SAKAE Takeji

Researcher's full information

Conference, etc.
  • Towards clinical trial of iBNCT project
    Akira Matsumura; Kumada Hiroaki; Yinuo Li; Susumu Tanaka...
    19th International Congress on Neutron Capture Therapy/2021-09-27--2021-10-01
  • Current Beam Performance of iBNCT001, the demonstrator of a linac-based BNCT device in University of Tsukuba
    Kumada Hiroaki; Yinuo Li; Susumu Tanaka; Yoshitaka Matsu...
    19th International Congress on Neutron Capture Therapy/2021-09-27--2021-10-01
  • 新規水溶性溶媒「イオン液体」を用いたBPA 製剤としてのin vitro およびin vivo 評価
    坂居知憲; 寺田利子; 鮫島未森; 河上清香; 亀川展幸; 竹内亮太; 中井啓; Zaboronok Alexander; 佐藤...
  • つくばグループの直線型加速器ベースBNCT照射装置・実証機“iBNCT001”のビーム特性測定
    熊田 博明; 李宜諾; 田中進; 中井啓; 松本孔貴; 高田健太; 内藤富士雄; 栗原俊一; 杉村高志; 佐藤将春; 松村昭; 櫻井英...
  • In vitro and in vivo evaluation of a novel BPA formulation using ionic liquid as a water-soluble solvent.
    Sakai T.; Terada R.; Sato Y.; Samesima M.; Kawakami S.; K...
  • 筑波大学附属病院の施設紹介
    小林 大輔; 磯辺 智範; 杉本 開; 富田 哲也; 森 祐太郎; 武居 秀行; 榮 武二; 櫻井 英幸
    第1回 アスクーフ技術交流会/2021-06--2021-06
  • 温熱療法における装置の安全性評価 〜医療従事者は安全なのか?〜
    小林 大輔; 磯辺 智範; 杉本 開; 富田 哲也; 森 祐太郎; 武居 秀行; 榮 武二; 櫻井 英幸
    第1回 アスクーフ技術交流会/2021-06--2021-06
  • 中高年肥満者における全身振動プログラムが糖代謝能と疲労度に及ぼす影響
    張翰林; 金美珍; 金泰浩; 磯辺 智範; 森祐太郎; 榮武二; 大藏倫博; 田中喜代次; 呉世昶
  • Evaluation of a novel boron cluster-conjugated PEG derivative for BNCT
    M Shirakawa; Y Sato; T Sakai; R Terada; M Sameshima; N K...
    19th International Congress on Neutron Capture Therapy/2021-9-5--2021-9-10
  • Current development status of iBNCT device, the demonstrator of a linac-based neutron source for BNCT
    Kumada Hiroaki; Li Yinuo; Takada Kenta; Tanaka Susumu; Ma...
    PTCOG 59/2021-06-04--2021-06-8
  • Beam performance of the linac-based neutron source for BNCT in University of Tsukuba
    Kumada Hiroaki; Li Y; Tanaka S; Naito F; Kurihara T; Sugi...
  • Decreased cardiorespiratory fitness is strongly associated with metabolic syndrome: A cross-sectional study.
    Isobe Tomonori; Kim Bokun; Oh Sechang; Sakae Takeji
    2020 International Congress on Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome (ICOMES) meeting/2020-09--2020-09
  • Molecular hydrogen improves exercise endurance capacity in mice.
    Isobe Tomonori; Takakura Yu; Nishino Ryo; Hayakawa Rurik...
    2020 International Congress on Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome (ICOMES) meeting/2020-09--2020-09
  • Anti-steatosis and fibrosis effect is a weight loss-independent benefit of regular exercise on NAFLD: a retrospective study.
    Oh Sechang; Kim Bokun; Isobe Tomonori; Sakae Takeji; Shod...
    2020 International Congress on Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome (ICOMES) meeting/2020-09--2020-09
  • 非アルコール性脂肪性肝疾患(NAFLD)における運動療法の重要性
    呉 世昶; 森 祐太郎; 磯辺智範; 榮 武二; 正田純一
  • 水素水による抗酸化能の増大が運動耐容能に与える影響
    高倉 有; 西野 遼; 平野伸一; 早川瑠璃子; 呉世昶; 森 祐太郎; 磯辺智範; 榮武二
  • Computational evaluation of dose distribution for BNCT treatment combined with X-ray therapy or proton beam therapy
    Takada Kenta; Kumada Hiroaki; Matsumura Akira; Sakurai...
    18th International Congress on Neutron Capture Therapy (ICNCT)/2018-10-28--2018-11-02
  • Evaluation of the characteristics of the neutron beam of a linac-based neutron source for boron neutron capture therapy
    Kumada Hiroaki; Takada Kenta; Tanaka Susumu; Matsumoto...
    18th International Congress on Neutron Capture Therapy (ICNCT)/2018-10-28--2018-11-02
  • CRT-Dを含めて高線量照射を施行した巨大甲状腺 がん胸骨転移の一例
    後藤 雅明; 大西 かよ子; 中村 雅俊; 小林 大輔; 都島 由希子; 山﨑 浩; 室伏 景子; 水本 斉志; ...
  • Target boundary tracking on BEV by patient-specific deep learning
    Terunuma Toshiyuki; Sakae Takeji
  • Effectiveness of Dynamic Adaptive Proton Therapy with Computed Tomography Image Guidance in Prostate Cancer
    Moriya Shunsuke; Tachibana Hidenobu; Hotta Kenji; Nakamur...
    AAPM 60th Annual Meeting & Exhibition/2018-07-29--2018-08-02
  • Effectiveness of Dynamic Adaptive Proton Therapy with Computed Tomography Image Guidance in Abdomen
    Moriya Shunsuke; Tachibana Hidenobu; Hotta Kenji; Nakamur...
    AAPM 59th Annual Meeting & Exhibition/2017-07-30--2017-08-03
  • Verification of performance for dose estimation for BNCT by the Monte Carlo based multi-modal treatment planning system
    H Kumada; K Takada; S Tanaka; A Matsumura; Sakurai Hidey...
    PTCOG58 MANCHESTER 2019/2019-06-14--2019-06-14
  • Neutron beam performance of iBNCT as the linac-based neutron source for BNCT in University of Tsukuba
    H Kumada; S Tanaka; F Naito; T Kurihara; T Sugimura; Saku...
  • 高エネルギー放射線場における水晶体被ばく線量評価に関する基礎的検討
    宮﨑渉平; 森 祐太郎; 武居 秀行; 富田 哲也; 小林 大輔; 横田 浩; 榮 武二; 磯辺 智範
  • more...