- Articles
- Synergistic effect of proteinuria on dipstick hematuria-related decline in kidney function: The Japan Specific Health Checkups (J-SHC) Study
Tasaki Hikari; Eriguchi Masahiro; Yoshida Hisako; Uemu...
Clinical and experimental nephrology/27(12)/pp.990-1000, 2023-12-01 - Health-related Quality of Life in 10 years Long-term Survivors of Chronic Kidney Disease: A From-J Study
Okubo Reiko; Kondo Masahide; Imasawa Toshiyuki; Saito ...
JOURNAL OF RENAL NUTRITION/34(2)/pp.161-169, 2024-03-01 - A second update on mapping the human genetic architecture of COVID-19
Kanai Masahiro; Andrews Shea J.; Cordioli Mattia; Stev...
NATURE/621(7977)/pp.E7-+, 2023-09-07 - Association of Lower Extremity Muscle Strength and Function with Renal Resistive Index in Individuals with and without Chronic Kidney Disease
Nishitani Natsumi; Kosaki Keisei; Mori Shoya; Matsui ...
GERIATRICS/8(6), 2023-12 - Association of SERPINA1 with granulomatosis with polyangiitis and PR3-ANCA positive vasculitis in a Japanese population
Kawasaki Aya; Sada Ken-ei; Kusanagi Yasuyoshi; Itoh K...
Modern Rheumatology/34(SUPPLEMENT)/pp.S183-S184, 2024-04 - Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate, Albuminuria, and Adverse Outcomes: An Individual-Participant Data Meta-Analysis
Writing Group for the CKD Prognosis Consortium; Grams Mo...
JAMA-JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION/330(13)/pp.1266-1277, 2023-10-03 - NT-pro BNP level at dialysis initiation is a useful biomarker for predicting hospitalization for ischemic heart disease
Shimohata Homare; Usui Joichi; Tawara-Iida Takashi; Eb...
CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL NEPHROLOGY/28(5)/pp.457-464, 2024-05-01 - Cigarette smoking and progression of kidney dysfunction: a longitudinal cohort study
Matsumoto Ayako; Nagasawa Yasuyuki; Yamamoto Ryouhei; ...
Clinical and experimental nephrology, 2024-04-06 - Exercise instruction during haemodialysis treatment after changes to the insurance regime: a nationwide questionnaire survey in Japan
Sofue Tadashi; Matsuzawa Ryota; Nishiwaki Hiroki; Tsuc...
Scientific Reports/14(1)/p.9171, 2024-04-22 - Renal Hemodynamic and Functional Changes in ADPKD Patients
Ishii Ryota; Kai Hirayasu; Nakajima Kentaro; Harada T...
Kidney360/5(5)/pp.724-731, 2024-03-21 - The usefulness of serum monitoring of mizoribine in patients with myeloperoxidase anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis
Mase Kaori; Saito Chie; Usui Joichi; Arimura Yoshihir...
21st International vasculitis workshop abstracts book/p.273, 2024-04 - 血中ミコフェノール酸濃度測定におけるDimension EXL200とXpandの性能評価 同一測定試薬を用いた測定装置間の比較
吉田 慧悟; 土岐 浩介; 小西 久美; 臼井 丈一; 高橋 一広; 山縣 邦弘; 小田 竜也; 本...
TDM研究/40(4)/pp.87-91, 2023-12 - ケース・スタディ:くり返し失神発作を呈した腹膜透析患者の1例
佐久間 亜紀; 松田 哲; 東 高伸; 中島 修平; 齋藤 知栄; 山縣 邦弘; 阪本 規彰
臨床透析/40(3)/pp.321-327, 2024-03 - 透析患者の便通管理 CKD合併症の改善にもつながる便秘の管理
間瀬 かおり; 山縣邦弘
Hospitalist/11(2)/pp.392-397, 2024-01 - Carbon footprints by stage of chronic kidney disease: the case of Japan
Nagai Kei; Hata Sho; Itsubo Norihiro; Iseki Kunitoshi...
The Journal of Climate Change and Health/15, 2023-12 - 特集2 慢性腎臓病
山縣 邦弘
オーガワールド/38/pp.22-25, 2023-12 - リハビリテーション医学・医療の歴史秘話“あの時なにが?”
山縣 邦弘
臨床リハビリテーション/32(9)/pp.922-926, 2023-08 - リハビリテーション診療update
山縣 邦弘
日本医師会雑誌 特別号 生涯教育シリーズ105/152(2)/pp.244-245, 2023-10 - 特集/腎疾患・透析患者のリハビリテーション 腎疾患の動向と包括的腎臓リハビリテーション
山縣 邦弘
メディカルリハビリテーション/(294)/pp.1-6, 2023-11 - Single-cell analyses and host genetics highlight the role of innate immune cells in COVID-19 severity
Edahiro Ryuya; Shirai Yuya; Takeshima Yusuke; Sakakiba...
NATURE GENETICS/55(5)/pp.753-+, 2023-05 - Relationship between the lower limit of systolic blood pressure target and kidney function decline in advanced chronic kidney disease: an instrumental variable analysis from the REACH-J CKD cohort study
Kurasawa Shimon; Yasuda Yoshinari; Kato Sawako; Maruya...
HYPERTENSION RESEARCH/Epub, 2023-07-18 - Elevated urinary angiotensinogen excretion links central and renal hemodynamic alterations
Kosaki Keisei; Park Jiyeon; Matsui Masahiro; Sugaya T...
Usui Toshiaki; Morito Naoki; Ishibashi Shun; Gogoleva ...
NEPHROLOGY DIALYSIS TRANSPLANTATION/38(1)/pp.I258-I258, 2023-06 - Predictors of hyporesponsiveness to erythropoiesis-stimulating agents in patients with non-dialysis-dependent chronic kidney disease (RADIANCE-CKD Study)
Mase Kaori; Yamagata Kunihiro; Yamamoto Hiroyasu; Tsur...
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF NEPHROLOGY/Epub, 2023-10-04 - "Detecting MUC1 Variants in Patients Clinicopathologically Diagnosed With Having Autosomal Dominant Tubulointerstitial Kidney Disease"Kidney International Reports, (Vol 7, Pg 857, 2022)
Okada Eri; Morisada Naoya; Horinouchi Tomoko; Fujii H...
KIDNEY INTERNATIONAL REPORTS/8(5)/pp.1127-1129, 2023-05 - more...
- Synergistic effect of proteinuria on dipstick hematuria-related decline in kidney function: The Japan Specific Health Checkups (J-SHC) Study