Researcher's full information

  • Effects of pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide (PACAP) on the cardiovascular system.
    Suzuki Y; Kasai K; Takekoshi K; Oka M; Banba N; Numao T; ...
    Regulatory Peptides/47(2)/p.213-220, 1993-01
  • Effect of NG-nitro-L-arginine on shock induced by endotoxin and by platelet activating factor in dogs
    Takekoshi K; Kasai K; Suzuki Y; Banba N; Shimoda S.
    European Journal of Pharmacology/250/p.465, 1993-01
  • The effect of NG-nitro-L-Arginine administration on the hemodynamics and plasma hormone levels during endotoxin shock in dogs
    竹越一博; 笠井貴久夫; 中村勤.
    日本内分泌学会雑誌/69(3)/p.135, 1993-01
  • 血管内皮細胞のprostacyclinおよびendothelin産生分泌に対するL-arginineの調節作用
    竹越一博; 伴場信之; 笠井貴久男; 下田新一.
    獨協医学会雑誌/8/p.295, 1993-01
  • Effect of retinoic acid on the differentiated functions and DNA synthesis in cultured porcine thyroid follicles
    Shimoda S; Emoto T; Ichimura K; Hiraiwa M; Takekoshi K; K...
    Progress in Thyroid Research/p.591-594, 1991-01
  • Presence of calcitonin gene-related peptide-like immunoreactivity in human and rat thyroid glands, and its modification by pharmacological and endocrine treatment
    Suzuki Y; Suzuki H; Muramatsu H; Takekoshi K; Tsuchiya T...
    Dokkyo Journal of Medical Sciences/17/p.1, 1990-01
  • Increased endothelin concentration in CSF from patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage
    Suzuki H; Sato S; Suzuki Y; Takekoshi K; Ishihara N; Shim...
    Acta Neurologica Scandinavica/81(6), 1988-01