - Effects of short-term exercise on adiponectin and adiponectin receptor levels in rats
Zeng Qin; Fu Ling; Takekoshi Kazuhiro; Kawakami Yasushi; ...
JOURNAL OF ATHEROSCLEROSIS AND THROMBOSIS/14(5)/pp.261-265, 2007-10 - Effects of Short-Term Exercise on Adiponectin and Adiponectin Receptor Levels in Rats
ZENG Qin; FU Ling; TAKEKOSHI Kazuhiro; KAWAKAMI Yasushi; ...
J Atheroscler Thromb/14(5)/pp.261-265, 2007-10 - 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-1-beta-4-ribofuranoside stimulates tyrosine hydroxylase activity and catecholamine secretion by activation of AMP-Activated protein kinase in PC12 cells
Fukuda T.; Ishii K.; Nanmoku T.; Isobe K.; Kawakami Y.; T...
JOURNAL OF NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY/19(8)/pp.621-631, 2007-08 - beta-adrenoceptor agonists downregulate adiponectin, but upregulate adiponectin receptor 2 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha expression in adipocytes
Fu Ling; Isobe Kazumasa; Zeng Qin; Suzukawa Kazumi; Takek...
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY/569(1-2)/pp.155-162, 2007-08 - AICAR stimulates Tyrosine Hydroxylase activity and Catecholamine Secretion by Activation of AMPK in PC12 Cells
Fukuda T; Isobe K; Kawakami Y; Takekoshi K
Journal of Neuroendocrinology/19(8)/p.621-631, 2007-01 - Effects of exercise on adiponectin and adiponectin receptor levels in rats
Zeng Q.; Isobe K.; Fu L.; Ohkoshi N.; Ohmori H.; Takekosh...
LIFE SCIENCES/80(5)/pp.454-459, 2007-01 - Mutations in the SDHB and SDHD Genes in Japanese Pheochromocytomas.
Isobe K; Minowada S; Tatsuno I; Suzukawa K; Nissato S; Na...
Horm Res/68(2)/p.68-71, 2007-01 - 235. 持久性運動に伴う血中遊離トリプトファン/分岐鎖アミノ酸比の変化と加算作業効率の関係(代謝, 第61回 日本体力医学会大会)
大森 肇; 石倉 恵介; 緒方 知徳; 木須 久智; 竹越 一博
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine/55(6)/p.696, 2006-12 - 369. レジスタンス運動が眼圧に及ぼす影響(トレーニング, 第61回 日本体力医学会大会)
木須 久智; 石倉 恵介; 緒方 知徳; 山崎 慎介; 竹越 一博; 川上 康; 大森 肇
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine/55(6)/p.763, 2006-12 - Effect of norepinephrine on RhoA, MAP kinase, proliferation and VEGF expression in human umbilical vein endothelial cells
Seya Yumi; Fukuda Toshiyuki; Isobe Kazumasa; Kawakami Ya...
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY/553(1-3)/pp.54-60, 2006-12 - 褐色細胞腫の遺伝子診断
竹越 一博
日本内分泌学会雑誌/82(3)/p.643, 2006-12 - more...
- Novel Mutation (L157X) in the Succinate Dehydrogenase B Gene (SDHB) in a Japanese Family with Abdominal Paraganglioma Following Lung Metastasis