- Articles
- Transgenic over-expression of GATA-1 mutant lacking N-finger domain causes hemolytic syndrome in mouse erythroid cells
Nakano M; Ohneda K; Yamamoto-Mukai H; Shimizu R; Ohneda O; Ohm...
GENES TO CELLS/10(1)/pp.47-62, 2005-01 - Atorvastatin enhances bone density in ovariectomized rats given 17 beta-estradiol or human parathyroid hormone(1-34)
Kawane T; Terashima S; Kurahashi L; Yanagawa T; Yoshida H; Hor...
ENDOCRINE/24(2)/pp.121-129, 2004-07 - Nrf2 deficiency causes tooth decolourization due to iron transport disorder in enamel organ
Yanagawa T; Itoh K; Uwayama J; Shibata Y; Yamaguchi A; Sano T; ...
GENES TO CELLS/9(7)/pp.641-651, 2004-07 - Transcriptional activation of p62/A170/ZIP during the formation of the aggregates: possible mechanisms and the role in Lewy body formation in Parkinson's disease
Nakaso K; Yoshimoto Y; Nakano T; Takeshima T; Fukuhara Y...
BRAIN RESEARCH/1012(1-2)/pp.42-51, 2004-06 - Induction of osteoblast differentiation indices by statins in MC3T3-E1 cells
Maeda T; Matsunuma A; Kurahashi I; Yanagawa T; Yoshida H.; Hor...
JOURNAL OF CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY/92(3)/pp.458-471, 2004-06 - Heme oxygenase-1 expression predicts cervical lymph node metastasis of tongue squamous cell carcinomas
Yanagawa T; Omura K; Harada H; Nakaso K; Iwasa S; Koyama Y; Oni...
ORAL ONCOLOGY/40(1)/pp.21-27, 2004-01 - Parathyroid hormone (PTH) down-regulates PTH/PTH-related protein receptor gene expression in UMR-106 osteoblast-like cells via a 3 ',5 '-cyclic adenosine monophosphate-dependent, protein kinase A-independent pathway
Kawane T; Mimura J; Yanagawa T; Fujii-Kuriyama Y; Horiuch...
JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY/178(2)/pp.247-256, 2003-08 - Factors associated with diagnostic delay of oral squamous cell carcinoma. ”jointly worked”
柳川 徹
Oral Oncol/39/p.781-788, 2003-01 - Parathyroid hormone (PTH) down-regulates PTH/PTH-related protein receptor gene expression in UMR- 106 osteoblast-like cells via a 3', 5'-cyclic adenosine monophosphate-dependent, protein kinase A-independent pathway. ”jointly worked”
柳川 徹
J Endocrinol/178(247), 2003-01 - Activation of Nrf2 and accumulation of ubiquitinated A170 by arsenic in osteoblasts. ”jointly worked”
柳川 徹
Biochem Biophys Res Commun/305/p.271-277, 2003-01 - 柳川 徹、遊佐 浩、鬼澤浩司郎、吉田 廣:/頬部腫脹を初発症状とした上大静脈症候群の一例
柳川 徹
日本口腔外科学会雑誌/(48(1))/p.28-30, 2002-01 - Kojiro Onizawa, Naomichi Okamura, Hideo Saginoya, Hiroshi Yusa, Toru Yanagawa, Hiroshi Yoshida /Analysis of fluorescence in oral squamous cell carcinoma(共著)
柳川 徹
Oral Oncology/(38)/p.343-348, 2002-01 - H. Yusa, H.Yoshida, E.Ueno, K. Onizawa, T. Yanagawa /Ultrasound-guided surgical drainage of face and neck abscesses(共著)
Yusa H; Yoshida H; Ueno E; Onizawa K; 柳川 徹
Int.J.Oral Maxillofac.Surg/31(3)/pp.327-329, 2002-01 - Hiroshi Yusa, Hiroshi Yoshida, Ei Ueno, Kenji Yamagata, Kojiro Onizawa, Toru Yanagawa/Follow-up ultrasonography for late neck metastasis of head and neck cancer(共著)
柳川 徹
Ultrasound in Med. & Biol./(28)/p.725-730, 2002-01 - 好中球減少症患者の抜歯におけるgranulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF)の使用(共著)
柳川 徹
口科誌/51/p.256-260, 2002-01 - 口腔癌患者の内視鏡検査による上部消化管スクリーニング(共著)
柳川 徹
茨城県歯科医学会誌/10/p.58-59, 2002-01 - 当科で経験した下顎歯肉癌患者の臨床的検討(共著)
柳川 徹
茨城県歯科医学会誌/10/p.56-57, 2002-01 - IAT Fit IIインプラントの使用経験(共著)
柳川 徹
茨城県歯科医学会誌/10/p.46-47,, 2002-01 - 武内 保敏, 鬼澤浩司郎, 遊佐 浩, 生井 友農, 石上 敏幸, 山縣 憲司, 白土 貴之, 中野 真祐, 柳川 徹, 吉田 廣:/嚢胞の臨床統計学的検討(共著)
柳川 徹
茨城県歯科医学会誌/(9)/p.4-5, 2001-01 - Toshiyuki Ishigami, Hiroshi Yoshida, Hiroshi Yusa, Toru Yanagawa:/Gingival cancer suspected to producing granulocyte colony-stimulating factor : report of a case(共著)
柳川 徹
J Oral Maxillofac Surg/(59)/p.804-808, 2001-01 - 宮嶋洋二郎, 柳川 徹, 遊佐 浩, 鬼澤浩司郎, 吉田 廣, 藤原 正親, 野口 雅之:/乳頭腫様の外観を呈した周辺性エナメル上皮腫の1例(共著)
柳川 徹
日口診誌/(14)/p.407-401, 2001-01 - 若月 俊典, 柳川 徹, 遊佐 浩, 石上 敏幸, 生井 友農, 山縣 憲司, 中野 真祐, 白土 貴之, 鬼澤浩司郎, 吉田 廣:/肝疾患患者の抜歯治療の検討(共著)
柳川 徹
茨城県歯科医学会誌/(9)/p.6-7, 2001-01 - Induction of murine intestinal and hepatic peroxiredoxin MSP23 by dietary butylated hydroxyanisole (共著)
柳川 徹
Carcinogenesis/21(5)/p.1013-1016, 2000-01 - Pattern of occult cervical lymph node metastasis and neck dissection in NO case of Squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue (共著)
柳川 徹
Jpn. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg./46(4)/p.191-195, 2000-01 - 上顎洞癌患者の初診時パノラマX線所見(共著)
柳川 徹
日口診誌/13/p.127-131, 2000-01 - more...
- Transgenic over-expression of GATA-1 mutant lacking N-finger domain causes hemolytic syndrome in mouse erythroid cells